Let’s Play ROBLOX


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The demon fight

 One day a boy called Cole asked Ricardo “can I play”

Ricardo said “yes”

But then it said ROBLOX wasn’t available Cole made a machine that could make people go very small and very big and normal size. Cole said “so I will shrink you so you can jump in my iPad and it will transport you to my house”

“Quickly jump into my iPad and then it will take us into one of the games in ROBLOX”

When Ricardo & Cole got into the game they started searching so when they started searching Ricardo found a hacker so he called Cole so when Cole came over he sore the hacker so they both when up to the hacker when the hacker sore them he said “well well well”

I see you found my secret layer the boy called Cole said “give it up hacker”

So the hacker said “ok only if you win 5of my little mini games

So I will transport you you to epic mini games so he did when we got to epic mini games Ricardo & Cole said “wow! this place is amazing”

First you have to face my mini game Demons and i will give you to more people suddenly Blake & Asher appeared then the the demon said “you have some little friends huh”

“So your little friend will be playing in my game called epic mini games”

So guns and swords fall out of the sky it will be you guys vs us demons👿👿👿👿 “the games begins in 321 fight fight fight”

“Did I forget to mention if I win I will turn you guys into demons and if you win you can throw us in a black hole and I won’t hack this game again” after several hours the game was over and the hacker turned us all into demons then Mbarack arrived then he sore us all turned into demons and he uses powers to defeat the demons and turn us back into humans again  that was fun

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Going home

 So once the demons were defeated the demons said “you win” 

So then we free the demons then we the

few the demons in a black hole and we got out the game a and played ROBLOX and the head gone and and ROBLOX was available again they played games on ROBLOX together they played epic-mini games and they played meep city adopt me so after 

They got out of the hole.

Cole said “that was a fun adventure”

Ricardo said “remember that time when you jumped for that knife then cut one demons head of then those three demons killed us in one try and turned us into demons but Mbarack came and finished the game with three guns”. “Cool init said Cole”

“Yeah” said Cole.

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