Mildoo And The 3 Little Rats


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Chapter 1,Mildoo meets rats

 One sunny morning,a cow passes by a farm."Unfortunately I did not pass it all the way and my name is Mildoo"says Mildoo the cow.So where was I?Mildoo was hoping to pass the whole farm but a farmer wanted a cow on board so the farmer named Tildoe cought him by a tail and forced him to get in the farm."Hey hey hey man I mean cow"says 3 rats at the same time."I'm Shay and he's Meto and that rat with a dot on his nose is Dotto"says Shay the rat in the middle and the most pretty rat."HEY YOU DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY DOTTISH NOSE"yells Dotto afraid that Mildoo might touch his dot."Im Meto wait you already knew that.Uhhhhhhhh hey hey hey uhhhhh"says Meto."I'm Mildoo the cow who doesn't want to be  on board"says Mildoo in frustration."I can tell your frustrated Mildoo and I will fix that!"says Shay determined to fix the problem."Hey hey wait a sec you are determined aren't you"asks Mildoo."Yes I am"says Shay.As it gets quiet 1 scream fills the room up with a loud noise."EEEEK"says a mouse in a corner."Awwww it's a cute white mouse but this one is familiar.OH OH OH Now I know.Hi cousin Whitlle"says Shay."Glad to meet you Mildoo"says Whitlle.

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Chapter 2,Hey man I mean friends

 As Mildoo,Dotto,Whitlle and Meto chat,Shay sneaks around with one pointy stick."Searching searching ... FOR THE RIGHT RECEPE"says Shay,desperate to know if there's a rock small enough to be carved into a mouse or should I say a RAT dun dun Dunn."YOU READER DONT BE A DUN DUN DUNN SAYING PERSON"yells Shay."Shay cousin almost like my sis what's wrong come chat with us"says Whitlle.Shay follows Whitlle and chats with the group."Ok guys it's time for me to go home so I guess I gtg (Got To Go)"says Whitlle."Ok c'ya Whitlle"says Shay.The barn becomes quiet and suddenly Mildoo says something."Guys I didn't want to be on board.Well I used to think that but you guys are my friends and I have a group name.It says HayFriends."THATS AWESOME SAUCE MILDOO"says Meto.

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Chapter 3,HayFriends the Group

 Mildoo;Is a cow,Loves milk,makes milk,leader of HayFriends

Shay;Is a rat,sweetest rat in barn,cutest member of HayFriends

Meto;Is a rat,so cool,awesomest member of HayFriends

Dotto;Is a rat,cares more about the dot on his nose,nerd member of HayFriends

Whittle;Is a mouse,cousin Shay,is a temporary member of HayFriends until he gets out of the barn and into the barn next door 

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