True Beauty


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Before Beauty

 Before I was “pretty”, I never used to wear makeup. My mother always told us to show our natural beauty, so I have. 

Today it’s my first day at high school. 

“Anna! Get your brothers bag ready!” Shouted mum. 

Mikey is the youngest out of us all, he’s 3. I’m second oldest and my sister Emma is 17. I’m 14.

“Ok mum.” 

“Anna can you move your stupid diary out of the way?!” My sister is always trying to get me in trouble.

“One second, I’m feeding Mikey.”

“I don’t care what you’re doing hurry up!” 


Eventually I walked out of the house and went to school. I knew it was going to be rough but I didn’t care.  


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I turned around.

“Omg. Brielle!” Brielle was my best friend in primary. But we went separate ways when she met a new best friend, Chloe.

“How’ve you been Anna?”

“I’m ok, you?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m starting high school today with Chloe.” 

“That’s good how is Chloe?” I asked.

“She’s good yeah.” 

“That’s good.”

We can’t even have a conversation anymore.

“Well I’ll see you around.” I said.


I walked into school and there were loads of kids. Cool girls, nerdy girls, 

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