The Hidden Silence In The Darkness


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Into the light of strangeness

 I was just driving down the main road when I realized that there was a reck up ahead I debated if I should proceed the way I was going or take a short cut and then I decided I had to get back home in time to take care of my pets they are very  anxious  and as I went down the  secluded  road that felt as if it was endless if felt as if I was in a horror movies although we didn’t have a lot of scary movies in the 80s I was still kinda freaked out so I turned on the radio to get my mind off it  and then it helped for a short while I continued down that road and there it was yet agian another wreck the car was flipped I decided to stop to make sure the unknown driver was okay it was getting kinda late so I grabbed my flashlight and proceeded I got out of the car and shinned my flashlight it was quite untill I heard the faded music of “whip it”by Devo it was skipping I found it creepy because  that’s the song that I was just listening to i heard something so I got back into my car and then tried to see in the other car just when I though it couldn’t get stranger it did.I was shocked it was me and then somthing had a deep growl with glowing eyes when I looked at it, it had such a horrific look almost like something out of this world something strange but then I seen light I looked up and then I too was flipped in my car playing  the faded song of “whip it”....

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