LED Grow Lights Provide Dense Growth - Huge Benefits for Indoor Growers


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LED Grow Lights Provide Dense Growth - Huge Benefits for Indoor Growers

1200W LED Grow Light

Most plant strains that tend to stretch and grow very tall outdoors are difficult to grow indoors and limited the indoor gardener to short types of plants. New High Intensity LED Grow Lights have recently broken this rule by keeping tall lanky plants short and dense without sacrificing yield. What this means is if an indoor grower would like to grow a tomato plant that tents to stretch and become more like a vine, a High Intensity LED Light would allow that grower to grow that strain of plant without the stretch. The reason for this phenomenon is due to the plants need for High Light Intensity and certain wavelengths (colors) of light. Certain wavelengths of light are needed during vegetative growth cycles and certain strains need more of these colors than others. If you then give these tall strains higher doses of these wavelengths they will not need to stretch and therefore they stay shorter than they would otherwise.


This new revelation in grow light technology has only recently been seen in commercial gardens and has proven to be a windfall profit for those that use these new LED lights. With shorter branch site spacing and less height the gardens can now include those strains which were otherwise thought impossible to grow indoors or in a greenhouse until now. These strains that tend to be thinner and taller are also sometimes more valuable and with this new advent of dense gardening with high powered indoor LED grow lights the indoor gardener can reap huge profits and sell products that fetch a higher price due to limited supply.


Although the benefit of short, dense plants is enough to prove profitable there are other benefits that come with High Intensity LED grow lights, such as;


Higher Quality of Produce


One of the top LED Grow Light Companies in the world has proven that their 3w LED grow lights can also increase the flavor, color and overall quality of the fruit or flowers grown under these new lights. The higher intensity of light that plants need the most along with the Micro Light that these new grow lights provide allow for plants to either trigger protection modes or increase nutrients and colors due to the higher doses of beneficial wavelengths of light.


Reduced Heat and Evaporation


LED grow lights are very efficient at producing light and therefore they produce very little heat. This reduction in heat output is very beneficial to commercial growers because it reduces cooling costs, cooling equipment and plant stress. Another side benefit of reduced heat is less water and nutrient evaporation. Less water evaporation results is much less watering, less nutrient waste and less time needed to maintain a hydroponic or soil garden.

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