The Tunnel


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Expensive dinner, fashionable clothes, mischievous smile. I should have seen it coming.
'Jane will you marry me?' he asked.
I stood like a scarecrow in front of him. 
'Steven, I-'
'Standing on one knee really hurts, you know?' he said, smiling. 
'I've made a terrible mistake, Steven,' I said, withdrawing my hand.
'I can wait for you,' he replied, standing up gently. His protective figure towered above mine.
'What is it?' he asked.
'I made a promise many years ago, and I meant every word of it,' I said.
'A promise that makes you say no?'
'A promise that doesn't let me say yes.'

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Three days later...

'His name was Martin,' I said.
We were sitting on my couch. I'd dropped my head in his lap, and he was passing his gentle hand across my hair.
'We were together for eight years. From high school till he-' I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
'He broke up with you?' Steven asked.
'He died of cancer,' I blurted.
'I'm sorry, Jane,' Steven said.
'He made me promise something. I know it's hard to understand, and I know it sounds stupid. But I still want to keep it.'
'What did he ask you to do?'
'He didn't want me to get married. He wanted us to be together, and he'd wait for me in the after-life.'
'That's stupid!' Steven said, pushing my head away.
'I promised him. I still love him Steven,' I replied.
'What about me? You don't love me?'
'You don't understand,' I said.
'This is total bullshit! You're doing this because you never loved me!' Steven shouted, getting up from the couch.
'You don't understand because I went to the doctor today,' I replied calmly.
'And?' he asked.
'I have blood cancer.'

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Two years later...

Of course I'd done the right thing by keeping my promise, but it broke my heart each time I looked at Steven who was sitting by my bed-side.  
'I know you don't want me to talk about it, Steven, but I will,' I said.
He moved closer and squeezed my cold hand gently.
'Over the last two years, I've realized how agonizing it can be to have no control over your situation.'
'It's alright, Jane. You don't have to-'
'Oh, I do, Steven. I do,' I said.
'Go on then,' he said.
'I don't want you to marry anyone else. I want you to love me the way you've loved me all this time.'
'Jane, I-' he said, bewildered.
'This is what it feels like to be me, Steven,' I replied.
He looked away.

Many hours hours later, I felt the darkness engulfing me. I knew it was time to go when I saw the fabled light at the end of the tunnel. I wondered if Martin would keep his promise. 

It didn't take long for me to find out though. Just as the tunnel was ending,  I saw his silhouette, and I knew he was waiting for me.

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