The history of bacterial vaccines


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The history of bacterial vaccines

Nowadays, vaccine has been integrated into the life of every family. Its role is the most economical and effective public health intervention measure for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and it is also an effective means for families to reduce the occurrence of diseases and medical costs. Bacterial infectious diseases is a kind of disease, serious harm human health at present, used in treatment of bacterial infectious diseases, mainly for antibacterial drugs, but the abuse of antibiotics cause drug-resistant bacteria especially multi-resistant bacteria increase rapidly, make its cannot effectively control infection, become the problem of clinical treatment, also brought a heavy economic burden to the society. Bacterial vaccine can improve the resistance of susceptible population to pathogens, reduce the incidence of pathogen infection, and facilitate the control of infectious diseases. Therefore, the development of related bacterial vaccine has been a research hotspot in this field. It has been proved that bacterial vaccine has made brilliant achievements in the past century and has played an important role in the prevention of bacterial infectious diseases. With the continuous progress of immunology, molecular biology and other sciences, the vaccine type and composition of bacterial vaccines have undergone great changes, including the emergence of cancer vaccines, component vaccines, DNA vaccines and other new vaccines. Since the late 20th century, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology and other related sciences have developed rapidly. On this basis, there has been a great development of bacterial vaccine, with the emergence of a variety of modern and new bacterial vaccines such as component vaccine and DNA vaccine, which brings new hope for the research, development and production of more safe, stable and protective bacterial vaccine. The new modern vaccines are introduced as follows: 1. Component vaccines; 2. DNA vaccines

The concept of a vaccine was first proposed by Jenner in the late 18th century after he discovered that vaccinations prevented smallpox, but no new vaccine emerged for more than 100 years. At the end of the 19th century, the French microbiologist Pasteur found that vibrio cholerae chicken cultured in artificial medium could not make chickens sick after being injected with vibrio cholerae, and the wild vibrio cholerae could not be used to attack the injected chickens. In 1881, Pasteur will accordingly bacillus anthracis in 42 ~ 43 ℃ under the environment of training 2 weeks later, made from artificial attenuated anthrax vaccine, then the animal experiment results show that the anthrax vaccine plays a protective role to animals. This epoch-making research result marked the advent of bacterial vaccine and laid the foundation of vaccine science.

From the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, bacterial vaccine was the main research field of vaccinology. Besides Pasteur, a large number of vaccine pioneers such as Emil, Kolle, Calmette and Guerin emerged during this period. Emil immunizes animals with diphtheria exotoxin, collects animal serum, and discovers the presence of a substance that neutralizes diphtheria exotoxin, called an antitoxin. Later, he detoxified the diphtheria bacillus exotoxin and tetanus bacillus exotoxin by formaldehyde treatment to become a kind of toxin. This was the beginning of immunotherapy, for which he won the first Nobel Prize in medicine in 1901.

Kolle inactivated vibrio cholerae by heating it in 1896 to produce an inactivated vaccine. In 1902, this vaccine was widely used in cholera epidemic areas in Japan, and achieved good protection effect. Calmette cultured a bovine tuberculous bacillus in glycerol bile potato medium for 13 consecutive generations for 213 generations, and obtained the attenuated BCG vaccine (BCG) in 1921. Pereira et al. found that BCG vaccination can significantly reduce mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in school-age children. In addition to the above mentioned vaccines, other bacterial vaccines such as pertussis bacillus, typhoid bacillus and yersinia pestis were also successfully prepared during this period.

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