7 Road Safety Rules for Kids


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7 Road Safety Rules for Kids

Unlike most adults who can control themselves on the roads, kids are the most vulnerable when it comes to using roads. They need guidance as early as when they are young so that they know up, knowing what to do and what not to do when on the road. It is important for kids to know the relevant rules and regulations on the road, but do not overwhelm them with information that will be hard for them to process. Teach them the basic safety rules first, and guide them to ensure that they have followed all the rules. As a parent or a caregiver, you can be there with them and see if they recognize some or all of the safety rules you taught them. Some of the road safety rules include the following. 

Do Not Run

Kids might think that running while crossing the road is the best thing, not knowing that they are endangering themselves. However, running while crossing the road is dangerous especially if they trip and fall, then the traffic lights suddenly change. An oncoming vehicle may hit them in the process. This will force the driver to hire a car accident lawyer Seattle to help him in defending himself before the judge. When evidence and CCTV footage is looked at clearly, the child will be seen to be crossing the road running when he or she should have walked instead. Therefore, children should not run while crossing the road. 

Do Not Be In A Hurry To Alight From A Bus

Children who are eager to meet their parents or friends after school might get excited and rush in alighting from the bus. This is very risky and dangerous for them, because they will not bother to check their left and right side before alighting. It is important that you teach children never to be in a hurry alighting from the bus. Also, they should stay calm when the bus comes to a stop, and only alight when the doors to the bus are opened. In addition to that, they should also not get distracted while on the road as they can make the adult person with them confused, and to look the opposite direction. 

Wear Protective Gears When Cycling On The Road

Protective gears such as helmets not only protect your from getting hurt from road accidents, but also keeps you safe from dangerous items such as falling stones from a construction site. Make it clear to kids that they must have protective gears when they are planning to cycle on the roads. This is important because when they fall, they can land safely on the ground, without hitting their head hard on a surface and ending up with a head injury.    

Take Note Of The Traffic Signals

The first step to letting children use the roads is to teach them different traffic lights and signals, and what each of them means. The road signals and signs that they need to know are as follows;

  • Green traffic lights gives vehicles the go ahead to move.
  • Red lights means that all vehicles should stop.
  • Yellow, or umber light alerts drivers that they need to slow down because they are stopping in seconds or minutes. 
  • If there is a traffic sign with a pedestrian who seems to be walking then the pedestrians should cross the road. When the pedestrian sign turns red, no one should cross the road. In other road signs, a hand is used instead of the walking man. They both mean the same thing and carry the same message. 

After the child has taken note of the different traffic lights and what each means, he or she will find it much easier to use the roads. 

Look Before Crossing The Road

Kids need to learn that they should look before crossing the road. This is an important safety rule that will help keep them safe on the road. In most cases, children will need to cross the road when they want to board the bus, after alighting from the bus or even when going to play with their friends across the street. Whatever reason they have for crossing the road, or even the streets, they should always stop and look first before crossing the road. Looking gives children time to see whether there is an oncoming vehicle that they need to let pass, or whether the road is clear for the to cross. If there is road traffic, kids need to know that they should never cross in between vehicles. This is because another vehicle may be coming at a high speed from the opposite direction, and can hit them. 

Be Aware Of Your Surrounding And Avoid Road Destructions

With the increased development in the technological industry, kids can listen to music using headphones or earphones. They get lost in the moment that they may fail to hear a car honking at them. This is hazardous and endangers the life of the kid especially when he or she is unlucky to be knocked down by a drunk driver. 

Use Pedestrian Crossing

Pedestrian crossing were not put on the road by mistake. They are meant to be used by pedestrians for safety. This is the safest place that a child or any other person can use while crossing the road. Children should be taught to cross the road at the pedestrian walk, and if they have to cross at any other point, they should make sure that the road sign has the “pedestrian or hand” sign on. 

In summary, children look up to their parents and caregivers as their role models. They emulate everything they do, and they also know that their parents are always right. This is why parents should sit down with their children and teach them some of the important road safety rules. In addition to that, a parent can make it his or her priority to help the child cross the road physically so that they learn from you how to use the road appropriately. Therefore, the above rules are important when children are aware of them. 

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