Is It Legal To Start A Business Offering CBD Products?


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Is It Legal To Start A Business Offering CBD Products?

Do you want to start a new business with related to CBD? Then you must take a look at the legal aspect of it. You should only start your business after having a clear understanding about the legal aspects of the business. It will provide you with the opportunity to refrain from facing unwanted troubles in the future. 

Hemp like marijuana has been in the public domain for hundreds of years and it is known that the first clothing ever worn by men and women was made from the hemp plant. There is no chance of making any sort of clothing from the marijuana plant. The cause of the confusion was because the hemp plant and marijuana were both classified in the cannabis family, how this was possible is still being studied with no progress on it so far. If hemp could be declassified from the cannabis family and placed on an alternative classification whether there could be a change of heart from the legislators is another though to ponder for those who are clamoring for the change.

Starting Your Business 

Now you have a clear understanding about the legal aspects of CBD and you will be able to keep them in your mind and proceed with starting your business. There are some ground work that you have to do when launching the business. For example, you will have to get custom CBD boxes and make sure that you offer solid products to the market under solid branding. On the other hand, you will need to do a competitor research and understand how you will be able to position your products in the market. 

Along with the legalization of CBD, we see how a large number of CBD products are entering into the market. You will have to live with this stiff competition and get more customers to purchase what you offer. This is where you can take a look at getting the CBD boxes and launching the best CBD products to the market. 

The Psychoactive Properties Added To The Confusion

There is no doubt that it was the psychoactive ingredient Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is prevalent in marijuana in a high percentage that caused its ban. Whilst marijuana has a very high percentage of THC, which could vary between 5% and 35% depending on the growth sources, hemp has a miniscule 0.3% of the same THC. Hence it could be seen that it was not the psychoactive ingredient THC that has caused the issue but some other, which could be nothing but ignorance. Though these proven figures are placed before the powers that be, there has still not being any positive reactions from them.

Hemp is grown commercially in countries where sanity has prevailed but in the United States it is still dragging its feet with nothing much of progress to be seen in the right direction. This classification which brought marijuana as a Schedule I Drug onto the list of Controlled Substances Act did good for its illegal trade.

The Illegal Trade In Marijuana

The illegal trade in marijuana has flourished with the law enforcement authorities helpless as the cartels that are running the illegal trade is very well organized, meticulous and smart to avoid detection. Hemp on the other hand has suffered for no fault of its own but because of the issues with marijuana. It is a very blatant case of being in the “wrong family” or among “bad friends” that has caused this problem to hemp.

It is also interesting to note that hemp is not cultivated illegally as it has no demand in the illegal trading industry which would put their hands out only when it is profitable to their cause. This alone should open the eyes of the authorities concerned but nobody seems to care much as they don’t want to burn their fingers without any reason to do so.

It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt in many tests conducted in various laboratories that hemp has no psychoactive properties this is because the 0.3% of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in it is not sufficient to induce any such reactions. Hence continuing to place hemp and marijuana in the same banned list has not been a prudent exercise which has come about without much thought being given to the subject.

Cannabis Legalized

Cannabis has also entered the United States and some states have legalized it for medical use whilst a few have lifted the ban totally where you could use cannabis for recreational purposes. This has of course created quite an issue with some states in complete contravention of United States federal laws. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in a quandary as to action they should take against the possession of cannabis because it is a federal offense. Issues stand at a very crucial juncture and with the medical fraternity putting their professional weight behind cannabis it has stirred up a hornets nest.

Of the 104 or so cannabinoids which are prevalent in the cannabis plant two stands out quite prominently and they are Cannabidiol (CBD), and the other Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Whilst the former has no psychoactive compound the latter is high in in it. It is the existence of THC in cannabis that has put it among the dangerous drugs list of many countries. Most countries were forced to follow as the United Nations took serious issue of the worldwide proliferation of drugs and have placed many on a universal banned list. Cannabis finds its way onto that list due to the high psychoactive properties prevalent in the cannabinoid THC.

What some states of the United States have done has not gone down very well with the federal government and also the United Nations but with very popular and concerted efforts some state governments have relented. The result has been the lifting of the ban and which is now extensively used to treat many common sicknesses which should have been done long before.

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