The Flash


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A nother speedster

 The other man trapped all the people in star labs but eggsept one the owner. Berry took the owner out side so they cold fight. The man was in yellow the man ran Berry ran after him.

The man was gone. He was faster than Berry. Berry new he had to get faster. Berry made friends at star labs. They built him a treadmill.

The next day the other speedster was robing a bank. Berry ran to the bank and punched him in the back. The man and Berry fot for a long time. Berry ran so fast he punched the man and he got nocked out. Berry ran to ccpd and dropped him off. Berry ran back to star labs.

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Zoom the other flash

 When Berry got back there was a portl to a nother Earth. A man named zoom was a nother speedster that was evil. Zoom was faster than Berry to. Zoom challanged Berry to a race him. He said to meet him at 1:77 pm sharp. Berry said yes to the challenge. The next day Berry woke up at 5:30 Am. Berry sleped for 14 more hours. Then it turned 5:27 Berry only had 3 more minutes. 3 minutes later Berry left. Zoom was waiting for Berry. Zoom said the rules. The person who ends up last is no more a flash. 123 GO! Berry ran and ran. Berry past up zoom. Zoom was made. Zoom tried to kill Berry but Berry was to fast. Berry nocked zoom out. Berry broght zoom back to Earth 2. And the city was saved. The End

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A nother speedster

 The other man trapped all the people in star labs but eggsept one the owner. Berry took the owner out side so they cold fight. The man was in yellow the man ran Berry ran after him.

The man was gone. He was faster than Berry. Berry new he had to get faster. Berry made friends at star labs. They built him a treadmill.

The next day the other speedster was robing a bank. Berry ran to the bank and punched him in the back. The man and Berry fot for a long time. Berry ran so fast he punched the man and he got nocked out. Berry ran to ccpd and dropped him off. Berry ran back to star labs.

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Zoom the other flash

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