Peter Pan


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Jordan sat on the bench in the play ground a ways from the play structure and the caretaker who sat on a bench closer to the play structure watching the other orphan kids play tag and swing on the swings. Jordan looked down into her satchel and pulled out the weird shiny diamond like piece of metel and felt the smooth surface around her fingers. Just then she heard someone say something,

" Hey, you... girl!" Jordan looked in the direction of which the sound came from. She realized a young boy with golden brown hair was hiding behind a bush. Jordan put the piece of metel into her satchel again and walked over to the boy. Suddenly the boy pulled her to the ground,

" Hey! What was that for!" The boy put a finger to his lips shushing her and looking out saying,

" We need to be quiet if we want to get passed Crocodile Creek to find the treasure for Peter pan." Jordan gave him a confused look and asked,

" Who's Peter pan, and whats Crocodile Creek?" The boy looked at Jordan and said,

" You've never heard of Peter pan? How about Captain Hook... The Codfish." Jordan shook her head to all three of those names, finally, the boy sighed and said,

" Okay, hold the game, Okay Peter pan is a boy he flies around Neverland with his magical shadow with Tinkerbell a fairy and the lost boys." Jordan sat intriguingly in front of the boy as he continued saying,

" Peter pan always fights Captain Hook, who got his name after Peter pan cut off his left hand and threw it to the crocodile... Also, Peter pan always wins so no matter what Hook does to try and get Peter pan whether it's kidnap the lost boys or the Indian Princess... Tigerlilly, Peter always wins." 

" Wow..." Said Jordan amazed at the thought of Peter pan, then she asked,

" Can you tell me a story of Peter pan... Uh..." The boy smiled proudly and said,

" My names Eli." 

" My name is Jordan, it's a pleasure to meet you Eli." Eli smiled brightly at Jordan and said,

" Alright, so, Peter pan had decided to play a little game with the old Codfish, Captain Hook, who had kidnapped Tigerlilly and brought her to Skull rock where she would either tell him where Peter pan was hiding or he would let her drown when the tide got high enough." 


Eli had just barely got to the final battle when suddenly, Jordan heard her caretaker yell,

" Come on girls, it's time we head back. Lunch will be ready soon." Jordan sighed and said,

" I wish I weren't an orphan..." She let her voice trail off before she heard Eli say,

" Don't worry, tomorrow meet me here, at the same time and I can finish the story." Jordan smiled and stood up, curtseyed to Eli as she said,

" It's a date." With that she walked off back to the group of kids.


From that day on both Jordan and Eli would meet up in that same spot, it wasn't until Jordan was flying in the sky for Neverland that Eli realized she was going to Neverland after seeing two figures and a small little light flying through the sky. He then wrote a note to Peter pan asking Peter to bring him to Neverland so he could see Jordan, who he has grown to like. Peter never came and Eli was beginning to think that both Peter and Jordan had forgotten about him. He promised he would find a way to get to Neverland and get his revenge on Peter pan and Jordan.

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Chapter 1: Peter

Peter flew through the night sky with the wind blowing at his hair and surprisingly his hat stayed on his head. He looked back to see Jordan flying after him saying,

" Oh, come here Peter! I will get you!" Peter laughed and said,

 " Not if you can't catch me!" Then he flew faster, but not fast enough because soon Jordan caught up and grabbed his foot. Peter stopped flying and said,

" Ah, dang it, if only I could fly that fast." Jordan laughed and said,

" You don't need to fly to be a hero, you have your courage and thats all that matters." Peter smiled till suddenly they heard a loud horn noise come from the island. 

" It must be time for the contest, come on, let's go." Said Jordan flying towards the island. Peter flew after her saying,

" Hey! want to make it a race?" 

" Ha, ha, Peter..." Exclaimed Jordan. 


They landed in the ninja camp with torches lit on the trees and above the doors of the huts in the trees. Jordan ran over to a girl with long brown hair saying,

" Sundew! Oh, it's nice to see you again." Sundew hugged Jordan and said,

" It's good to see you to Jordan, how are things with the lightning dragon?" Jordan smiled and said,

" Well, it's getting better... I think." Thats when Peter came over and said,

" She gets struck almost every time... ha, ha!" 

" Peter! I do not!" Protested Jordan. Sundew laughed and Peter heard her say,

" Well, it's nice to hear that he's getting trained, and by an excellent trainer." Jordan smiled brightly. Then Sundew said,

" Alright, let's get you guys ready, you want to be on the same team right?" Peter looked at Jordan who looked at him. Peter gave her a small nod allowing her to choose what they do. Jordan smiled sweetly before saying,

" Uh... Yeah." Sundew smiled and said,

" Excellent, now if you would please stand here. You will be a team of two while..." Her voice trailed off as Sundew looked at the other team across the clearing. Peter noticed that the other team was way larger than the two of them. Sundew yelled,

" Hey! Some of you will have to be on Peters team!" The team leader shouted back,

" No thanks!" Sundew sighed and said,

" Well, I guess it's just you two." 

" Now come on, thats just not fair." Protested Peter, but Jordan put her hand on his shoulder saying,

" Oh, come on Peter, it's just you and me... and Silversky, we've got this." Peter smiled and said,

" Alright, but if they win, I am going to challenge them to a flying contest." Jordan narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips saying,

" Now, Peter that wouldn't be fair either, only you can fly." Peter sighed and said,

" Oh, alright... I'll think of something." 

" But only if they win." Reminded Jordan. With that Sundew walked in between the two teams and said,

" Alright, now it's time for the annual night ninja games! Who ever can climb the trees the fastest and-" But she was cut off by a voice above them saying,

" You will give me Peter pan and the dragon girl or you will all perish!" Suddenly a figure jumped from above and landed in front of Sundew saying,

" Hand over Peter pan and the dragon girl?" Peter watched as Sundew pulled her hood over her face and took out a pair of nunchuks saying,

" You will never get my friends!" With that she started swinging at the dark figure. The figure only dodged and suddenly he kicked Sundew to the ground and held a blade to her neck as he said,

" Now look what you've done, you made this hard for yourself and now you'r going to pay for it!" Suddenly Peter stepped up and said,

" Hey! let her go!" The figure looked over and said,

" Awe... you must be Peter pan. It's so nice to see you boy... now if you don't mind surrendering, I won't hurt your precious friend." Peter narrowed his eyes till he said,

" Let's settle this ourselves shall we?" The man raised his sword away from Sundew and said,

" Very well, but it's just you and me, not her." Suddenly the figure gave a loud whistle and Peter looked back just as Jordan said,

" Hey! Get your grubby hands off me! Don't touch me, or my dragon! Let me go!... Peter!" Peter's eyes went wide with fear and dread at the sight of four more black figures grabbed and pinned Jordan to her knees. He felt all his confidence slowly disappear. Peter then turned back around to face the figure as it said,

" Awe... how cute, you feel lonely and defeated without your poor and helpless dragon girl... Oh well, it's just you and me now Peter, let's fight." Peter narrowed his eyes as he ran at the figure with his small dagger out. Then both of them hit steel with steel and as Peter and the figure pushed against each other Peter said through gritted teeth,

" You threatened my friends, so I will threaten you! Hu'ah!" Added Peter kicking the figure to the ground. Peter walked over and held his sword to the figure and said,

" Who are you and what do you want with me and Jordan?" The figure gasped and said,

" Wait Jordan?" He seemed to have his eyes narrowed and then he gave a loud whistle. Suddenly Peter felt a bag go over his eyes and he tried to wrestle with the enemies but as he did he lost his dagger. It wasn't until he heard the figure say,

" Knock them out." Peter suddenly felt something hard hit his head and he fell to the ground. Before he blacked out he heard Jordan say his name,

" Peter! You poisones sea urchin..." Then he heard the figure say,

" Hello again Jordan..."

" Ooff!" And Peter went out into darkness. 


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Chapter 2: Jordan

Jordan's head throbbed with pain as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Jordan tried to wiggle around but she was some how stuck and she soon realized that she was tied up, and was dangling upside down, with her back against someone else. Jordan tried to break free of the chains that held her arms together but it was no use. Suddenly a figure from the shadows came out into the light and said,

" Hello, again... Jordan." Jordan narrowed her eyes and said,

" Who are you!" The figure gave a small laugh and said,

" Oh I think you know the answer to that, sweet child" The figure took off his hood of his black clothing and Jordan gasped as she realized who it was.

" Eli? What are you doing here in Neverland... How did you get here in the first place? And why have you chained me up!" Eli walked a little ways towards her and said,

" Oh, dear... so many questions... You know, I don't think I love you anymore." Jordan gave Eli a confused look as she said,

" What do you mean by love me?" Eli gave another small laugh and said,

" Oh, Jordan... do you remember how we met, you didn't know a thing about the stories of Peter pan, and after that first day I told you we could meet up again and again, you said that it was a date... Thats when I felt that I truly liked you Jordan. As our friendship grew I saw something magical in you that no one would dare think of... you had a gift for telling and writing stories of different creatures and people... but when you left me behind to go and find our dream, then I knew I meant nothing to you, so you mean nothing to me." Jordan looked at Eli with an unbelieving face and said,

" Oh, come on Eli, you know I never meant to offend you... It's just..." 

" It's just what! You forgot about me! You don't care about me anymore! What, what!?" Jordan sighed and said,

" It's not that I didn't think of you, Eli, it's because I was ready for a new life to finally get out of the orphanage and maybe even find out where my family came from, and it turns out, my mom never died she was taken to Neverland and wanted to stay. So I decided to stay too."  

" But did you ever think to say goodbye or at least introduce me to Peter pan!" Jordan looked up at the ceiling and saw that she was hanging from a pully which held the chains. Jordan sighed and said,

" You know what, If you let me go, I can bring you to him." Eli shook his head and said,

" No need for that, I have him right here." Eli pointed to Jordan and Jordan soon realized that both Peter and herself where chained up together. Jordan then started to shake around saying,

" Peter, wake up! Come on... Uh, wake up we need to go rescue the lost boys from Captain Hook!" Almost immediately Peter woke up saying,

" Huh! What, whats going on, why am I chained up, and where am I!?" Jordan then said,

" Peter, I would like you to meet Eli, a friend of mine back in London... apparently he found a way to get to Neverland after he actually saw you take me. He's jealous and thinks I forgot about him so he wants to take it out on you and me." Peter said,

" Well, you Eli, don't seem like a very nice friend." Eli narrowed his eyes at Jordan saying,

" How dare you! I honestly don't care, I will drop you into the water and either the mermaids will let you drown or you will drink the water and become poisoned! Or I will let Jordan go and she can come back to London with me." Jordan narrowed her eyes and said,

" What about Peter?" Eli smacked his head and said,

" Oh right, I forgot to mention, I made a deal with the mermaids that if I give them Peter pan then I can have this place to myself, only on command will they be allowed to come in here again." Jordan narrowed her eyes and said,

" Okay thats it! I'm mad, Eli! You are going to free both of us or... I will call my dragons to come and pin you to the wall!" Eli laughed loudly before saying,

" Oh, Jordan always so fierce when it comes to family... well unless your friends with a small water dragon, then I don't think your plan is going to work... you see this cave is under ground theres a tunnel that leads out to mermaid lagoon so if this water is connected to the lagoon water... then I guess it's also poisones... Start the pully!" 

" If you won't give yourself up then I will make you!" Jordan gave Eli worried faces as she and Peter where brought closer and closer to the water. Eli then said,

" I truly liked you Jordan, but I guess you'r not the girl for me... are you?" 

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Chapter 3: Peter

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Chapter 4: Jordan

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Chapter 5: Peter

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Chapter 6: Jordan

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Chapter 7: Peter

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Chater 8: Jordan

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