Oh Oliver


Tablo reader up chevron

 Chapter 1

    “Left, Under, Right, Under, Left, Under, Rig-”

“You've been in there for hours!” Phoenix yelled from outside the door making me lose my concentration. “Get out!”  

I looked at myself in the mirror, my hands were in the back of my head trying to make myself a French Braid, but stupid Nix made me lose my spot. “Give me a minute.”

“I'll give you five seconds!” 

“Well someone's on their period,” I said under my breath. 

“I heard you,” He said.

I huffed and undid my braid and put in a ponytail, just like always. I never know what to do with my hair, it's long and kind of curly. I love my long hair, but it's too much work in the mornings.  I open the door to see Nix leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his bare chest. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the bathroom. He murmured something and locked himself in the bathroom as soon as I reached my bedroom door. I packed my things and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. My mom was by the stove stirring slowing some eggs while my dad was on the back kissing her neck. Gross! Couldn't they do that in the privacy of their room, seriously I'll be scarred for life if they keep this up. 

“Can I for come in this kitchen with my appetite intact?” My voice brought my mom back to reality, which made her jump and made all my breakfast spill on the stove. Just marvelous. My dad just chuckled and separated himself from my mom and came towards me and handed me a twenty. He kissed my forehead, “Go buy breakfast with your brother.” He smiled down at me and nodded to something over my shoulder. I turned to see Nix with his backpack in his hand and his keys in the other. 

“Let's go scurt.” He said walking the door.

“Don't call me that.” 

“Whatever, scurt.”

“Dad, tell him not to call me that!”

“Phoenix,” My dad said sternly. I stuck my tongue out at Nix. I know it's childish, but I hate when he calls me that, even his friends started to call me that, which was very annoying. We walked out to the car which was covered in ice. I still can't believe that it's already February and it's still freezing cold. I got in and turned on the heating system. Nix turned on the car and waited for it to heat up while trying to get the ice of the windshield. 

“I hate this weather” I huffed. 

“Tell me about it.”

After a couple of minutes we left and picked up some McDonalds and head to school. I took the last bit of my biscuit and crumbled up the paper and through it in the bag where it came from. We turned into the school seconds later. Nix parked near the school, which was surprising because we were kind of late and just half of the parking was full. We got out of the car and headed towards the front of the school. I threw away our things in the trash can outside the entrance while Nix opened the door for me and we walked in. Just as we stepped in my brother's friends started to greet him. I swear it was like this every day. I wouldn't say my brother is the most known guy in school, but he does have a lot of friends making him a little popular. I side stepped them and walked to my locker. I twisted my locker combination and opened my locker with a facility. I stuffed my books inside and pulled out my journal for my first class and closed my locker. I jumped when I saw someone leaning against the lockers. He had his eyes closed and his head was upwards like if he was frustrated. I ignored him and just walked to class without a second glance.


Lunch came around and I headed towards the library. I sometimes sit with my brother and his friends, but I heard today Beth was going to be sitting with them and I don't want to sit by that female dog. But I don't want to talk about her, or it will ruin my day. 

I walked to the end of the library where there was a table in the middle of 4 bookshelves, which felt like being trapped, but it was a quiet place to eat and be alone. I've never stood out in school, so nobody really knows who I am. They know that Phoenix has a younger sister. But they don't really pay attention to me. His friends just acknowledge me whenever they’re at our house, but that is it.  I got to the table and started to eat my sandwich while reading my book. Once I was done I put everything back in the bag and keep reading. For some odd reason I heard a phone vibrate, I turned around and I found no one. I pulled out my phone and I saw that I had a message. That's weird, I thought I had but my phone on silence. I looked at the screen to see that it was Phoenix. What does he want now?

From Nix

Were r u?

To Nix

Seriously? Can you not spell?

From Nix

Just tell me.

To Nix

Library. Why?

From Nix

K. Don't move from there.

To Nix

Is something wrong?

From Nix

Nah. Just a fight. Wanted 2 make sure u were ok.

I swear I have to teach this boy how to spell correctly, or make him less lazy… Ha, who am I kidding? The bell rang and I gathered my stuff and walked out of the library. My phone buzzed again and I looked down, which made me bump into someone. My phone slipped out of my hand and went crashing down to the floor. 

“Watch where you're going, bitch.” A deep voice yelled. I looked at my phone on the floor cracked and now this idiot was calling me a bitch.

“Excuse me?” I said looking up. This guy was huge, he was buff and looked six feet high.

“You heard what I said. Now move.” He barked. This guy doesn't have a mother or what? “What did you say about my mother?” He stepped forward towering over me. I keep my ground and crossed my arms.

“I said nothing about your mother.” I looked up glaring into his forest eyes. “I want to know what you called me a couple of seconds ago.”

“What? That you're a bitch?” He smirked.

“Yeah, that.” I uncrossed my arms and my hands formed into a fist. “Now say it to my face.”

He lowered down till he was in my face, “My pleasure, Bit-” he never finished his sentence because I punched him right in the jaw. Now we're even.

His hand automatically flew towards me and I ducked making him stumble sideways. Which gave me an advantage of pushing him making him fall forwards. I'm so thankful for my Uncle teaching me self-defense when he visited last month when he came back from the army. I picked up my cellphone and looked around me to see if anyone had seen what just happened, but nobody seemed to be around so I just walked out of the library. 


Classes were boring like always especially Mrs. Anderson's class, that old hag doesn't even have the word 'break' in her vocabulary. Sometimes she goes deaf, or she just turns off her hearing aids. I walked to my locker and saw a note stuck to it. I tore off the note and read the back.

Watch your back!

What kind of sick joke is this? I turned around to see if anyone looked suspicious, but everyone seem in their own world. I crumble up the paper and opened my locker and stuffed my backpack inside. I had no homework today, so why even take my bag home. I headed towards the senior parking lot where my brother always parks. But when I spotted him he was sucking faces with Beth. It was freezing outside and they were getting it on, on my car? Well technically both our car, but still it was mine too. Gosh, I really hate her. I walked towards the passenger's seat and opened the door, which was opened. Thank, God. I got in and leaned over. It was a surprised that they didn't even hear me open the door. I put my hand on the horn and pressed on it. The sound made Beth jump a mile, which was really funny. My brother cursed and said goodbye to the skank and got in. He glared at me with his bumped lips, and a little blood coming out of it. “Damn she bit you” He looked forward and started the car.

“Yeah, thanks to you,” He said grumpily. I just rolled my eyes and faced forwards. The rest of the way home was quiet with just the radio playing in the background. I hate this silence, ever since Beth came into Nix's life we've been having more of these silent moments and it all her fault. I really hate Beth with passion. 

We got home and I rushed out of the car and went straight up to my room. I opened my laptop that was on my desk and opened my word document. I started to type the rest of my story that I have been working on this month. This is the only thing that gives me peace after a day like this. I've almost written forty-five thousand words, which is not bad because I write for an hour or two sometimes which in that time I write about a thousand to two thousand words an hour. It like I've written half a book. After a while, there's a knock on my door, which is weird because my brother never knocks he just waltz in like he owns the place. I open the door to see nobody but when I look down there's this little boy around 4 years old holding is parts and moving side to side. He's looking at me in surprise but doesn't say anything.

“Uhm… Do you need a restroom?” I ask and he nods quickly. I feel like laughing, but I hold it in and take him to the restroom. I open the door for him and he steps in instantly, he looks back at me and I feel like I should help him, but I've never done that before. “Do you need help?” He shakes his head, so I just close the door. After a minute, I hear a flush and the sink turn on. The door opens and he comes out with his shirt up showing his belly and his jean button is undone. He looks at me expectantly. Am I supposed to do it for him? Yes, stupid he's just a baby! I crouch down to his height and button his jeans, which I've never seen that before. Baby jeans are super cute! I pull his shirt down look back at him still crouch to his height and ask him his name.

“Jaden,” He says in a little cute voice, which almost sounded like a whisper. I smile at Jaden and looked back to see if anybody will come out and claim this little boy. “Where did you came from Jaden?” He looks behind me and points at the long hallway. “Okay. Well, will you show me where that is?” He nods and I stand up waiting for him to lead the way, but he grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway. I swear I can from the cuteness from this little boy. We stop informs of my brothers room, which kind of scares me.

God, please let it not be Nix's son. 

"My suister is studwing with finix." Oh, thank God! 

"Who's your sister, Jaden?"

"Fibby!" He says cheerily. But I have no idea who Fibby is, or if it's even a name. I nodded and knock on the door. There's muffled sounds until Nix opened the door. 

"Yes?" I asked looking bored.

"I found a little kid." I said and looked down at Jaden. My brother looks down at Jaden and realization hits his eyes. Then I hear someone inside the room fumbling and then a girl comes into view and looks at Jaden and back at me with a terrified face. 

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry." She said and looked down at the little boy. "I told you to stay on the couch."

"I nueded to go pee!" I smile down and him and look back at the girl who is flushed from embarrassment. I suppose this girl is Fibby. 

"It's fine." I look at my brother for some explanation, but he looks like he doesn't give a shit about what's going on right now. "Well I can take care of him for the time you guys finish studying."

"We are studying." My brother said in annoyance.

"Yeah, your brother is failing Forensics." Nix looks at her like she's the stupid one. "And that would be very gross, being with your brother. No offense." Now my brother looked at her surprised.

"None, taken."

"What do you mean gross?" We said at the same time. She looks at him skeptically and thanks me for looking after her little brother while my brother starts interrogating her on why she thinks he's gross. 

That was my cue to leave so I took Jaden back to my room. He was a great distraction, not as great at writing, but a distraction. 

Chapter 2 

It took forever for Nix and that girl Fibby to finish studying, well I just hope that they were studying. But it didn't matter because Jaden and I had the time of our lives. He was shy at the beginning, but when I took him to the kitchen to bake some frozen pizza he started to talk about how this George guy always brings him pizza and that he always locks himself in his sister's room. I suppose that would be Fibby's boyfriend, so she really is just helping Nix study. 

Dumb ass.

After the pizza was done and he had stopped talking about Fibby's personal life we went to my room to eat the pizza and watch a movie. Halfway through the movie I brought ice cream, but I think it gave him a sugar rush. He jumped in my bed, and told me all about his car collection, then he started to sing the jungle for hot wheels. He was so cute, that he even grabbed my hands and started to usher me to jump with him. I kind of hesitated, but I couldn't resist his cuteness so we started to jump on my bed. It's was a queen bed so there was plenty of room for jumping. We were laughing and singing when my door bursts open to reveal Nix and Fibby. I blushed and got off the bed and grabbed Jaden carried him to his sister.

“Are weh wehving.” Gosh, I could just keep this kid.

“Yes, sweetie now comes on.” She extended her arms for him to go to her, but he just stared and her and back to me.

“Can I juast stway here?” He looked at me making Fibby drop her arms and look at him questionably. 

I smiled at the kid and kissed his cheek. “I wish, but you need to go home to sleep. But I promise that you can come over whenever you want.”

He smiled wide at me and hugged my neck. I passed him to his sister and waved goodbye to him, and he extended his arm and moved his hand side to side. I swear I felt my heart melt. 

My brother escorted them out, and I went back to the kitchen to leave the dirty plates in the sink. I turned to get back to my room but found my brother leaning on the front door with his hand in his hair. 

“You okay?” He looked up at me as if I had done something wrong.



“You're the one putting these things in my head!” 

“Okay?” I looked at him curiously and just walked back upstairs. 

“What the hell! You're just going to ignore me?” I look back at him and he is already at the foot of the stairs looking frustrated as ever. I rolled my eyes and motioned him to follow me. He laid on my bed and blurted what I think was frustrating him.

“Fabiola is a bitch.” 


“Who's Fabiola?” I asked confused cause I've never heard my brother talk about her. 

“The bitch tutor.” He said simply covering his eyes with his forearm. 

“The one that was just here with the little boy?” 

“Yeah, her”

“Why is she a female dog?”

“God, Bee why can't you just say bitch.” He shook his head. “You know what, ignore what I said, and don’t swear.”  

I sat Indian style at the foot of his bed beside his long legs, “So, what did she do.”

“It's not what she did it's what she said.” 

“Okay… What did she say?”

“That I'm a fuckboy.” He chuckled at that and continues his ramble. “She also said that whatever girl would want to be with me is the most stupid girl in the world. She wouldn't even date me if I was the last person on earth, she would rather kill herself. I thought she was too dramatic! But no. Then she started describing all the thing that are wrong with me. Can you believe that! She said that my face looked deformed and that my hair looked greasy! Greasy, for god's sake I shower day and night! Then she goes and insults my personality. She fucking hates me. Like come on isn't insulting my God given face enough. Also, she said that I probably have an STD, because I slept with Bet-” 

Okay! That was enough of that conversation. So I cut him off, I covered my ears and screamed that they were bleeding. I know a little over dramatic but come on I don't want to hear about my brother's sex life, especially with Beth. Gosh, just thinking about it gives me the creeps. He just rolls his eyes while sitting up. 

“So what are you going to do about it?” I question after my screaming. 

“What do you mean?” He looked at me confused. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I stood up from the bed and he sat on the edge of the bed.

“I mean, aren't you going to show her who you really are? Cause I know that everything you said is not true, not just because you're my brother, but because I'm a girl and I'm not blind.” I crossed my arms and looked at him expectantly. But he wasn't getting so I just say what I was trying to say from the beginning, “There's a thin line between love and hate.”

He looked at me puzzled, then thoughtful, and finally he laughed hysterically. He wiped an imaginary tear from his cheek and shook his head at me. “God, Bee you crack me up.”


“But nothing. I have a girlfriend, well I have Beth. Okay?” He looked at me for confirmation, so I just nod. He stands and kissed my forehead, which meant the end of our conversation for I don't know how long.  


“Mom!” I rushed downstairs and entered the living, but nobody was there. I set down my bag on the couch and rushed to the kitchen, but the lights were off. Huh, that's weird. “Nix!”

I climbed the stairs and turned left to Nix room.  I knocked and the door, “Nix!”

I heard a groan and then he was at the door. “What?”

“Where's mom?”

“Out.” That was all he said and closed the door, jerk!

“I need you take me to the mall.” I said, practically talking to the door. 

“I'm busy!” He yelled out. Then I heard the bed creak, busy my ass. I opened the door and almost went blind. There on the bed was Beth half naked on my brother's bed. “What the fuck! Get out!”

“If you're not taking me then I am.” I closed my eyes not to see the disgusting thing that was happening in my home. I wasn't leaving until he gave me the keys. 

“I'm not letting you drive my car. Now get out!”

“It's my car too. So if you're too busy I'll drive myself.” I crossed my arms taking a stand.

“Just give her the damn keys.” Gosh, even her voice irritated me. “You know that way we can have our house to ourselves.” She said seductively, which made me gag. 

“Fine,” He said and I heard him roaming around and then he grabbed my forearm and put the keys in my hand. He turned me around, which made me open my eyes again knowing I was safe from being scared. “You sure you'll be alright driving?”

“Come on, Nix. I've driven before, it's not that hard.”

I started descending the stairs without waiting for a response. I grabbed my purse from the couch and headed out the door. I got into the car and started to drive to the mall. It's wasn't that far away just 20 minutes away. Once I got there the mall was packed with people, I bet everyone is here for what I'm here for too. I finally found parking after hours of waiting, well like 10 minutes and then started to head to Dillard's. There was this big promotion on shoes and clothes for teens going on today. That's why I was so determined to come. I know I might be socially awkward, but that didn't mean I didn't have a sense of fashion. I've always loved shopping even if I am alone, sometimes Nix comes with me, but he always gets bored really fast and we leave before even begin here an hour. Once I entered the store I went directly to the shoe section, I found some really cute boots on sale and I tried to find some sandals for spring break. I know I should have bought some a long time ago, but it's still freezing cold so I didn't really need them. 

Once I had my hands full of shoes I went upstairs to find some clothes. I think I went a little crazy with the clothes if my dad doesn't freak out with all the stuff I bought he will when he sees the bill. Once I had everything paid for and in bags I started to walk back to the car. While I was walking back I saw a hair salon, and the window said $15 the cut. That wasn't bad! I need a haircut anyway it's always too much work in the morning, and then with Nix always pressuring me… No, I do need a haircut. I went into the salon and set my bags near the counter and waited for someone to assist me. After a minute or two a petite lady with pixie hair came to the counter. “Hi, what can I do for you?”

“Hi, I would like a haircut.” I shouldn't have said that because she looked at me with a stupid face, like if I had answered the obviously. it was an obvious answer.

“Okay, honey let's see what I can do for you.” I nodded grabbing my bags and followed him to one of the chairs in the back. I set my bags near the front where all their hair product were. I sat down in the chair and was lowered down immediately. “So you said you wanted a haircut?” She asked while putting that thing that goes around your neck while cutting your hair, that way no hairs get in your clothes. 

“Yeah, I always struggle in the morning, so if you could do something with my hair that will make it less difficult that would be great.” She nodded and started to comb my hair. It was really relaxing that I started to doze off. Then after a while I heard a small voice, I opened my eyes and found the source that was calling into my ears. It was the pixie-haired lady. 

“I'm going to wash your hair now, I just need you to move with me.” I nodded and followed her into a room where she sat me in another chair and inclined me all the way back to have my head inside the little tub. Once she was done she wrapped my hair in a towel and made me follow her out again. I was seated back to my old seat and she started to unwrap my hair, which let me in shock. 

“Shit.” I mumbled.

“I think it looks great, you actually look hot now.” The lady said. Not only did I not have my long hair that reached to my butt, but to my shoulders now, and it was omber. My mom was going to kill me. 

The lady finished drying my hair and then made me pay her. After the horrifying thing she did to me I was tempted on just running out. 

I grabbed my thing and headed for my car, and dumped everything in the trunk. By this time the parking lot was practically empty, it was about to be 10. 

I exited the parking lot and started to head home, but I don't like taking the Highway at these hours, so I just went through the neighborhoods, which seems safer. I turned the radio a bit louder and came to a stop just a few blocks from my house. I wasn't paying attention to the traffic light until someone honked at me, and I looked back up. I saw the little green light indicating me to go left. 

I took off the brake and started to turn left, but before I could even get into the lane to my left, I saw a bright light from my right and in a matter of seconds right in the middle of the intersection I was hit. The car shock and was dragged almost flipping it over, everything seemed like if it was going in slow motion. I saw blood on the steering wheel and on the glass, I started to panic. Everything was getting so dark, I tried to move, I tried to stay awake, but nothing was working. I started to feel light headed, and the last thing I heard was police sirens before I blacked out. 

Chapter 3

I was cold. I can't feel anything. I tried to move, but my body isn't responding. That beeping sound is really annoying me.

God, why is it so cold?

Someone opened a door, and then the sound of cries filled the room. I tried to open my eyes to see who those cries were from, but my eyelids felt like a ton of bricks. “Ma'am, it's best that you don't cry. Sometimes in these types of situations the patient can hear his or her surroundings.” Her voice was so smooth.

“Come on, honey. You have to be strong.” Dad?

God, where am I?

“I'll let you some time alone with her.” The smooth voice said again. 

A faint 'thank you' was said and the door was closed. Again I tried to move, to do anything, but miserably failed. 

Then I felt a warm hand touch my cold one, “Gosh, she's freezing.” A faint whisper said. “Honey, could you get more sheets, lease.” It was my mom. 

Mom! Please tell me where I am! Mom!

“Okay,” Dad said, and the creaking sound of the door sounded again. 

My cheeks were embraced with warmth, it felt as if the sun had kissed my cheeks. I felt at the beach. I was at the beach. “Hi, sweetheart.” I turned to my right, and standing there was my mom. I rushed to her and embraced her in a hug. 

“Mom! I've missed you.” I said kissing her.

“The doctor said you got into a really bad crash, and that it was a miracle you're alive.” She choked on the end with tears in her eyes. What? She completely ignored me. But, then like a flash the beached disappeared. The warmth was gone, and the sniffling of my mother filled the room. 

“Honey?” Dad, he was back.

“I can't take this.” It was a whisper of a sound, I almost didn't hear it, but she repeated it again even louder. “I can't Steven. Look at her! They say it's a miracle that's she's alive, but look at her! My baby is a COMMA, that's not alive! I want her back! God, damn it. I WANT MY BABY BACK!” Then again she started crying, they were muffled seconds later. It seemed like she was being hugged. 

Once she said comma, my whole body started to shake. I wanted to cry, but nothing was coming out. Then everything stopped. And I opened my eyes, but I wasn't in a hospital room. I was back in my car. 

I can't stop crying. I can't even breathe anymore. “Hey! Hey, are you okay?” What a stupid question. I'm bleeding out, does it look like I was okay? I turned to the voice to see a gorgeous pair of olive green eyes. “Shit. Don't worry I’m getting you out.” He said about to leave, but I didn't want to be alone. “Wait! Please, don't go.” He looked back at me, but I couldn't quite see him, my vision was blurry and I couldn't see him well. But I did see blood on the side of his face. “What happen?” I tried to speak, but it came out raspy and not very loud. 

“You're going to be fine. I swear I'm not leaving here.” He said sternly and I just tried to nod, but it was too painful. I really just wanted to go to sleep. I started to close my eyes, "Hey! Stay with me!" I nodded again, too tired to speak. "Hey, come on. Don't close your eyes." I looked back at him, and just tried to keep my eyes opened, but they were weighing on me. "Okay, well at least tell me your name." 

"Phoebe" I whisper.

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled at that, even if it hurt like hell. "I'm Oliver." 

I chuckled, but I sounded like a dying cat. God, I shouldn't even be talking about death. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"Your eyes."

"My eyes?" I nodded. "The color... is your name."

Then he chuckled, and his didn't sound like a dying cat, it was like honey. 

Gosh, I was really out of it.

"Yeah, once my mom saw my eyes, she named me." I smiled at him and he returned the gesture. "Okay, Phoebe what do you love to do?" 


"What do shop for?"

"Shoes" He chucked and he keep asking questions trying to keep me awake and it was working. Then he asked me the last question but I didn't get to answer because sirens started to be heard and for some reason it was soothing that I finally got to close my eyes. 


“No negative things should be said, okay?” 


“Okay then, I'll leave you two alone.” The door closed and the sound of a chair being pushed filled my ears.

“You look like horrible, you know that.” Geez, what happened to no negativity? 

There was a long pause and for a second there I thought I had gone deaf, but then I felt a squeeze in my hand, “I should have been there.” He whispered. “This would have never happened if I would have taken you. God, I’m such an idiot.”

It was really good hearing my brother’s voice, but the vulnerability in it was making me really sad. I wanted to squeeze his hand back to tell him that I was okay and that it wasn't his fault, but my body never responded. “I'm sorry” I heard him whimper. “I'm so, so fucking sorry.” I felt his lips on my hand murmuring how sorry he was. Then I felt little warm droplets on my arm. 

No. No, please don't cry.

He sniffed and squeezed my hand once more. “I swear, once you’re out of here I'm not letting my sight from you.” I wanted to roll my eyes, but it wasn't happening. He sniffed again, but with a chuckle this time and started to take about when we were small. He talked and talked until his voice was getting raw. He made me want to cry, laugh, and even feel angry, but I love him for being here with me, and for not once letting go of my hand. 

“Well, scurt I'm going to get some food.” The chair squeaked, and I felt his lips on my forehead. “I'll leave some music on that way it won't be so damn silent.” The door shut behind him and then the music started to play. Instantly I recognized the song and the song after. 

It’s my favorite playlist.

I wanted to smile so bad, I hate being like this. Then a piano song came on, and I was back at my house sitting in the grand piano we had in the study. 

I looked down at the piano and smiles to myself, it made me remember the first time dad taught me how to play.  I positioned myself by the piano and started to play. 

“That beautiful, buttercup.” There's only one person that calls me that.

“Thank you, daddy.” He smiled down at me and sat down. “I miss you.”

“I know, buttercup.” He put his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned onto him. “I know.”

He hugged me tight and I snuggled up onto him, and like a light I was out. 

It was like the dark consumed me, I knew no more.

Chapter 4

Oliver's POV

24 Hours Before

“Hey, man!” 

“Leave me alone.”

“Okay, someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed.” He mumbled, but I tried to ignore his arrogance. I have too much on my mind and I can't deal with school right now, I just want to go home. I could go, there's nothing wrong with missing another day, but the coach will be pissed, and won't let me play. It could be debatable, I could just-


Stupid bell. 

I got off the locker I was leaning against and head towards class.


It was finally over. I started to put my things in my gym bag and head out of the locker room. 

“Oli!” Oh God, no. “Oli, wait up!”

Should I just ignore her and make it seem like I didn't hear her? “I’ve been looking for you.”

Too late, she was walking by my side. 

“Really?” I stopped walking.

“Yes.” She smiled up at me and put her hand on my bicep. “I wanted to know if you are going to the party tonight. It's going to be sick!” 

Sick? When did she start using words like sick to describe a party?

“I don't know. I'm not in the mood.”

“Not in the mood?” She raised a colored eyebrow. “When is Oliver Wells not in the mood to party?”

“Today.” I said and started to walk to my car again. It left her dumbfounded because she didn't even come after me. 

I felt like a jerk, but I wasn't in the mood to take the slut. 

I drove home and left my bag by the laundry room and went upstairs to take a shower. The steam was coming off my body once I got out. I dressed and laid on my bed my eyes were getting droopy, but I heard my door opening and little footsteps padded until they came to a complete stop. I still had my eyes closed, but I knew who it was already. Then the poking started, but before the fifth poke happened I had her up in the air.  Her squeals filled the room, making me chuckle.

“Put me down, you big oaf!!” She screams, making me drop her half way and push her back up like a roller-coaster. “MOM!”

“Mom’s not home, idiot.” 

"You said a bad word!"

"Oh, put a sock in it." I dropped her on the bed next to me. She fell with a UHF and rushed off the bed.

"I'm telling, Mom!" She crossed her little arms over chest, giving me her angry face. Which consisted of her narrowing her eyes and pouting, it was ridiculous but she looked kind of constipated. Which made me chuckle.

I stood up, pushing the little demon out of my way and headed down stairs to make myself something. As I entered the kitchen my stomach growled and a door from upstairs slammed shut. I just rolled my eyes, that girl will be the death of me one day. But I love her to death, ironic right? I shook my head and started to prepare some Mac and cheese, Sarah's favorite. As the cheese started to mix with the noodles a herd of footsteps from upstairs rushed into the kitchen. She started to jump up and down screaming 'Mac n cheese' over and over again making me chuckle. I put two bowls on the Island and turned off the stove bringing the pan over to the Island. I scooped some noodles onto her bowl and mine, she claimed onto the chair with two spoons in hand and sat down.

"I love Mac n Cheese!"

I chuckled. "I know,"

She dug on, but every time she would open her mouth and air her mouth with her hands. "Sarah, close your mouth."

"But it's hot!" she whined.

"Well then let it cool down."

"But it's so good" she slurred, which put a smile on my face.

After we finished, well after she finished all the Mac n cheese. I went to my room to pay some video games. As I was about to turn on the controller my phone rang. It was Jeremiah. After the third ring, I picked up.

"What do you want, dude."

"Chill, asshole!" He slurred jokingly.

"You're such a retard." I turned on the remote and started up the game.

"Whatever, I'm just calling to know if you're going to the party?"

Fuck, the stupid party.

"Nah, man." I put the phone on speaker and started to play.

"Why not!" he grumbled, "Wait is that the CA-87 I hear?"

"Yeah?" I'm not even surprised he knows these guns by just the sound they make. Last time we were at his house eating in the kitchen when he stopped and looked alert like when a dog hears something he stops to everything and just concentrates on the source. He got up front the chair and rush to the basement. I had no idea what was going on until I heard him screaming at his little brother that he wasn't allowed to play his games, especially battlefront. He was some mad that he kicked his brother outside and left him there until he 'learned his lesson'. I felt bad for the little man, put he don't mess with another man's games. When our parents got home that night, they were so pissed off with Jere that they took the PS4 for a week. That week he spent it at my house until his parents found out and grounded him. So right now he's in look down, and if anyone talks about it, he went ballistic. So when I heard him start to curse at me, I just hung up and continued playing.

Minutes later I got a text.


I shook my head and continued trying to go up the stupid mountain, these clones are fucking killing me, literally. I was just about to shoot a clone when another text in.

You need to go to this party. Vane keeps on bothering me, she really wants you to go.

This chick is pretty insistent, first in the parking lot after school, now she's bothering her cousins, my best friend to convince me to go to the party. Yeah, the slut is Jerry's cousin. I'm not going to lie she is pretty hot and a great kisser, but when she wanted to sleep with me I had to stop whatever it was that was going on. I did not want an STD, even if I was sporting a hard on. I've slept with girls before, but I'm well aware who they have been with. I don't want to catch something that I don't want.

I text Jere, that I didn't want to go, but he was insistent.

Come on. You don't even have to go for her just come chill with the team.

Fine, but there better be something good to drink.

Oh, there will be.


Once my mom got home, I left.

The drive wasn't that far, it was going to be at Bradley's. He isn't loaded like my friend Wesley, but he had enough to send his parents off and having great parties. I parked a mile away knowing there wasn't going to be parking and I didn't want anyone crashing into my car.

Once I got to the front porch, it seemed like the house was moving. There were people all over the place. I entered through the open front door, I believe I just stepped into a fucking oven with the smell of alcohol surrounding the place. This place looked trashed already.

"Oliver!" I turned at the sound of my name, and it was Jerry drunk off his mind. "Oli! You made it man!"

He took a gulp of whatever was in his solo cup, "I've got... Great news!" he slurred. The music was really loud that I didn't even hear the first thing he said.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

The dumbass already forgot. He was about to take another drink, but I just took it away. "Hey!"

"You've had enough." I took him by the shoulder and shoved him towards the backyard to talk better. "What were you saying back there about good new?"

His gaze was in the distance, I smacked his head and asked again. He looked like he understood, but hasn't registered it yet. Then his eyes widened, "Oli! You're here I've got news man!"

I rolled my eyes and noted to give him some water after this conversation. I signed him to go on, but his too out of it to even notice. "Go on, Jerry"

"Right, remember Bethany?" Of course, I remember Beth she's like the bitch at school, and friends with Vanessa also Phoenix girlfriend. "Well she tried to hook with Wesley, I swear she looked drunk of her ass!"

Holy Shit.

"Wait, I haven't even gotten to the best part!" He looks like a little boy at Christmas morning. "Shes was here with Nix! And guess who Nix was hooking up with?"

He didn't even give me time to think when he blurted out, "Vanessa!"

I shook my head, these things were getting really real fast. "It was like if I was in a movie man! It happened so fast that next thing I know Bethany is bitch slapping Vanessa. Dude, it was so fucking hot! Phoenix stopped it of course, but Bethany slashed his face it was super hardcore dude." he nodded like if he was picturing it in his head. "Oh, I almost forgot, Bethany blurted out that Vanessa has been in love with you, and that she is going to go after you to show her how it feels to take away someone you love. Which was complete bullshit to me, as if Bethany can ever love."

Fuck, this is too much. I need a drink.

Luckily I still had the solo cup took from Jere. I gulped it down, which was a bad idea, but it left a bliss. I heard Jerry chuckle at my reaction, "How much have you had of this?"

"A cup or two"

"Full or half?"

"Uh, full?" Shit, this thing was strong just half a cup was leaving me with a buzz, and that's because I'm not even a light weight.

"Where'd you get it?" He pointed back into the kitchen. I grabbed him and lead him to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from one of the coolers on the floor and handed it to him. And I served myself some more of whatever Jere had before.

"I don't want water I want more tequila. Why are you drinking and not me?" He shoved the water away from him.

"Shut it, I haven't drunk, and you're wasted." I shoved the water back to him. "Drink."

He grumbled but obeyed. After a couple of drink, I started to try to get sober cause I'm my only ride home. Wesley showed up from upstairs and started to tell us about the amazing blond he took upstairs, and the whole show down between Bethany and Vanessa, and the stupid love interest. If Vanessa was less of a slut, I would totally have that, but no thank you. Bethany will just be another annoying chick in my life, and I don't even want to get involved with Nix.

I didn't even want to get involved in something I wasn't present for.

God, I hate my life right now. I just want to go home. I know it's still early, but 2 hours was enough or whatever time I've been here. "Guys, I'm gonna head out"

"You sure you can drive?"

"Yeah, just another water, and staying under the speed limit, I think I could make it."

"Cool, dude." I got up and left.

I got into my car and turned on the ignition and headed home. Half way there my head started to hurt like a bitch, and I started to fell woozy. I pulled over and emptied out my stomach. I got back in the car and drank the rest of the water and rested my head. After a couple of minutes, I went back on the road heading home. From afar I saw the traffic light go green and I tried to speed up a little to pass it. Then the light turned yellow and it didn't seem like I was going fast, but I was going 60 miles per hour. And in a flash the light turned red, I hit the breaks but I wasn't fast enough. The car in front of me practically flew. After seeing the horrible thing my car had done, the pain in my head increased and my lungs were being squashed by the seatbelt and the airbags. I moved my arm and unbuckled myself and tried to open the door, after a couple of attempts I successfully opened it. I check myself out to see if I had any broken bones or injuries, and I didn't just a few scratches. Then without even think I had walked up to the car I had hit while I was inspecting myself. As I got closer to the vehicle, my heart dropped down to my stomach. The car was trashed, and the girl inside seemed like she was taking her last breaths.

I ran over to her, she was still conscience.

Thank god.

Chapter 5

The ambulance had taken her, and I was in the back of a police car. They made me do all these test, which I didn't do so well on. The cop handcuffed me and threw me inside this police car. As we left you could see the dark night and lights of red and blue in the distance where I had hit that girl and probably could have killed her…

They opened the cell gate and uncuffed me. I had spend the whole day stuck in the cell. As I came out my father didn't seem to be very pleased, he opened the door and slammed it. He didn't talk or look at me, until we got to this big brown building.

“You need to go see a judge. I can do so much as drive you here. Money can't help you this time. You're mom and I talked, and this had gone long enough.” He unlocked the car motioning me to get out. “You almost killed an innocent girl! This has to stop Oliver… we can help you anymore.”

I slammed the door and he drove off. I can't believe he just left me! What type of parent is that? I turned around and a cop seemed to be waiting for me. He lead me up the stair and gave me a number to but on my chest. They sat me down with a bunch of other kids, most of them were in handcuffs and orange suits. One by one they called our names, as they called my name the elevator at the far end of the building came out Benny. He had his regular suit and his brief case by his side always with papers sticking out. Once he reached me he patted my back and whispered in my ear.

“Follow my lead.”

I had done as what he had told me. And he got me out of going to jail. I had house arrest and community service, but at least it wasn't jail.

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