The Mist Inscription


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Evera walked down the dirt path, her eyes swerving from side to side as she side glanced at each of the gray buildings. Then farther down the trail she caught sight of a navy blue and neon green building. Evera then looked down at her satchel, lifted the flap and dug around for a rolled up piece of parchment. She unrolled it and started to read the yellow aged paper with it's tattered edges, outloud,

" When you get to the temple, you will have to face a beast, and if you win you are free to take the treasure that rests within it's walls. But, if not, be aware that your soul will be devoured, and once in the ghost relm you are to serve your new king... forever." Evera sighed and put the scoll back into her satchel. Then continued towards the temple. As she continued to get closer she saw many pillars  made of the same marble colors. Then as she put her foot on the very first step up to the temple, a gust of cold wind blew at her. Her black hair got tangled, and just as sudden as it started, it stopped. Evera looked around her, but saw no one so she continued up the stairs. As she neared the doors her face started to get really cold so she pulled down her face mask leaving only her eyes uncovered. Already she felt a little warmer.


Finally, she reached the top and with no hesitation she threw open the large doors. She then walked into the room that had many paintings on the walls, and were hidden in the shadows of many more pillars that went around the room. Except for the gap right across from where Evera was standing in the door way, there was another set of doors but they were already open. Even from the front door enterance could see at the far side of the room, a display case was displaying the treasure that Evera needed to get. She walked to the next door enterance and stopped to see that the treasure was a diadom, and some how it was floating. All of a sudden the doors closed and slide across the smooth floor, she lifted herself up and on the floor were two light green emerald eyes looking right back at her. She scurried up on her feet and stepped back a few steps in front of the doors. She looked down at the floor to see a painting of a navy blue dragon with neon green splatters as if someone flicked neon paint onto it. The weird thing is it didn't have any wings. But Evera could care less if it had wings or not because she was more bothered by the fact that specks of neon and navy blue paint had begun to hover in the air. Evera stepped back till her back was againts the door, her eyes narrowed and soon enough there were enough paint dots for her to make out the picture. Suddenly there was a flash of white light which blinded her for a moment. But once the light dissapeared she opened her eyes and saw right infront of her was the dragon creature now floating right infront of her. She looked at it's tail which Evera saw began to look more foggier as it got thinner. She then narrowed her eyes at the beast and said to the dragon,

" Well, it's just me and you scaley... So lets fight!" It gave a loud roar in response and without touching a single claw to the floor it lunged for Evera. In reply, Evera ducked down and rolled on her back and as she was about to roll back on her feet she kicked the dragon in the stomach, hard enough for the dragon to ram it's back into the doors. Evera rolled back onto her feet, her guard up protecting her face. All of a sudden the dragon opened it's mouth and Evera could see the neon green glow riseing in it's throat, so she took three steps forwards towards the dragon and leaped while twisting her hips to the side, she bent her left leg and as she grew closer she extened her right leg to the side jaw of the dragon's mouth. With that much impact it helped redirect the dragons blast which hit a pillar and to Evera's suprise the spot where the dragon hit it was foggier and ghost like, Better stay away from those blasts... unless you want to become a ghost. She thought. The dragon was still in shock and in pain from the blow, but it gave Evera enough time to run to the diadem and pick it up from it's display and gently place it into her satchel. She turned around and started to run towards the dragon who was guarding the door. The dragon gave a loud roar, before it started bobbing up and down making itself move. Right at the last minute before the dragon was going to rip her in half, she jumped with all her might and basically did a cartwheel in the air. She landed just as the dragon was about to give another blast. Evera ducked right on time and looked at the blast which had hit the door. Evera was able to see the other side of the door, and she got an idea. She turned back to the dragon who looked to be getting weaker and said,

" So long Scaley!" then ducked through the ghost part of the door. She was now on the other side of the door and looked at her hands and feet to see that she wasn't a ghost. With a sigh of relief she started walking down towards the open doorway and as she was about to leave she heard something. She turned around to see the dragon close behind her. Before she could react the dragon was right there next to her ready to strike... and it did.

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The Group

Eva was standing at the bus stop waiting for her bus to arrive, when all of a sudden her phone which she had put in the pocket of her now ripped jeans, rang, she pulled it out and it lit up. Eva looked and saw it was a text message from her mom which read,

" I'm going to get home really late. I left you money on the counter so you can buy yourself pizza and remember that if something goes wrong again in the city, just text or call me that your okay... alright? Have a great day at school, study hard!" Eva rolled her eyes while she smiled at her mom's text message. Just then the bus pulled up and opened it's doors. Eva walked in with a few other people behind her. She then took a seat towards the back and swung her back pack off her shoulder letting it sit on the seat beside her. Eva unzipped it and took out the book, A Snicker of Magic. It was given to her by her mom for christmas when she was ten years old. Eva opened to the dog eared page, and continued reading her book.


She just got to chapter twelve when the bus started pulling up to her school. She quickly put her book away then swung her bag over each shoulder and walked off the bus. As she was walking up to the school front doors she heard someone call her name,

" Hey! Hey, Eva wait up!" Eva turned to see that it was her friend Mazie. Mazie had a head band on the top of her head to keep her dark, golden brown hair out of the way. She wore a bright yellow shirt and dark blue denim jeans. She also had one of her bright yellow and white desighned back pack straps on her shoulder. Eva waited for Mazie to catch up to her and when she did Mazie said to Eva,

" So how are you?" Eva replied,

" Besides being tired, I'm good... how about you?" Mazie smiled and said,

" I'm good, did you hear that we are going to start training on martial arts in P.E.?" Eva said in reply,

" No, I didn't... but guess who's going to get an 'A' in the class?" As Mazie replied Eva pushed the doors open,

" I don't think I need to guess on that." They then walked down the hall and took a short turn right, then continued down the hall till they got to there lockers. When they arrived there was already someone next to Eva's locker. The person had just closed their locker door and had turned, when they saw Eva, Eva waved and said,

" Hi, Sky. Hey where's your brother Conner?" Sky who had her red hair in a ponytail and worre a bright red shirt with long black leggins said,

" He's in the gym, practicing." Then all three of them rolled their eyes and said together,

" Obviously!" They started laughing. As they did they didn't notice a girl wearing a black short sleeved shirt with a hood attatched and black and white striped leggings, with golden brown hair up in a ponytail, sneak up behind them. Then a boy with dark brown hair came around the corner. He wore a black shirt and black sweatpants. Eva then turned and when she saw Conner she said,

" Hey, Conner!" Conner came over to Eva and said,

" Eva, guys you need to come here!" Eva looked back at Mazie and Sky and then she saw Jordan doing bunny ears behind Sky's head. Eva pointed and said,

" Sky! Jordan's behind you doing bunny ears!" Sky turned around but didn't look in time before Jordan ducked down. Sky turned back to Eva and said,

" Eva are you messing with me?" Eva shook her head then said,

" Jordan, come on stop messing with us." Everyone started looking around at each other except for Eva. Suddenly, Eva felt the hairs on her neck start to tingle and she felt as if someone where right behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw Jordan peaking out from it, so with a jolt of suprise, Eva said,

" Ah! Jordan! What was that for?!" Jordan laughed loudly, while saying,

" Got yah!" Eva rolled her eyes then said,

" Alright, lets go see what Conner wanted to show us." As the group walked down the hall towards the gym they passed a group of three girls in cheer outfits with their boy friends. One girl, who had long wavy brown hair said,

" Oh look, it's Eva and her evil henchmen. So whats your evil plan for today?" Conner pushed Eva on while Sky stuck her tongue out. Then as they passed by, Eva heard the girls start yelling in pain and screaming. All of a sudden, Eva heard Jordan's voice behind her say,

" Hi again." Eva turned and smiled at Jordan, asking,

" So what did you do this time?" Jordan replied,

" Well, I pulled on the two blondies hair, then I pinched the brown haired girls arms and legs, and lastly, I tied the boyses shoes together... now they'll be tripping over and falling on each other." Everyone started laughing, and Eva heard Sky say,

" Jordan... you are a true prankster!" 

When they arrived at the gym they saw that there were mutliple matts layed out on the floor. To the left of the room, there was a rack full of different weapons, like swords, kias, staffs, whips, and small sharp discs with star like points, formally known as shurikans. On one of the matts there was a girl with brown freckles and long, thick, dark brown hair. She was throwing out kicks and punches at a punching bag. When the girl saw Eva and her friends she said,

" Hey, guys! Whats going on?" Asked the girl who wore a green jacket with black leggings. Eva said in reply, 

" Hi, Endral.. Uh, Conner just wanted to show us something." Endral nodded and said,

" So what did Jordan do to them this time?" Eva looked at Jordan to let her tell Endral. Jordan spoke saying,

" Well, I pulled on the blondies hair, then I tied the boyses shoes together, and lastly I torchered the brown haired girl." Endral smiled and said,

" Ha, you know Jordan, I wish I were there to see it happen." Jordan smiled proudly. Eva then said,

" Alright, Conner, what did you want to show us?" Conner stepped out from behind his sister, Sky and said,

" Welcome to the new martial arts gym!"  Suddenly, at that very moment the bell rang and a male teacher wearing a white gee with a black belt tied around his waist came in through the doors. He looked at the group and said,

" Well, I never expcted to get early birds." There was a short pause for Eva to look at her friends, till the teacher said,

" Well, don't just stand there go ahead and get your gee on, then you can pick you weapon." Eva went over to the table next to the weapons and grabbed the right size. 


Once she had changed she went over and grabbed a whip, unrolled it and felt the leather. She met up with her friends asking,

" So, what weapons did you guys get?" Jordan spoke first and said,

" I chose shurikans!" She threw one at a wooden target that had just been put up by the teacher. Mazie spoke next saying,

" I thought the golden sword fitted me best." Cole then said,

" I took a ball and chain." Endral took a staff and Sky took the nunchuks. While they waited for the rest of the class to arrive, they practiced using their weapons. Eva watched as the three girls who teased them earlier walked in to get their gees and walked back out to put them on in the girls locker room. When they came back in they stood by the weapons rack for a little bit, till suddenly all three of the girls with all three of their boy friends came over to each of Eva's friends, including Eva. The girl with brown hair came over and stood right infront of Eva and said with her hands on her hips,

" I'll take that whip for this axe." Eva said in reply,

" No thanks, I'm fine with my whip." All of a sudden the teacher came out of the storage closet with a cart of tubs. He looked around the room and said,

" Well, good job to the twelve for doing what I had in mind, but will each of you find a partner and then come and get your sparring gear." As Eva went to get her gear she thought, This day couldn't get any worse. Once she and her partner where all protected with head gear, rib guard, mouth guard along with foot pads they started kicking, punching and using there weapons on each other. At one point, Eva's apponent threw her weapon at Eva. Luckily Eva dodged and the axe hit a wooden target. Eva then used her whip to tie her apponents arms to her sides like she was frozen statue. The teacher walked over and saw Eva and said,

" Well done Eva." He then walked over and whispered into her ear,

" By the way, I like your inteligence on this standerd."  He smiled at Eva and Eva smiled back. All of a sudden from the corner of her eye she saw Jordan who was battling a boy kick him all the way to a wooden target. Then while his back was against the target she threw two shurikans right above his shoulders which pinned his gee to the target. Then she did the same but at his wrists. With a frightened face the boy was stuck. Jordan caught Eva looking and waved. Eva switched hands holding her whip, then waved back. All of a sudden, Endral gave a kei and everyone looked to watch Endral jump and try, but failed to knock her staff on the top of the boy's head. The boy grabbed Endral's staff and threw her behind him. Endral did a role when she was close to the ground, then she ran back at her apponent. The boy turned around, throwing a punch at Endral, but at the last minute she ducked and twirled on one foot while the other was extended and when it hit the apponents leg he fell on his back. Endral stood up quickly and position her staff end at the boyses neck. Endral looked at the boy and said loud enough for Eva to hear,

" You, my friend... just got defeated by a girl!"  Sky, on the other hand continued to block her apponents strikes just by doing a figure eight with her nunckuks. All of a sudden Sky crossed her legs while she faced sidways, then she uncrossed her legs and extended one leg into a side kick and kicked her apponent to the ground. As for Conner and Mazie they had started to work together. Mazie said,

" Uh, Conner, do you have any ideas on how to beat these two?" There was a short pause, then Conner said,

" I have one, but just to warn you, you might get dizzy." Mazie replied,

" Right now at this point... Uh!... I'm willing to do anything!" Conner then said,

" Alright, hold your sword over your head, then be prepared to be swung around, but while your- Uh... In the air I want you to use your feet to kick them in the face!" Mazie held her sword over her head  and as Conner wrapped his ball and chain around it, Mazie said,

" Conner, I have to say... you are one crazy, but cool friend!" At that Conner started to swing his arms over his head which soon made Mazie lift off the ground and started swinging around in the air. Mazie spun around till she hit the blonde haired girl in the jaw and the brown haird boy in the nose. Conner then slowly lowered his arms and Mazie was back on her feet. Eva watched as Mazie walked back and forth then spun around and lost her balance. Luckily Conner caught her. After Eva unwrapped  her apponent she walked over just as Conner helped Mazie. Yet, Eva couldn't help but notice both Conner and Mazie's cheecks where a shade of pink. Right then the teacher said,

" Alright, Can I have everyone gather in the middle really fast?" Everyone did as they where told. The teacher then said,

" I know we have only about... Seven too eight minutes left so I will make this quick. To the person with the best nunchuk skills I have ever seen in all of my six years of teaching, Skyler! Come on up!"  Eva and all of her friends cheered and clapped for Sky as she stood up and walked to recieve her reward of a paper certificate. Then when she sat back down the teacher said,

" They next award is to the sneakiest person I have ever seen, Jordan!" Again, Eva and her friends clapped for Jordan For the next award the teacher said,

" To the most persevered person I have ever seen, Endral! Good job." Endral sat back down with her reward in hand. Then the teacher said,

" And to the people who show excelent team work, Conner, and Mazie!" They both got up to recieve their certificate, then both sat back down. Lastly the teacher said,

" And Last, but not least, to the person with the quickest thinking, I award this too... Eva!" Eva stood up, her eyes wide as she slowly walked up next to the teacher. She reached out with a stiff, yet slightly trembling hand. She looked to see her friends clapping for her. All of a sudden her teacher said,

" Alright, You can go and change. Have a great rest of your day everyone!" Everyone stood up, and while everyone didn't say anything in response, Eva, Endral and Jordan said,

" Thanks! You too sir!" Eva followed her friends all till they reached the doorway. Then she said,

" Hey, where's Mazie and Conner?" Everyone started looking around till Jordan said,

" Their they are, in the corner!" They watched for awhile till finally Mazie and Conner departed and started to walk towards the group. As they got closer Eva noticed again that their cheecks were a shade of pink. As everyone else quietly left to go change, Eva waited for Mazie and started to walk down the hall with her. As they did so Eva asked,

" So, how was gym?" Mazie gave a long sigh and then looked at Eva with pleading eyes as she said,

" Eva, I noticed you saw me with Conner in the corner, but please don't tell anyone else, I-I don't want the others to know, yet... okay?" Eva hesitated, wanting to say, ' Uh, I think we all saw.' But she didn't, instead she said,

" Don't worry, I won't tell them until your ready." Mazie smiled brightly as Eva opened the door to the girls locker room.


Eva got out early and began to get a little giggly as she thought, Ha, I didn't even know that Mazie had feelings for Conner... Just then her friends came out all smiley and giggly. Mazie came up to Eva and said,

" Well, I guess they kind of already knew... didn't they." Eva cocked her head a couple of times to the left then to the right, finally saying,

" Yah, I think we all saw." Mazie sighed and started walking with Eva. Then Eva heard Mazie say,

" I guess I'm not good at trying to be secretive." Eva smiled and said, laughingly,

" Yah... I think that spot is already taken... you know, since Jordan is..." She let her voice trailed off as Mazie said,

" Yah, yah... Stealth isn't my strength.. but you know what is?" Eva tapped her finger on her chin and said,

" Uh, giving other people burns?" Mazie shook her head and said,

" No, silly... I care about you guys just as much as I care about my family." Eva said in reply,

" Oh, right... how could I forget?" 

" Don't act like that, Eva." Eva pulled Mazie in and gave her a big hug as they continued walking to class. A few times Eca caught Mazie glancing over at Conner, then quickly looking away so that no one would notice. Soon enough they all got to the correct Science classroom. They all took their seats and waited for the teacher to arrive. Just before the second bell rang the door opened and a woman who looked to be in her late twenty's wore a white lab coat and had light, long blonde hair. She walked to her desk and went behind it. She then looked around the room at the bored faces and said, 

" Alright class." She then quickly turned around to face the black board and grabbed a piece of chalk and started writing on the board. When she put down the piece of chalk and turned to face the class, the chalk wrote, Today is Experiment Day! In big words. Then the teacher started talking about the safty procedure for the experiment. Eva on the other hand wasn't paying attention. Instead, she was drawing pictures of her friends doing different stunts and fighting weird villians, because each and everyone of her friends, including Eva were and are a group of Ninjas! All of a sudden, while Eva was looking out the window, across from four of her friends, she saw a person wearing a black cloak with a black hat. She also had long dirty blonde hair billowing behind her as she flew past the window on what looked to be a broom. She cackled loudly. All of a sudden Eva gave a jumpe when a 'Bing!' sounded from the loudspeakers overhead. Then a voice that sounded of the principle said,

" Everyone! There is a witch who is causing havoc in the city! Teachers with windows in their classrooms please close them. Then, may I have the teachers instruct everyone to get into hiding. We will remain like this until the ninja's give the all clear, thank you." Eva then stood up quickly and said,

" Can I go to the bathroom?" Her teacher replied,

" Well..." But before she could say anything else, all of Eva's friends, except for Endral, who sat the closest to the door, stood up and raised their hands saying,

" Me too!" At the same exact time. The teacher replied in an uncofident voice,

" Alright." Eva and her friends quickly got out of the classroom and were about to head out, down the hall till Mazie said,

" Wait! Endrals not with us." 

" I'll get her." Said Jordan. Eva watched as Jordan peeked back into the classroom and said,

" Endral, come on!" Jordan came out with Endral behind her. Now that they where all together they all raced down the hall to their lockers and Eva got them all to huddle up, then she said,

" Alright, everyone know the drill?" Everyone shook their heads, yes. Then they all went to their lockers, quickly opened them and then once Eva pushed a button, disguised as a magnet the locker wall was lifted up automatically, and one by one each of the ninja's disappeared down the long hallway. Sky went in first and as she ran down the hall, she grabbed a red and black ninja suit with head mask that only allowed her eyes to be open. A little ways down, their was a pair of nunchucks that hung on pegs on the side of the hallway. Next, went Endral who had a book in her hands and as she read it, plants and vines starated to put on her ninja suit and mask which was green and black. Finally, as Endral neared the end, she grabbed her staff which was being supported by two pegs, horizontally across from each other. Third, went Eva who put her purple ninja suit on while fog makers, fogged up the hall. Evan through the thick fog, she was still able to get her whipp, which was wrapped around a single peg. The next person, Jordan, went down the hall and changed into a bright silver and black ninja suit. She quickly then grabbed twelve small shurikans and ran off down the hall. Next came Mazie who got into a yellow and black ninja suit and mask. She then grabbed her sword that hung on the wall, before continuing on her way. Lastly, Conner went in and got into a black on black ninja suit and mask. Then he took a ball and chain and went off down the hall. At the end of each hall was a doorway with no door that lead into a wearhouse. In the wearhouse there were built in pens, much larger than a horse pen. Inside each pen was a large, winged dragon. Eva went to one with purple scales and thin spikes on her back, all the way to her tail. Eva unlcoked the gait and allowed her dragon to get out of the pen. Then her dragon bent down and lowered her wings so that Eva could get on. Once on her dragon, she looked to see Jordan looking in her dragon's stall, saying,

" Silverdrop! Where are you?" Eva then saw something move right above Silverdrop's pen. All of a sudden Jordan came out and as she did Silverdrop brought down her tail so quick that Eva had to blink and when she opened her eyes she saw Jordan, dangling in the air with the support by a overlapping, silverscaled dragon with a whip thin tail and sharp spikes which have the ability to rise or lay down. Eva watched as Jordan looked up and say to her dragon,

" Really, Silverdrop... do we really have to do this every time?" The silver scaled dragon gave a toothy grin and slowly lowered her tail down and allowed Jordan to slip out of her dragon tail's grasp, just as Eva said to her,

" Hey, now we know who she takes after." At that the silver dragon, scaled down to the ground in a very elegant way. She then allowed Jordan to get back on, as she said,

" Yah, yah... very funny." With that Eva looked around and said,

" Alright everyone, Role call!" Sky yelled,

" Air ninja, is ready to take flight!" Then she added,

" Alright! All you bro!" Conner said,

" Night ninja, is ready to take the night!" 

" Um, Conner, just for your refrance, it's not dark." Said Mazie. In reply, Conner didn't say anything, instead he let the silence be filled with th sound of cicadad coming from his phone. Eva rolled her eyes just as Mazie said,

" Alrigh! Sun ninja, ready to shine!" Next Jordan said,

" Stealth ninja! Ready to kick this evil witch's butt! Yay!" 

" You said it girl!" Added Sky. Next Endral said,

" Nature ninja, is ready to Vine-it-up!" She then allowed a vine to stretch out of nowhere from her wrist. And last but not least, Eva said,

" Mist ninja! Ready to put a misty-stop to that villian!" She then added,

" Alright! Lets go stop a witch!" Then, all of a sudden, the glass panned cealing opened into the air and one by one, starting with Eva, their dragon's took flight into the air. The sky still looked pink and orange, and the smell o f dew and mist filled the cool air. 


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The Witch's Spell

It wasn't hard to find the culprit, for there was a lot of smoke and booming noises when they arrived they just saw a puff of green smokefill the air.

“Silvermist, blow it away” said Eve to her dragon who used her wings to blow away the smoke. Eva then looked at Jordan and said,

“Jordan, come witih me.”
 The rest of you stay out here in case she escapes from us." Endral, sky and Mazie alll nodded while cole narrowed his eyes. In a way, Eva knew what that meant, he is ready for what ever comes next. Then Eva turned to Jordan and nodded to her to follow her. Jordan nodded back which allowed Eva fly into the building. Imediately when they positioned themselves sideways on the walls Eva realized that they where in the meauame. what would a wich want in a meausame? Thought Eva. Eva watched as the witch storlled down the long hall and through a pair of doors and into a room with multiple treasures on display but one display case stood in the middle with a single light shining above it. Eva and her dragon moved swiftly along the wall while Jordan and her dragon sailed along each pillar one by one. Eva watched as the witch took out her wand and muttered a word Eva watched as the glass case vanished right before her eyes. The witch then was about to snatch the treasure with in the now disapeared case just as Jordans dragon shot sevral sharp, silver spikes. The witch pulled her wand back and looked over to where the spikes came from to see both Jordan and Eva emerged from the shadows. Eva looked at the witch with narrowed eyes and said,

“Stop right there you filthy witch!” The witch smiled a smug smile and said,

“Lets play a game shall we?” Jordan then said,

“No games today witch, I forgot my chess board.”

The witch smiled and gave a short cackle then said,

“Oh darling, I didn't mean that game.” She paused to hold out her arm and hand out to her side and almost instantly a broom which was hidden behind a pillar in the hall which came OOming towards the witch in a vertical direaction the whole way till it stopped right at her finger tips and hovered in the air till the witch tillted it to get on. She then pointed her wand at Jordan and said,

“Well missy, lets see, what you would do if I did this!” Evas eyes went wide just as the witch said,

“Puppenmacher!” Immediatly Jordan fell to the ground. Eva fell down on her kness to aid Jordan. Eva looked at Jordan to see her eyes wide open as if in terror! Eva turned to the witch to see her take the treasure. Then Eva said in a frantic voice.

“What did you do to her?” The witch didn't answere until she had put the treasure on her head and walked over to Eva and Jordan and bent down. She then said in a sad acting voice, 

“Oh dear, I guess your in deep water, but there is a way you can help her. The only thing is you will need to help me with something first.”

Eva looked close at the treasure and saw that it was the diadom of mist. Eva looked down at Jordan who was now twitching every once in a while had also started to ecome cold and stiff. Eva took a deep breath then said, 

“What do I need to do?” The witch smiled an evil smile and all of the sudden Eva heard the sound of wings flapping and saw her friends riding their dragons, Mazie said,

“Eva whats taking kyou so long?” Eva didn't say anything, instead she just looked away and at Jordan. Mazie and Endral ran over when they saw Jordan laying on the ground. The witch then said, 

“Oh just in time for me to tell your leader what I need from you in order to save yiour little friend.” The witch continued saying,

“I want the Amythist of mist, by the next full moon. If I don't have it by then, than your little friend will turn into a doll and stay that way forever! So what's it gonna be?” Eva knew she needed to do it in order to save Jordan, finally Eva said,

“Fine we will do it but on one condition, once we find the Amythist, you give us the antidote first!”

The witch sighed and said,

“Fine. Now I really must be going, good luck!”

She then tilted her broom and put it between her legs then she kicked off into the air and flew away, cackling. Mazie said,

“Eva, what happened?”

Eva said in reply, “That witch casted some spell which made Jordan turn into something.” Endral then asked,

“Do you know what she said?” 

Eva replied, “Something like Puppenmacher.” 

Endral made a growning noise and said,“Uhh, why didn't I take German class instead of French?” 

Eva then said, “That's alright Endral.”

Sky then said,

“No it's not because the only person who knows how to speak German is Jordan!”'

Eva Then said, “True but what does it sound like in english?”

Cole replied in a calm voice, “Puppet Master, but Jordan doen't have any strings on her. Plus I'm pretty sure that witch would have started controling her by now.”

“Cole's right.” Said Eva, who then added, “But did iyiou listen to what she was saying? She said that by the next full moon if we don't get her the gem and we don't give Jordan the antidote in time, Jordan will be a doll forever!” 

Mazie gulped and said, “So what you're saying is that, Jordan's a doll?” 

Eva shook her head and said,

“No, not yet anyway. She is transforming into a doll but on the full moon she will become a full mtransformed doll.”

Everyone stared at Jordans wide, colorless eyes and her pale skin. Eva then thought, hold on Jordan, hold on.


Eva lead the group out of the meausame and into the bright afternoon sun. Eva turned to face her friends and then turned to cole and Endral and said, “Endral, I want you to take Jordan back to your house and try to keep Jordan a human. Contact us if you find anything that could help save Jordan or if Jordan starts acting weird.” Endral nodded, then motioned  for her dragon to come over. The large green dragon slowly walked over and extended both her wings. Endral climed up the dragons closest, out-stretched wing and sat down. Cole who held Jordan in his hands followed Endral and layed Jordan down behind Endral. Endral allowed vines to come from her wrists and wrap themselves around Jordan to keep her safe and secure during the fly. Cole slid back down the wing and stood back with the others, out of the large dragons wing span. Eva then said,

“Good luck, Endral.” 

Endral nodded and said back, “You too, be safe.” 

Eva replied, “We will.” Then Endral allowed her dragon to take off into the air.

The group of four ninja's watched as the dragon figure in the sky became a black speck in the distance. Finally, Eva said,

“Alright guys, lets go get that gem!”

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A Scroll Story of Ghosts

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The First To Go

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Little, Big World

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The Plan of Betrayl

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