EZTV Alternatives


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Top EZTV Alternatives Sites That Everyone Should Know

Are you looking for a reliable site where you can download, watch, or share some great movies or TV shows as you could do at EZTV? Then you do not need to worry anymore since you are in the right place. The EZTV was one of the best movies, and TV shows top downloading site, but since its closure, many of its users have been struggling to get another site that could serve the same purpose effectively without success. In this article, we have researched for you the top alternatives to EZTV that everyone needs to know. Those alternatives to EZTV include;


According to our research, the YTS.mx is among the best site that will allow you to download a variety of TV shows and incredible movies. One of the cool things with the YTS.mx is that you get a quality movie with a small size. Some of the reasons why many enjoy quality movies with small file size are because;

You require a little space to download

Whether you need to store your movie on a flash drive, on your computers ROM, or in any other place, the movie will occupy a small space as possible. That will allow you to store many videos in a small space disk size. To know more about eztv alternatives, browse this site.

  • Do not require a lot of data

For the people using limited data plans, downloading a large file will use more of your data. Therefore getting movies with the best picture quality and small file size can help you to reduce the amount of data you are using. 

  • Easy to transfer

Large movie files require a lot of time to share from one device to another. For instance, if you store your movie in a computer disk and you want to copy the file to your portable flash disk, then you will require a longer time to transfer large movie files as compared to small movie files. 

  • Enjoy best quality pictures

Since the quality of the picture is good, the person watching the movie or TV show will have a humble time when watching. You do not have to strain so much to read the subtitles or see the picture. 


If you had ever used the kickass torrent site before its shutdown, then you might get a clue of how the KAT.am looks like. According to the reviews from many KAT.am users, the site appears like the clone of the kickass torrent site. Theunique thing with the KAT.am site is that apart from movies and TV shows, one can also enjoy games. 


Do you love playing a variety of games, both online and offline? Then you need to register at zooqle.com. That is because the earlier mentioned site is one of the favorites for the gamers. The site is user friendly, and one can access a variety of movies and TV shows. 

Some of the other best alternatives to EZTV include the 1337x.To, Fitgirl, Repacks.site,Nyaa.si,EZTV.io, and many more. 


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