What Is Love ?


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

Love is great feeling but it’s not just a feeling , it’s an action . You will do anything to keep the person you love in your life and be together till the end .

Love won’t cause heartbreak to us if we loved the right person cuz real love will never end !!

When you talk to this person every day without getting bored ,you can tell him anything whether it makes you happy or sad ,when you cannot get him out of your mind ,when you feel like you own the whole world when he is with you , when you automatically smile when you see him..

this heartbeat when he is in front of you and this smile on your face means alot 

When he becomes the first thing which comes to ur mind when you wake up❤️

I love you isn’t just a word ! We should say it if we really mean it !

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