The Problem of ADHD in Child Psychology


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The Problem of ADHD in Child Psychology


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder mostly begins and affects kids and students. The leading cause of this disorder is social expectations, and it affects the child's psychology. Parents and teachers easily identify this condition in a child at a young age. It is essential to address this disorder as soon as possible because it leads to:

Social Differences 

Many kids who have this condition face rejection by peers. They try to find ways to fit in but end facing rejection. Over 50% avoid or find social interactions hard because their peers already lost interest in them. You notice that such students are easily distracted during these interactions. Others opt to find something else to do rather than hang out with others. 

Specific Behaviors in Students 

After facing rejection from peers, it is human nature to try and adjust to the new soundings. These students end up portraying specific characteristics to make up for the existing social gap. You find that some become bossy, controlling, annoying, and easily frustrated. They end up making careless mistakes, overlooking things, and many other unhealthy ways.

Anxiety and Depression 

When someone gets rejected, he or she tends to question himself or herself and try to find out where they went wrong; the same applies to kids as they yearn for approval. They tend to think of ways to get attention, and this is not good for their psychological well-being. This act leads to anxiety, and if they still get rejected, they become depressed.

We see this mostly in schools and social institutions. In school, you find these students doing homework and assignments on their own, and it can be tough sometimes. Use this link to access any papers on this social disorder. These essay samples are from the best writers in the world. 

Excessive Talking 

This is one of the most common signs of this disorder. Since society does not approve, the kids’ excessive and loud speaking are some of the techniques they use to communicate. Another common symptom is that it is difficult for them to wait for their turn to speak during class interactions and end up interrupting others.

Appetite or Weight Loss 

It is natural to try and find something to compensate for what you do not have. In this case, the kids handle this situation differently. Some end up overeating while some lose their appetites leading to weight loss. Not many essays back this theory, but it is worth mentioning.  


This social disorder affects a significant number of kids. Relocating and meeting new people is one of the ways of controlling the situation, but the best method is to get short-term drugs. There are varieties of these drugs, and it is the responsibility of the parent to determine the type of medication for their kid.

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