Common Mistakes That Business Owners Do With Social Media Marketing


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Common Mistakes That Business Owners Do With Social Media Marketing

We often see how business owners tend to make mistakes with social media marketing. That’s why we thought of listing down the most common mistakes. If you can learn about them, you can make sure that you don’t commit any. 

1. Failing To Identify Potential Target Audience

You should identify your potential customer and know where you could find him or her. It is imperative that you know where they would be generally hanging out and what their preferences are. What age group they belong to and most of all whether they are male or female or even both sexes.

You should fit your small business and what you would offer precisely to the target audience or you would be wasting your time and efforts, which is one of the mistakes many make by just being of the Social Media but without direction.  If you are a person who is often finding it as a difficult task to understand the correct target audience, you should think about going through the latest business news analysis and insights. This will assist you to understand how the market is behaving and what you should be doing in order to reach the market in a better way. Those inputs can be used to ensure success of your social media marketing campaigns. 

2. Incomplete Profile

Your profile on the Social Media should be comprehensive and show everything that you would be offering your potential customer. If you are selling products to a particular segment on the Social Media show what you offer impressively. 

Your customer would have just a few seconds to make up his or her mind, hence take full cognizance of it. Buying decisions are generally made instantly though they may have researched what they want.

3. Being Complacent

You may think that it is easy to be on the Social Media and whatever post you place would be looked at by your potential customer. That is not the case being on the Social Media needs strategy and effective ones too. You just cannot post anything and expect your target audience to see it.

You need to pick the right strategy and be on the right wavelength in common to what your potential customer would like and then you could win. 

4. Assuming All Social Media Is Similar

The various Social Media platforms have varying exposure and different time frames where they would be effectively watched or seen by your potential customer audience. Some Social Media like the Twitter would last just a few seconds before they are gone from your customer’s screen.

Facebook on the other hand could last a few hours even extend a little beyond so assuming they are all the same would be a mistake because you would need to build individual strategies for individual platforms on the Social Media.   

5. Being Too Pushy

You need to educate and entertain your potential customers instead of just bombarding them with posts to buy and talking too much of your product or service. Let the customers decide as they know what they need unlike in the past they acquire more information of what they need before they would strike the action button.

Customers generally don’t like to be pushed to buy they need to be convinced by you to buy. 

6. Targeting Quantity Instead Of Quality

You need to take your product or service to the potential individual customer instead of trying to woo about 10,000 customer who would not be potentials expecting a few to buy. Once you have identified your customer help him or her to buy your product or service by convincing them to engage with you.

Throwing your line and expecting some fish to bite on your bait is not what you should be doing. You would have a tiny fish after much effort when you really wanted a big one. 

7. Patience Wins

You cannot expect results overnight when on the Social Media, but would need to be patient. Towards that you would need to carefully select your target audience, educate them, build a longstanding relationship, create trust and then gradually change them into your customer who would engage with you.

The process could take TIME and that is the essence of your strategy and you would need to be patient till then but be active at all times without vanishing from your customers view. 

8. Being Precise On What You Post

Your posts should be precise and appropriate it should not be inappropriate or offending. For instance what one customer would see as a joke could be offending to another. Hence be very selective and don’t be continuously posting content that would bore the customer.

If you make them uninterested they would keep away from you and even place “dislikes” on your posts which could be detrimental to your business. 

9. Responding Fast 

If a customer engages and leaves a comment it is imperative that you respond as fast as you can. Ignoring or letting it slip through would not be in your best interests. The Social Media is live 24x7 and if you are on it is imperative that you be too. It is only then could you be a part of the Social Media family as that is what your potential customers think and would like.

The Social Media is universal and you would need to be too.

10. Deleting Negative Comments Or Ignoring Them

If negative comments are made respond to them and find out the issue and try to rectify or help out. If you do so it would digest well not only with the customer concerned but with all others following your Social Media platform. Ignoring negative comments could cost you dearly if you want to be on the Social Media. You may not know who would be reading such comments and not taking immediate action would be detrimental to your businesses future on the Social Media.

Final Words 

Make sure that you do these mistakes. Then you can secure positive results. 

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