Harry Potter And The Next Generation


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Chapter one

 On one bright Sunday morning in Blackpool,Rosie,an eleven-year-old girl ,was layed in her bed-quietly snoozing.She was slowly waking up.She carelessly reached out and grabbed her phone from next to her pillow(which was soft and fluffy),10:23 flashed at the top of her bright screen.(This made her eyes water as they weren't used to the light yet.)She let out a huge sigh"better get up if I want to have some breakfast"(She usually got up at lunchtime and was painfully hungry.)Almost falling off her ladder,which really woke her up,she clambered down from her tall,wooden bunk bed.Grabbing her hairbrush and brushing her messy,brown hair,she automatically began looking at Harry Potter photos on her phone.Harry Potter was her favourite thing ever!She knew all the spells and loved chatting about it with her friends.When her acceptance letter had arrived she had been thrilled!Knowing most her friends had received one had been even better!

      ...One week later...

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