5 common problems of software translation


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5 common problems of software translation

To be a good translator, you not only need to have a good command of the language but be well-versed in multiple other aspects as well which includes the use of words and terminology in different contexts along with syntax and grammar. Every field has its peculiarities when it comes to translation and software is no different. Here are the 5 biggest issues of software translation     

Language Issues

There is a certain way programmers work and deal with language. Even though programming instructions tend to be in a language that a person is comfortable with, there are certain aspects of software such as strings which cannot be translated 

Formatting Issues:

Different terms of everyday usage such as measurements, dates, currency denominations are expressed differently in different markets. So how the user gives an input should be done keeping the target market in mind. Here's where you should go to official website on the best software localization services. The next part of this article will focus on cultural issues.  

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Cultural Issues:

Each language is different in the sense some of them have longer words than the others. This leads to shrinking or expansion of the text which then could lead to problems in rendering the text on the screen. Apart from that, problems also arise because some languages, Hebrew, for instance, are written right to left and some are written left to right. Another point which becomes a contentious issue is the use of colors. Different colors carry varied meanings across cultures and are understood differently.

Grammatical issues:

Like every facet of a language, the rules of grammar vary widely from one language to another. The gender assigned to nouns is one such rule. Some languages have gender-specific articles and pronouns and some do not. Even if languages have the same script, there are phonetic variations that are expressed through accents and umlaut which can be tricky to translate.

Tool Issues:

While source code is the plain text most of the time, when it comes to software translations, coders are expected to complete their document translation tasks with the help of certain specialized tools. Tool compatibility with various languages is also an issue that crops up from time to time. Not to forget the fact that tools are not great with understanding the different contextual meanings of the same word.  

People Issues:

Software translation involves working with 2 completely contrasting groups of people, developers, and translators. But it becomes essential that both the groups have an overall understanding of the complete project given that there are also 2 varying sets of languages that are in the picture here, technical and natural, so the people involved in a software translation project must have an understanding of both forms of language to help them discern what is an error and what is not.

In addition to the errors listed above, another challenge that software translation brings to the table is updated on a regular basis. This means that the team must ensure that all the manuals and user guides are up to date as well.

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