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01 - Knock, Knock. Who's There?

Rock music on, something strong to drink, the green cursor waiting inside the text editor for the start of a night of writing. Guy sat back with his laptop on his knees in a stack of cushions on the floor and got ready to write down his thoughts when he heard knocking on his door.

"Blast." he thought. "Always when I'm in the mood for writing."

Another double knock.

'Hai, hai.' he said with a sigh, put his laptop aside and went to the door.

Before he reached it it opened and a white feline anthro in dark blue dress suit walked in. 'How rude to keep me waiting when I'm expected.' she said, frowning at him. Surprised, he watched her look around, scrutinising his place with her blue eyes. 'And what is this place? It's so small.'

Guy blinked his eyes, wondering if he had fallen asleep behind the laptop and was dreaming now. 'Excuse me?'

'Ah. My luggage is at the door. Be careful with it.' she said and passed him into the room. 'Don't tell me this is all.' Her white bushy tail twitched left and right.

He turned back towards her. 'Excuse me.'

'Yes, yes.' she said and waved him off. 'You're excused.'

He took a moment to breath. 'Hold it!'

She looked back at him, a little surprised.

'Who are you?' he asked crossing his arms, annoyed at her haughty attitude. 'And what are you doing here?'

'What silly question.' she said and sniffed once. 'I'm Feli, the special envoy from IPA, the Interspecies Prospect Administration.'

Guy frowned in confusion. 'Gomen, but, I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'The office that looks into possible cooperation between the different species?' she said, raising one eyebrow. 'You had been chosen to host the representative from our people, which is me.'

He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. 'There must be a misunderstanding.' he said, looking back at her. 'I've never heard about this.'

She pulled out a letter and held it out to him. 'This is the official confirmation of the assignment.'

He took it, saw the official logo on top and read it. 'It's all here,' he said after a moment. 'this is the address but the name's not right. Okayado is not my name and it's not even the name of the previous tenant. My name's Guy.'

Her eyes grew bigger. 'What do you mean?'

'The address they have sent you to must be wrong.' he said, giving the letter back.

'Are you sure?' she said, reading the letter herself once more.

'If I had participated in any of this I would surely have remembered it, even if I had been drunk at the time.'

She looked up at him, the stern look in her eyes gone. 'So, I'm not supposed to be here?'

'Looks like it.' he said, unsure of what to do next.

For a moment she looked at the letter again, then pocketed it and bowed. 'Gomen, it was not my intention to disturb you.' she said and went past him to get back outside.

'It's okay.' Guy said, following her. 'I'm sorry you had come to the wrong place.'

She took her luggage. 'Thank you for your patience.' she said, bowing quickly once more and walked down the stairs back to the street.

'No problem.' he said as he watched her leave, then closed the door, walked back to the cushions and sat back at his table again.

He put his hands on the keyboard, stared at the screen but couldn't retrieve the earlier ideas in his head to write them down. After a minute he got up again and made himself a big sandwich with meat and cheese. He put the plate next to his cushion and then realised it had started pouring down outside. He had always enjoyed the sound of rain and opened the door to the small balcony, leaned outside and let the raindrops fall on his face.

The streets were quiet but for the sound of rainwater flowing down pipes and the drainage down the street. He took a deep breath of the refreshing air through his nose, then heard a sneeze. Leaning out further he searched left and right down the street and found Feli hiding under a shade from a store. She looked cold with her arms wrapped around her and he could see the short shade didn't shield her much from the downpour.

'Maybe I'll get a story out of it.' he told himself, went to the door for his shoes and umbrella, then went out onto the street, heading for Feli.

'Hey.' he said as he found her pressed against the wall and peeking up at the night sky, her ears flattened, her wet tail tucked between her legs and her clothing damp.

She looked quickly at him, then down. 'Hey.' she said softly.

'You have no place to go?'

She shook her head. 'I would only meet the agent working for the human subdivision of the IPA tomorrow. I have no contact info with me.'

'Right then.' he said and picked up her luggage.

'Wait, what are you doing?'

'You're staying at my place tonight.'


'You want to spend the night getting even wetter here?'

'But, I wasn't really nice to you.'

'Forget about it.' he said, hooked her arm in his and pulled her along. 'Let's just get you home and dry and tomorrow we can sort things out, find out where you were really supposed to go.'

Back upstairs he gave her a big towel and pointed her to the shower. 'Get the cold water out of your fur before you catch a cold.'

'Arigatou.' she whispered as she went into the bathroom while he stashed away her wet luggage. She gladly let the hot water run through her fur until she felt warm again.

Guy knocked once on the shower door. 'Since all your luggage is wet I put your clothes in the dryer and I've left a large sweater of mine out here for you with a couple more towels.'

'Arigatou.' she said rinsing her tail.

While he was looking for something warm to drink he heard her get out of the shower. 'Feel better now?' he asked.

'Much. Thank you.' she said, her voice softer than it had been the first time she came inside.

'Would you like some tea or warm milk or something to-' he asked while turning around, then froze.

She saw him staring at her. 'Something wrong?' she asked, checking herself to make sure she wasn't dripping all over the floor.

He shook his head. 'No, gomen. You look real good.' he said with a little smile, admiring the way she looked in his black wool sweater coming down to halfway her thighs.

He saw her shocked expression and realised what he had said. 'Gomen! I meant you look better now that you've gotten dry again!' He turned back to the kitchen counter to hide his blush. 'So what would you like to drink?' Her stomach rumbled a little at that moment. 'Or maybe you'd like something to eat?'

She looked away, fiddling with the hem of the sweater. 'I don't want to cause any trouble.'

'No trouble. I made myself a sandwich just before I saw you outside. Would you like one? I've got cheese, beef, lettuce and tomatoes on mine.'

'Yes please.' she said softly with a little nod.

'Have a seat, it'll be right there.' he said, giving her a gentle smile as he gestured at the cushions against the wall.

She sat down in one corner, looking around at the room again. This time she felt more appreciation to be here.

He handed her a plate with a thick sandwich. 'Oh yeah, what do you want to drink?'

'Warm milk please, if you have some.' she said, smiling gratefully at him.

'Okay.' he said and returned to the counter.

He sat down two cups of warm milk on the table a little later and sat down to start on his own sandwich. 'What's this IPA assignment anyway?' he asked after swallowing down the first bite.

'It's meant to get to know each other better since there's only been high level contact between our species.' she said, happy to explain her presence more properly. 'If there's anything that clashes between our cultures it's better to find out first before we start mingling any further.'

He nodded. 'I see. So how did you end up here?'

'I was top of my class and I was curious.' she said, chuckling a little at how true the second reason was.

'But then you unfortunately ended up at my place.'

She sat up straight quickly. 'It's really not bad!' she said. 'They said it was going to be a luxurious place with a wealthy family and..'

He laughed. 'No worries. You belong at a more appropriate place than here. All I've got here are books, movies and my work.'

She relaxed a little and looked around again. 'What do you do?'

'Writing.' he said, nodding at his laptop. 'I write short stories for a weekly sci-fi and fantasy magazine while I work on my novels.'

'You're famous?'

He let out a short laugh. 'If I was I would live in a bigger place than this.'

'Gomen.' she said, flattening her ears a little.

He smiled. 'I make enough to get by and keep having fun. I don't mind because I don't need much to satisfy my life.'

She yawned and he remembered he needed to get her a place to sleep. His apartment wasn't big though and the only free space was in the middle of the living room where he always slept. There was no choice, also because he had no spare futon. At least it was big enough for two.

'I only have one large futon, so if you don't mind sharing?' he asked with some embarrassment.

She shook her head. 'I don't want to bother you any further.'

'You're no bother.' he said. 'In fact, I enjoy this opportunity to have met you. Seems not many people get it and it gives me something new to write about.'

'Thank you.' she said softly.

He laid out the futon in the room after putting away the dishes and Feli curled up with an extra pillow while he turned off the light.

'Sleep well Feli.' he said.

'You too.' she said, her eyelids getting heavy. 'Thank you for everything.'


Finding Feli sleeping next to him was proof for Guy that he hadn't dreamt the whole thing last night. She looked serene in her sleep and he refrained barely from touching her creamy white fur and pet her like a house cat. He got up and told himself to write something about this for next week's short story.

The weather was nice with a clear sky so he opened the balcony door to let fresh air in. Outside were just a few people at the early hour and he enjoyed the quiet street.

'Nice.' Feli said as she came up next to him a moment later.

He nodded. They watched shopkeepers open their stores and others get ready to go to work when Guy got an idea. 'I've got to get more things for breakfast, why don't you come with me? I can give you a short tour of this street.' he said.

'You wouldn't mind?' she asked, pleased with the first opportunity to observe this world, but a little nervous about it as well. 'People here probably never have met someone like me in real life.'

'I don't.' he said and grinned. 'It'll let me have the honour to be the first person to introduce you to life here and be the envy of others.'

She chuckled. 'Then please.'

A little later they walked down the street and entered a convenience store, the doorbell chiming pleasantly. It wasn't a big store because the village also had a butcher, bakery and vegetable store in the shopping street to serve the need for the people living in this area. Feli looked around at the rows of shelves with cans, boxes, bags and bottles and racks decorated with a few plants and warm lighting, giving her a welcoming feeling of coming to someone's home.

'Uncle!' Guy called out as the store was empty, then turned to Feli. 'My uncle and aunt own this store and occasionally I help out when they're short-handed. Everyone here calls them Auntie and Uncle since they treat everyone as family.'

'Guy! You're up early.' his uncle said as came out the back and said 'What have you-' until he saw Feli.

Guy gestured at Feli 'Let me introduce you, this is Feli. She's-'

'Honey! Come here!' his uncle called out to the back before Guy could continue. 'Come meet Guy's girlfriend!'

'Wait!' Guy said. 'I didn't say-'

'Oh dear!' his aunt said as she came quickly and saw Feli. 'I had never expected this, to be honest, but she sure is beautiful.'

'Thank you.' Feli said, embarrassed by the sudden compliment and smiled at the middle aged couple who could be mistaken for anyone's friendly relatives. 'But I'm-'

'Would you like some tea or something else to drink?' his aunt asked, took Feli's hand without waiting for an answer and pulled her along. 'Come sit down with us. This is the first time he's come over with a girl.'

'Auntie, she's not-' Guy started and then his uncle slapped his shoulder.

'Come, tell us how you met her, and how the hell you managed to hook up with her.'

Guy looked helplessly at Feli while they were led to the back and she giggled back at him.

Eventually Guy managed to explain that Feli was not his girlfriend and why she was here.

'Oh dear.' his aunt said, cupping her cheeks. 'I'm so embarrassed.'

'Don't be.' Feli chuckled. 'It was an honest mistake.'

'Yeah, I'm the one who should feel embarrassed here.' Guy said.

'Why would you?' his uncle asked with a little devious grin. 'She's quite the catch.'

'That's not what I meant. I meant for her to end up with me would be embarrassing for her.'

'Don't worry.' his aunt said and pat his cheek. 'Once she gets to know you it'll be fine.'

'No, I-' he started and then decided to give up with a sigh while Feli suppressed her laughter with her hands.

After Guy had collected the things he needed for breakfast he and Feli said goodbye at the door.

'You're thinking of staying here?' Auntie whispered to Feli as she leaned closer.

'Eh? Why? I'm supposed to be at another house.' Feli said, looking quickly at Guy.

Auntie smiled. 'I've seen the look in your eyes. It's the same for human girls.'

'Wait, I haven't even thought of that.' Feli said, a little shocked at the possibility she could entertain such a though. 'I'm only here to observe your culture.'

'What better way to experience the life here?' Auntie asked and nudged her closer to Guy. 'Enjoy it to the fullest.'

Before Feli could say anything back Auntie and Uncle waved and went back to work.

'Sorry about that.' Guy said on the way back to his place, grinning a little while still feeling embarrassed.

'It's okay. I like your aunt and uncle.' Feli chuckled. 'They really do feel like they're family.'

'I hope she didn't say any further embarrassing things to you just now.'

Feli looked a little away. 'No, it was nothing.'


After breakfast Guy called a few information numbers and found the ministry responsible for the IPA.

'They're sending an agent over to fix the situation.' he said after a short conversation on the phone.

Feli nodded.

'It'll be some time, so, what would you like to do in the meantime?'

'I don't know?' she said, clutching her hands. 'I don't know anything much about your way of living.'

He thought for a moment looking outside. 'The weather's good. How about going to the park at the end of the street? On days like these I like to go there and write.' he said. 'I'll leave a note on the door about where to find us.'

Her ears stood up. 'Okay.' she said, always happy to spend time in nature on a sunny day.

On the way there Guy noticed the looks on the faces of people they passed. 'It really is special to have you here.' he said, feeling a little pride to be with her. 'Apart from watching you on the media, nobody has met anybody from your species in real life.'

'I guess it would be the same for us when a human walks down our street.' Feli said, noticing she'd have to get used to some amount of staring from now on.

'I'd better not botch up even the little bit of time together with you, otherwise I could cause an international incident.' Guy said and chuckled.

She grinned a little. 'Yeah, you'd better be on your best behaviour and make sure to keep me satisfied, otherwise I'll have to report you and then you'll get in so much trouble.'

He clamped his head and moaned. 'The pressure! The pressure! I can't take it anymore!'

She laughed as they entered the park and he led her to a spot near the pond. He had brought big towels to sit on and they watched the ducks swim with their brood and the few people who walked by.

'It sure is nice and peaceful here.' she said, squinting while she looked up at the sun and enjoyed its warm rays.

'Yep.' he said, leaning back on his hands, thinking she had a beautiful profile with her ears standing upright. 'Sometimes I spend a whole day here with a good book instead of writing. You probably have places like that too, where you can quickly step out and enjoy a relaxing time in nature.'

'We do, but I hardly took the time. I was always studying.' she sighed.

Guy nodded. 'I see.' he said and spotted something she probably hadn't experienced before. 'In that case, wait here for a moment.' he said and walked away.

When he came back he handed her an ice cream cone. 'Not sure which flavour would suit you so I chose vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Those are most popular.'

She looked at the cone with three coloured balls on it, then at him eating his. 'You can eat this?'

He nodded. 'Very important ingredient on summer days.'

She sniffed it, then licked the ice carefully. 'Cold!'

He chuckled. 'That's the point.'

She tried every flavour and he heard her approve them all from her hums increasing in pitch.

'I can hear you really like this.' he said with a satisfied grin when he had finished his ice cream cone.

'You do?' she said, not expecting a human to understand the expressions of her species.

'Well, I guess that your purring means you're enjoying it.'

She looked down, then realised she was indeed purring. 'I-, you're not supposed to listen to that!' she said, taking the last bite of the cone and pushed him.

He laughed out loud and she pounced him. 'Stop that!' he said, laughing hard.

She playfully punched him until she noticed a little girl looking at her. They looked at her as she fiddled with her pink and blue dress.

'Hi there.' Feli said.

'Hi.' the girl said.

'Are you looking for something?' Feli asked, moving off of Guy's chest.

The girl wiggled a little. 'Can I pet you?'

Feli blinked. 'You want to, pet me?'

The girl nodded, plucking at her dress again.

Feli looked at Guy who shrugged his shoulders. 'I guess it can be expected of kids who don't yet know any better. If you want to I can handle it.'

She shook her head. 'No, it's okay.' she said and sat down in front of the girl. 'Go ahead then.'

Carefully the girl touched the top of Feli's head and stroked it.

'Soft.' she said and Feli smiled, leaning a little closer.

A young woman hurried toward them. 'I'm so sorry!' she said and pulled the little girl back. 'I lost sight of her for a moment and she's just really fond of pets.' She held her hand in front of her mouth. 'I mean, not that you're a, I'm so sorry.'

Feli smiled. 'It's no problem. She's a sweet kid and I can imagine how I look to her.'

'Come.' the mother said to her daughter. 'We have to go home now. Daddy will come home soon and we're going to granny.'

The girl looked up at her mother. 'Okay.' she said, then looked back at Feli. 'Bye kitty.'

'Bye, little one.' Feli said and waved a little as they walked away.

'Cute.' Guy said.

Feli nodded. 'Yeah, cute kid.'

'Well, I was actually talking of you.'

She looked at him in surprise. 'What? Me?'

'Yep. The way you let her pet you.' he said and smiled. 'Cute kitty indeed.'

'No way!' she said and punched him again as he laughed.

A cough made them both look back at a young woman dressed in a black suit. 'Excuse me, you must be Feli?'

'Yes?' Feli said as she examined the suit the long haired brunette wore. It looked better than the suits of the officials she had met so far. 'Are you from the IPA?'

The woman nodded. 'We found the note on the door saying we could find you here.' she said and looked at Guy. 'And you must be Guy. I'm miss Tesha, agent assigned to Feli.'

He stood up and helped Feli up. 'Yes. Nice to meet you.' he said, shaking miss Tesha's hand.

'My apologies for the mix-up with the addresses. Someone made a typo on the contact information sheet.'

'No harm done. We had fun, right?' he said, looking at Feli with a smile.

Feli nodded, returning the smile. 'I think it was actually a good start on my stay here.'

Miss Tesha nodded in though. 'In that case, it would make things easier right now.'

'How so?' Guy asked.

'Unfortunately, the family Feli would stay with had an accident last night. A kitchen fire burned their house down.'

'Are they okay?' Feli asked, her ears at attention.

Miss Tesha nodded. 'They are, only the house got damaged and they live with relatives for the moment now. But that would also mean having to find a new address for Feli to stay and that would take some time. Going through qualification processes again and all that.'

'I see.' Guy said, looking at Feli.

'So,' miss Tesha continued. 'if you don't mind? You will be compensated of course.'

Guy turned to miss Tesha. 'I will, what?' he asked, frowning a little, then raised his eyebrows as it dawned on him what she meant. 'You mean you're asking me to let her stay at my place?'

She nodded again. 'For the time being.'

Feli looked at him.

'It's really up to you.' he said to her. 'I don't know if you can stand staying at this small apartment of mine. Not much room for two.'

Feli smiled softly at him. 'I don't mind if you won't. I already like it here.'

'Room won't be a problem.' miss Tesha said and turned around to make a phone call.

Guy didn't understand what she meant but shrugged it off, there were more important things to take care of now. 'In that case, welcome to my humble home.' he said to Feli. She gave him a light bow. 'Thank you for taking care of me.'

Guy gave her a warm smile and gathered their belongings to go home.

'Everything's settled.' said miss Tesha as she put away her phone. 'Let's go to your place and take care of the formalities.'


When they arrived back at his apartment, Guy found the door open and heard a lot of noise coming from inside. Just as he wanted to enter to see what was going on a construction worker came out.

'All done, boss.' the bulky man said, handing a list to miss Tesha.

'Very well, thank you.' miss Tesha said and walked inside.

Guy and Feli followed her and saw the wall to the next apartment had been torn out. They looked at the other side and found the rest of Feli's belongings there.

'Plenty of room now.' miss Tesha said.

'Wow. That was quick.' Guy said, gawking at the suddenly increased space.

'Now, since the prospect of cooperation with between species is an important matter, I don't have to remind you that we expect perfect behaviour from you.' miss Tesha said to him with a stern look. 'If you in any way try to take advantage of her I will come down on you like a ton of rocks.'

He held up his hands. 'I won't! She'd probably shred me to pieces if I dared anyway.'

Feli chuckled. 'I trust him.' she said. 'He's been a real gentleman all this time.'

'Those are the worst.' miss Tesha said looking at Guy again. 'Anyway, I'd like you to take care of the program we created and show her the places we listed. These include historical sites, museums, festivals.' she said and handed Guy a thick folder.

Guy flipped quickly through the pages. 'That's quite a lot.'

'Yes, but you can take your time with them. There are special passes which allow you access any time you want.' she said and turned to Feli. 'Now, do you have what you need?'

'Yes.' Feli said, looking at the room and Guy. 'I think I'll manage.'

'Very well then. I'll keep in touch so if there's anything else let me know. Enjoy your stay here.'

Guy walked miss Tesha out and dropped on the newly received couch when he got back. 'Wow. This is quite something.' he said, checking out the new floor mats making it look as if the two apartments have always been one.

Feli looked around the room again. 'You sure you won't regret this?'

He smiled. 'No way. Things have gotten really interesting now. As long as you can stand having me around I think we'll have plenty of fun.' he said, leaning forward. 'I've been thinking of using this situation as inspiration for my stories, but maybe I should start an online diary of sorts.'

Feli's ears pricked up at the idea. 'Could I write too?'

'Of course. I think plenty of people would like to know how this works out from both our perspectives.'

Feli smiled. 'Okay then. Let's do it.'

Guy created accounts for the both of them on a website and they took turns to write about their first day.

'Now we'll just have to see how it goes.' Guy said and looked at the list in the folder he had received from miss Tesha. 'I see they included movies. Unfortunately most are pretty dry stuff, but then I think I've got better ones to show you. Movies that are actually fun to watch. I suggest we end the day with that seeing it's already this late.'

She agreed and he let her search through his collection while he started on making dinner. She ended up with a light comedy and they settled down on the couch with their food while watching it on a new large screen TV. He was glad she enjoyed the movie and liked to see her laughing, getting caught up in it and soon laughing at scenes that were less funny than they should have been.

After the movie and cleaning the dishes he laid down her new futon in the new part of the room. 'Sleep well.' he said across the room as they went in for the night.

'Good night.' she said with a warm smile.

He couldn't fall asleep right away, thinking of how his life changed so much now and stared at the ceiling. They hadn't had the time to paint that anew, but where the wall had been was now a low wooden beam.

'Guy?' Feli whispered.

He turned on his side and saw her on her knees next to his futon. 'Feli? What's wrong?' he asked, sitting upright.

She fiddled with her tail. 'I can't get used to a new unfamiliar room just yet. Mind if I sleep next to you?'

He smiled softly at her. 'I understand, come on in if that feels better.' he said and lifted his cover. 'I have to get used to having this much space myself.'

She crawled in his futon and closed her eyes. 'Good night.' she whispered, smiling.

'Good night Feli.' he whispered back. He heard her breath slow down soon and knew she had fallen asleep. After that it didn't take long for him to fall asleep as well.

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02 - Who Let the Dog in?


The next morning Guy woke up with feeling something heavy on his chest. He blinked his eyes to get the fuzzy blur out of his sight but it was still there. And now it growled.

'Wake up human.'

He tried to focus again and this time he recognised the blur as a canine with thick black fur, baring its fangs partially. 'What's going on?' he asked, unsure whether he was still dreaming.

'That's my line.' the canine growled.


'What indeed.'

He closed his eyes again and sighed. 'Wait, start anew. Who are you and why are you here?'

'I'm asking the questions here.' it growled, leaning closer to his face. 'Who are you and why are you here?'

'I live here!'

'Cani?' he heard Feli say next to him.

He realised only now that Feli had crawled against him in her sleep, holding his arm in her hands. 'You know her?' he asked, turning his head to face her.

'Yeah, she's the daughter of the Hound family. We were in class together. Why are you here?' she asked, looking at the canine.

'I heard you entered the same species exchange program as I did.' Cani said, her threatening growling gone, replaced by a concerned tone in her husky voice. 'Then when I heard you went missing I looked for you until I heard you were seen in this area. I searched around, caught your scent and followed it to find you in the clutches of this human.' She looked at Guy and bared her fangs again. 'Did he hurt you?' she asked, the growl back in her voice.

'What? No!' Feli said.

'He didn't abuse you?'


'I figured he must've done something because you never got close to any boy or man.'

Feli noticed now that she had crawled up to Guy in her sleep and was still holding him tight. 'Oh!' she said and looked at Guy, letting go of his arm. 'Gomen.'

He grinned. 'No problem. It's nice to feel your soft warm hands.'

'Hey, don't get all over her.' Cani growled, her muzzle closer to his face.

'How could I, when you're all over me?'

'Ah. Right.' she said, taken aback by his logic.

'Look at you.' Feli said, sitting up. 'You're a mess.'

'Ah.' Cani said, realising her fur, shirt and pants were filthy from running all over town.

'Shower's that way.' said Guy and gestured at the bathroom.

Cani looked into that direction. 'Ah.'

When she didn't move from his chest he looked at Feli.

'She has always hated baths. Going into water was never her strong suit.' Feli said.

'Well, it's a shower, I'd think that should be less of a problem.' he said.

'I still think we need to help her.'

At that moment Cani tried to run off but Feli grabbed onto her waist. 'Quick! Grab her!'

Guy rolled over and grabbed Cani's arms. Cani struggled but together they managed to carry her to the shower. There she tripped him and Guy ended up on the floor with Cani in his arms.

'No! Let go!' Cani whined while struggling.

He reached out, took the shower head and turned on the water on themselves.

'Aaahh!' she screamed as her head became wet.

'Hold her!' Feli said as she undressed Cani.

She still struggled but a lot less now so Feli had little trouble getting her out of her dirty clothes.

'Can you get her ready? I'm going to get the shampoo.' Feli asked, shaking herself dry.

'Yeah.' he said as he held Cani with his legs around her waist and washed her head and back.

'You're so mean..' Cani whined.

'Sorry.' Guy said. 'But we can't have you running around like some dirty mongrel. You're much too pretty for that.'

For a moment her ears pricked up, then went flat again. 'Don't make fun of me.'

'I'm serious. You're a pretty colour.'

She sighed and he felt her relax a little more. 'Okay then.'

'I got the shampoo.' Feli said and sat down in front of Cani and looked at her. 'What did you say to her?' she asked Guy.

'Why?' he asked while he continued washing her back without having to keep her trapped in his legs.

'Nothing.' said Cani, looking down. 'Let's just get this over with.'

Feli took the shower head while Guy shampooed Cani's back. 'This isn't so bad right now, is it?'

Cani slowly shook her head but kept her ears flat.

'I'm ready.' Guy said and leaned sideways to look at Feli. 'Woww.' he said when he saw her wet fur body and leaned back.

'What's wrong?' Feli asked.

'Nothing. Nothing at all. But maybe it's better if I left the rest up to you.'

Cani turned back to him. 'Hey, you started this, so you finish it too.'

He saw Cani's soaped shape and quickly looked away. 'It's not that I wouldn't want to, but it's not a custom here for men and women to wash each other when they're not, ehmm, intimately involved.'

'But you did.' Cani said.

'This is an exception. You wouldn't have gotten in here if I didn't help.'

'Why would you have to be intimate?' Feli asked.

'Because for a man beautiful curves are stimulating.'

'Stimulating?' Cani asked.

'Did you both by any chance go to a conservative all girls school?'

'Yes?' Feli said.

'You didn't learn what happens when a man is attracted to a woman? What we refer to as the birds and the bees and flowers?'

Feli pondered about what he meant for a moment, then it dawned on her. 'Oh. Ohhh.' she said, feeling embarrassed.

'Indeed. So it's better I get out now.'

'No.' said Cani. 'You still have to finish my back. Otherwise I won't forgive you.'


'No buts.' she pouted.

He sighed. 'I guess I have no choice then, but I leave when I'm finished.'


He continued washing her back but took care to look only at that.

'There, finished.' he said as he rinsed her back one last time. 'Now I go.'

She nodded and he got up, careful to not look at the girls.

'Arigatou.' Cani said, just as he got out the doorway.

'You're welcome.'

'Thanks for your help.' Feli said.

'No problem.' he said as he closed the door behind him.

He took off his drenched clothes, dried himself, got dressed and sank down into the new couch feeling exhausted. 'What a start of the day.'


When the girls got out of the shower dressed in dry clothes Guy had set out for them, he couldn't help but think of them as young human women, just a little more different in racial looks than most.

'Better now?' Cani asked him.

He smiled. 'Yeah, you're both looking good.'

'We'd better get ready to go shopping.' Feli said quickly and pushed Cani to the other room.


First they stopped at the baker who was surprised at suddenly finding two guests of the state in his shop.

'Morning.' Guy said.

'How?' the baker said, almost forgetting to close his mouth.

'Circumstances.' Guy said, checking out the bread selection.

'Ah. I see.'

His daughters at the counter were already all over Feli and Cani explaining what all the pastries were.

'Sorry about that.' Guy said.

The baker grinned. 'No worries. How about something for tea? It's on the house as a special welcome for them.'

'Thanks, but I couldn't.'

'Take it. I've never seen my girls so excited.'

The girls all said goodbye and the next stop was at the butcher with the same effect.

'Would you like a taste?' asked the butcher to Cani who was looking at the sample plate and wagging her tail like crazy.

'Can I?' she asked, her ears pricking up.

'Cani!' said Feli. 'Behave yourself.'

Cani looked at Feli with flat ears and sad eyes and the butcher laughed. 'That's what they're there for.' he said and handed Cani a slice of sausage. 'This one can be eaten cold and warm.'

'Arigatou!' Cani said and munched on it. 'Good.' he hummed happily.

'Well, guess I'll take a piece of that too.' Guy said while he ordered meat for tonight's dinner.

Guy already knew they would also be a hit at the other stores when they went there. By the time they went into his family's store he knew his aunt and uncle had already heard the news.

'I guess you do go overboard when you start on something.' his uncle said. 'Not just one, but two girls now.'

'It's not like that. Cani is a childhood friend of Feli's.' Guy said.

'If you say so, but it sure is something.' his uncle said as the girls looked back at them while they were busy with his aunt.

'That reminds me, I'd better call miss Tesha.' Guy said.

His uncle raised an eyebrow. 'Another girl?'

Guy rolled his eyes. 'The agent from the Interspecies Prospect Administration. I have to let her know Cani's with us.'

'I already heard.' miss Tesha said from behind him.

Guy turned around to face her. 'Ah, miss Tesha. I was about to call you when we got back from shopping.'

'I saw messages on the net about the three of you going to the shops here.' she said, looking at the girls who were checking out hair brushes with Auntie. 'I'm glad she turned up because it made quite the fuss at the office when she went missing.'

The girls walked up to them when they had collected what they needed and miss Tesha looked sternly at Cani who kept herself a little behind Guy.

'You caused us trouble, young lady.' miss Tesha said.

Cani looked down, her ears flattened in shame. 'Gomen.'

'What would have happened if something bad had happened to you? You can't just run off in a strange country.' miss Tesha said, then relaxed. 'But I'm glad you're okay. Now we can see where you can stay.'

Guy felt a tug at his back and saw her looking at him with big eyes. 'There was no place assigned to her yet?' he asked miss Tesha.

'No, she wasn't supposed to come here in another week.'

Guy looked at miss Tesha again. 'I think she would like to stay with us.'

Miss Tesha looked at Cani who nodded quickly and carefully wagged her tail. 'I guess we can arrange that. You have enough room for now so if you and Feli have no objection?'

He looked back at Cani. 'I think it would be a good for both of them to stay together.'

Cani hugged him tightly and wagged her tail. 'Arigatou.'

'Are you sure you can handle them both?' miss Tesha asked.

'Since you'd like me to show Feli around, one more won't make much of a difference. And I think it's better when Feli doesn't only have me to rely upon.'


The rest of the day they spend shopping for extra furniture and household items and in the evening Feli and Guy introduced Cani on the diary. Guy had purchased a good camera and posted a few pictures of the girls in the newly furnished room.

'That didn't take long.' he said as he looked at the counters on the website.

'What didn't?' Feli asked.

'For this diary to get world famous.' he said and pointed at the statistics. 'The whole world is watching us.'

'Really?' Feli asked, peering at the numbers on the page.

He nodded. 'You're real celebrities now.'

'Oh dear.'

'Well, what did you expect when you came here? You girls are special.' he said with a grin.

'I just never thought about that. I only thought of learning about humanity.'

'Now you'll also learn about being famous.' he smiled. 'But first, you'll learn about cooking.'

Together they prepared dinner and watched one of the movies from the list while eating it.

'Is everyone here required to watch this?' Cani asked after a while.

'Heh, fortunately not.' Guy said. 'Although I do understand why they put it on the list. It shows us an example of human emotions involved in a family.'

She stretched and yawned. 'At least it helps me fall asleep.' she said and he chuckled.

'True.' he said, feeling the same effects.

The girls went to their room and he laid out the futon for himself. He listened to the sounds of the late evening through the half open balcony door when he heard footsteps coming in.

'Ehmm..' Feli started with Cani next to her.

He chuckled. 'I think I know what you'd like to ask, make yourself comfortable.'

The girls crawled into the futon next to him.

'Thank you.' Feli whispered.

'No, thank you.' Guy whispered back with a smile. 'It feels comfortable to have you close. Sleep well.'

'Good night.' they said and fell asleep soon.


This day Feli, Cani and Guy would visit a couple of sites in the city displaying the history of mankind. miss Tesha had arranged a minivan for the hour long drive to and from the city and they went off on their trip right after breakfast.

They started at the prehistoric museum where the girls learned about humanity's first use of tools.

'For us this came much later. We had our own equipment for hunting so we didn't need spears and knifes.' Feli said, extending her claws with a little grin.

'I can imagine.' Guy said and chuckled. 'I must have a look at your history one day.'

After lunch at a cafe they walked around the last museum with recent history. Guy saw Cani looking around nervously.

'What's wrong?' he asked.

'Bathroom.' she whispered.

'Ah.' he said and pointed to a doorway in the corner of the hall. 'That way. I think it's a bit further down the hall.'

She hurried over and he went back to watching the displays with Feli.

Cani found the bathroom right away and felt very relieved when she came out. She looked outside over the courtyard through an open window when she heard noises coming from the other end of the hallway. Curiously she walked up to the door and saw a sign that said Black Pages. Carefully she opened the door and found the violent history of mankind on display.


Guy looked at the clock. 'She's been away for some time now. I'd better check up on her.'

'I'll come with you.' Feli said and they walked to the bathroom.

When she didn't find Cani inside they decided to check the other side as there was no other way out.

Guy read the sign and got a bad feeling. They walked in and found Cani standing in the middle of the hall in front of a display of photos from a recent war.

'Ah shit.' Guy said as he saw tears on her face.

She looked back at him. 'Is this true?'

He nodded and looked at the photos. 'I'm afraid so. Humanity has a dark side and we're not proud of it, but we mustn't hide it either. Hopefully one day we can all be at peace with each other. It will take time and patience though. I'm really sorry you had to see this.'

She fell in his arms and cried while he stroked her head.

'She never could handle dramatic things like wars.' Feli said. 'We too have had our share but this scares even me.'

'I'm sorry. You must think humanity is evil.' he said softly.

'Yeah, but then there are all the good people in your street so it must not be all bad.' Feli said with a little smile.

'True. And if we can focus on that good, simple life we might achieve real enlightenment one day.'

'Can we go home now?' Cani asked softly, rubbing her eyes.

He nodded. 'Yeah, let's go.'

The museum director hurried up to them as they left the hall.

'I'm so sorry! That exhibit was to be closed off for today.' he said, seeing the sadness in everyone's eyes.

'They would have found out about it sooner or later. Might as well get it over with.' Guy said.

'Please don't think all bad about us.' the director said to the girls. 'I hope you've also learned about the wonderful arts and inventions we've created over the years.'

Feli nodded. 'We all have our two sides, I just hope we can all let go of our bad sides one day.'

He nodded. 'I hope this exhibition will help with that. It's the least we can do.'

'Thank you for your concern, and for educating people.' Guy said, giving him a reassuring gentle smile..

The director gave him a nod. 'Thank you for visiting. We're honoured to have you here.'


Back at the car an usher came running up to them holding tickets in his hand.

'The director would like you to have these. He would like for our special guests to experience the fun side to humanity as well.'

Guy took the tickets for a large amusement park. 'Tell him we're very happy to get these, and we'll certainly enjoy our time there and will remember his generosity.'

He showed them to the girls. 'Thanks to him we have plans for tomorrow.'


By the time they got home Cani felt much better and watching a comedy during dinner made them forget about the experience for a while.

When it got time to sleep Cani took Guy's futon and took it to their side. 'You might as well start sleeping here where we have more room.'

He looked at Feli.

She smiled a little at him. 'Yeah, I feel more comfortable sleeping next to you as well.'

'Guess I can't refuse a majority decision.' he chuckled and crawled under the futon with them.


The next morning Guy woke up from knocking on the door. He stood up feeling groggy and found miss Tesha outside.

'What happened?' she asked, her arms folded across her chest.

He tried to focus on the present. 'Eh?'

She stepped inside and showed him a picture of him holding a crying Cani.

He looked at it and yesterday's events played back at high speed in his mind with a warning bell going off. 'Ah, that.'

'Yes, that.' she huffed. 'You were supposed to shield the girls from that. We can't have them tell about those things to everyone. And now it has spread over the entire net.'

'It's not his fault.' Cani said as she walked up to Guy and miss Tesha. 'I walked into that exhibit on my own.'

'Even so, he should have kept an eye on you.' miss Tesha said, glancing at Guy.

'I'm glad he doesn't act as my nanny. That won't make my stay more comfortable.' Cani said taking his arm in her embrace.

The phone rang and Feli picked it up.

'Yes. Yes, we did.' she said after a moment, then listened again. 'Really?' Pause. 'No, we didn't think it would make a real difference.' A smile grew on her face. 'He is? No, tell him we're happy to have helped in this way. Thank you.'

The others looked at her when she put down the phone.

'That was the museum. It seems our post on the exhibition has made a lot of people go there to take a look. There are schools who would like to reserve time there to teach special lessons on what effect war has on society. It'll become a permanent exhibition soon and the director wanted to say thanks for writing about it.'

'Well, I guess that was one part of the good news then.' miss Tesha said.

'There's more?' Guy asked.

'When this picture of Cani had gone viral it ended up influencing the peace talks at the southern countries. Apparently both parties are willing to settle things now and have signed a truce.'

Guy raised an eyebrow. 'You're kidding?' he said.

'Nope.' she said and smiled.

He looked at Cani who jumped in his arms wagging her tail. 'Those tears were worth it then.'

'Yeah.' he said and stroked her head.

A knock on the door had them looking that way to a courier with several packages.

'Special delivery from General Moralez and president Mitchofsky.'

Guy opened the letter. 'It's a thank you for reminding them about the pain they caused to their people and making them stop their petty war. These are specialities from their countries which they hope we'll enjoy with their gratitude. And perhaps one day be able to visit.'

Cani opened one carton. 'Fruits, dried wild meat, small locally made items. It has all sorts of things!'

'Can you deliver a message to them?' Cani asked the courier who nodded.

'Give our gratitude to the general and president, and ask them to do their best to bring happiness to their people. If they can do that they will have brought a smile to my face and I will look forward to visiting their countries.'

The courier left and Guy went to the couch to sit down. 'Again, what a start to a morning.'

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03 - Two's Company, Three's Even Better


The girls and Guy packed some of the food they had received earlier for a trip to the beach together with drinks and towels.

'Ready?' Guy asked the girls. He looked into their room when he didn't get an answer and watched them standing in a pile of clothes. 'What's wrong?'

'We don't have any bathing suits.' Feli said.

After he was done laughing he drove them to the local clothing store first. The girls went through the racks looking at all the different designs of swimsuits. One attendant handed him a cup of cool water while he sat waiting.

'Thanks. I'm afraid it'll take some time.' he said.

'That's normal for women.' the young woman said. 'Especially when they go with a guy. And they have to have something matching their own fur.'

'Am I glad guys have it easier.' he chuckled.

'And that's why we compensate.' she giggled.

He nodded. 'One more mystery solved.'

'How's this?' Cani asked him showing a light yellow bikini set.

He looked at it and shook his head. 'I think stronger colours compliment your black fur better.'

'Okay.' she said and returned to the rack, wagging her tail.

Feli showed her choice of a light blue bikini reluctantly.

He smiled. 'I think that will look really good on you. It's a good colour with your white fur.'

'Arigatou.' she whispered and smiled while returning to the back to try it on.

'Are they really both your girlfriends?' the attendant asked.

Guy almost choked on his sip of water. 'Wait, what? What makes you think that?' he said after a few coughs.

She looked in the direction of the fitting rooms. 'They aren't? Usually women ask the opinion of their boyfriends.'

'I'm not their boyfriend. They just stay at my place while they're here and I guide them.'

'I see. could have fooled me.' she said with a slight smile as she left to help another customer.

Cani beckoned him to the fitting room and he walked over. She pulled out Feli and they posed in their bikinis, Feli the light blue one and Cani a green one. 'So, how do we look?'

He looked at them for a moment to get used to the unexpected sexy sight. 'You look really great.' he said, smiling.

Feli looked away, her tail curling around her legs. 'You're just saying that.'

'No, really. Those bikinis really suit you. You'll cause a stir at the beach.'

'Great!' Cani said and pushed Feli behind the curtain before she could protest again. 'We're getting dressed so get ready to go.'

He went to the counter to pay and the girls showed up a little later.

'Let's go.' Cani said, wagging her tail.

'Have fun at the beach then.' the attendant said and winked at him.

He blushed. 'Thanks.'


At the beach they easily found a good spot where Guy set up a large parasol. 'Welcome to the sands of humanity.' he said, pushing his chest forward.

Feli chuckled. 'You've been writing too much.'

He grinned. 'Hey, it adds that extra special flavour.'

Feli and Cani took off their dresses and he noticed the reaction from the people who saw them, especially the guys.

'Guess I'll be the envy and target today.' he said to himself.

'What?' Cani asked.

He grinned. 'Oh, nothing. Are you ready to get into the water?'

Cani flattened her ears. 'Only if you come with me.'

'I will keep you safe.' he said and held out his hand. 'There's nothing to worry about and I hope I can show you that today.'

She nodded and took his hand.

'Are you ready too?' he asked Feli.

'I'm not afraid of water.' she said and held out her hand. 'But if you're holding her hand I want that too.'

'Happy to oblige.' he said with a smile. "And to be honest, I don't mind making some guys jealous." he thought.

Together they walked up to the water. Cani reluctantly took a few steps, then clung really close to Guy.

'I'm here, so take your time.' he said.

Feli took Cani's elbow at the other side. 'Don't forget about me. We're here for you.'

Cani nodded and took slow steps further into the water. When it reached her waist she stopped.

'That's far enough for now. Try to get used to this first.' Guy said.

Cani nodded and Feli went in further swimming on her back. 'Come and join me soon. I don't want to swim out here on my own.'

'Maybe you should join her.' Cani told Guy.

'Not while you're uncomfortable. She wouldn't want me to either.'

'True, but I need time to get used to this so you go swim with her.'

'I hate to leave you here.'

She smiled. 'I know, but if I keep you here I'll hate myself.' she said and pushed him into the water.

He shook the water from his head when he stood up again. 'You sure?'

She shook her head. 'No, so come back soon.'

He smiled. 'You'll never have to be without me.'

'I know, so go have fun with Feli quickly.'

He turned and swam towards Feli who had gone farther out into the sea, occasionally looking back at her.

'You're just too nice.' she said with a smile and looked out over the water.

There weren't many people at the beach at this time of the week and she felt glad for the quiet. She felt herself get used to the feeling of the water and relaxed a little more. Then some splashing caught her attention. Farther out into the sea she could see someone trying to keep above water. The figure went up and down a couple of times, then didn't came back up.

'Help! Someone needs help over there!' she shouted looking around but no-one seemed to be close enough to hear her.

'Help!' she tried again and looked at the spot where the figure had been.

"Shit." she thought to herself and dived into the water.

She swam as best as she could remember to the spot she thought where she saw the figure, then took a deep breath and dived down. The water was clear so she soon found a body going down slowly. Without hesitation she went down, grabbed the body and tried to swim back up. Her lack of experience though caused her trouble getting back up and she had to suppress the panic welling up. Her sight started to blur when she couldn't hold her breath anymore and she was afraid this might be it for her. The last thing she saw before fainting was a blur heading down her way.


The next moment Cani woke up, Feli was bending over her and stroking her head.

'Are you okay?' Feli asked.

Cani rolled on her side and coughed up some water. 'Yeah, I'm okay.' she rasped and coughed again, glad to be alive.

She saw Guy giving artificial respiration to a yellow feathered bird-like creature with her large wings spread out on the sand.

'She's lucky you saw her in the water.' Feli said, looking back at the bird. 'If you hadn't tried to rescue her she would have drowned for sure.'

The bird started coughing and Guy turned her over to let her cough up more water out of her lungs. The crowd around them felt relieved and a local medic arrived to check up on her. He ordered an ambulance and since nobody had experience with other species Guy offered to call miss Tesha and come with them to the hospital.

The girls packed their things and they drove off to the hospital where Guy made the call to miss Tesha.


'She's fine for now.' the doctor said. 'There is no permanent damage as far as we can tell thanks to your quick reaction. You can see her now if you want to.'

'Thank you.' Feli said and Cani opened the door slowly to the room of the bird. Apart from a few ruffled feathers she looked fine.

She opened her emerald green eyes. 'Are you the one who saved me?'

Cani sat down next to her. 'Sort of. It was Guy who eventually saved us both.' she said and smiled at him.

'Thank you.' she said to Guy.

He gave her a warm smile. 'It was Cani who spotted you. She deserves your thanks.'

'So what brought you here?' Feli asked.

'I was to be sent here to find out what humans were up to here together with your people.' she said. 'Then they postponed it officially but asked me to come here quietly anyway.'

'Like a spy?' Cani asked.

The bird nodded.

'Why?' asked Guy.

'Tensions are still high between our species.' Feli said. 'Even though we haven't been at war in ages.'

Guy's phone went off and he took the call from miss Tesha outside.

'You're getting company.' miss Tesha said. 'They're not mine and I think they want to take your new friend.'


'Ask your new friend.'

He hung up and hurried back into the room. 'Miss Tesha said men are coming here, probably to take you away.'

The bird sat up at once. 'No! They found out I failed my mission so they'll try to silence me!' she said and clung to the bed sheet. 'What do I do?'

'Guy? Could you distract them?' Feli asked. 'Then we'll take her out the back.'

'Yeah, but how?' he said looking around, then got an idea seeing Cani with one of the bird's feathers in her hand.


Four men dressed in standard black suits came out the elevator and went down the hallway when all of a sudden a door near the end smashed open and someone fell down, covered in blood.

'NO!' he screamed while there was a loud racket coming from the room.. 'Don't!'

The men hurried closer and saw a wild black beast through the window inside. It snarled at the window outside, then turned around and they saw feathers and blood on its mouth.

'Quick! Get away before it attacks you too!' the guy yelled while he got up and limped away.

One of the men started moving back already when the beast spotted them. It snarled again and jumped over the bed towards the door. This was enough to get them all running back down the hallway. The beast slipped on the hard floor but picked up speed soon. Luckily the door to the stairwell was close and the men rushed through it and closed it as fast as they could. One moment later the door shook as the beast rammed it. It snarled and scratched furiously at it, then it became silent.


One minute later Guy and the girls drove through the small streets on the way home.

'Think they're still shaking in their boots behind the door?' Cani asked and sniggered.

'I wouldn't be surprised.' Guy said. 'You were really scary back there. Now I'm afraid of ever making you mad.'

'And you better know it.' she said, growling playfully.

'How are you doing?' Guy asked the bird who sat in the back, hiding under a coat.

'I'm okay.' she said, peeking out from under it.

'Sorry about having to pull a few of your feathers.'

She shook her head. 'I'm glad to give them in exchange for getting out of there safely.' she said and turned to Feli. 'Thanks for saving me, but why would you help me?'

Feli shrugged. 'It's not like we're on bad terms. We couldn't just let you get taken away, right?'

She nodded gratefully. 'Where are we going?'

'To our place.' Guy said. 'You will be safe with us. If anyone tries anything it would cause an international incident.'


Back home Feli made refreshments while Cani and Guy unloaded the van.

'Here,' she said as she handed a mixed fruit juice to the bird. 'This should give you some energy.'

'Arigatou.' she said, looking at the glass and starting to relax. 'I'm Avia, by the way.'

Feli gave her a warm smile. 'Welcome to our simple home, Avia. Although it's mostly Guy's.'

'How so?'

Feli explained how they ended up at his place just before Cani and Guy came inside with the bags.

'How are you feeling?' Guy asked.

Avia smiled softly. 'Tired, but grateful. Thank you again.'

'Get some good sleep tonight, we'll see about the rest tomorrow.'

She agreed and Feli led her to the futon she could use for the night.

Guy wiped some ketchup from Cani's muzzle. 'You go bathe first.'

Cani looked at the shower, then pulled on the hem of his shirt. 'Come with me?'

Guy blushed a little. 'Why?'

'I don't like it alone.'

Guy wondered if he should. 'Why not wait for Feli?'

'Feel safer with you.'

He knew it wasn't really decent. 'I don't know..'

Cani looked up at him with pleading eyes. 'Please?'

He had no choice but to give in and led her to the shower, avoiding looking at her while she undressed. 'Ready?' he asked while checking the water temperature.

'Yes.' she said as she sat down on the stool in front of him, preparing for the shower.

He sat down on his knees behind her, then carefully rinsed her head and back bit by bit. He felt her relax slowly and started shampooing her back and hair slowly. When that was done she leaned back against him.

'Were you really scared?' she asked, leaning her head back on his shoulder.

'When you pretended you had attacked Avia and me?'

She nodded.

'Somehow, I wasn't.' he said and washed her arms. 'I just admired your ferocity. Like I wouldn't mind fighting with you as long as it was you because it would have a good end anyhow.'

She put her hands in his and nuzzled his jaw. 'I've never felt as safe near water as with you. Thank you.'

'Cani.' he whispered, then the door opened.

'Hey, why did you go in without me?' Feli asked.

'You wanted to get in the shower so much?' Guy asked.

She looked away a little. 'If you go with Cani then I want to go too.'

For a moment he didn't know how to reply to that. 'You want me to wash you too?'

She nodded.

'Well, if you don't mind me.'

She sat down on another stool next to Cani and he started washing her back.

'You know, you girls are dangerous.'

'Why?' Feli asked.

'Because no matter the species, if girls demand this much attention any guy would lose his sanity.'

'Have you?' asked Feli after a moment.

'I'm long gone.'

'Shouldn't we do this then?'

'You shouldn't, but I'd rather you did and make me lose my mind.'

'You realise what you're saying?'

'You realise what you've been doing?'

Feli looked at Cani. 'You think we'd get into a lot of trouble?'

'Probably.' Cani said and leaned back again against on side of Guy.

Feli leaned back against his other side. 'Sorry.' she whispered.

'I think I'll survive as long as you stay.' he whispered and embraced them.

After a few moments he finished washing their backs, they washed him and they left the shower after another few moments of holding each other close.


'Should we tell someone?' Feli asked later when they cuddled together on the couch.

'Like, make it official?' Cani asked.


'Probably cause a riot at home and here.'

'Why not let everybody find out for themselves?' Guy asked.

'Don't confirm, don't deny?' Feli asked.

'Yeah. We can take it slowly. For me it's something I have to get used to.'

Cani nodded in agreement. 'I don't mind keeping people guessing. Kinda fun to see that.' she said, chuckling a little.

'All right then, we won't tell just yet.'

The girls giggled while cuddling tighter with him.


'Good morning.' Cani whispered when Guy opened his eyes.

He smiled at her. 'Good morning.'

She gently rubbed her nose against his. 'I'm not sure if we can kiss.'

He caressed her cheek. 'We can try.' he said and gently placed his lips against hers.

They played with their lips and tongue and ended up kissing full force. After feeling satisfied they nuzzled some more until Guy felt a poke on his cheek.

He looked back at Feli pouting a little.

'Me too.'

He smiled. 'Happy to oblige.' he whispered and started kissing her softly.

After exchanging several more kisses they heard a noise and saw Avia looking around the wall.

'Gomen.' she said, looking away. 'I was a little curious.'

'Guess Avia's the first to find out about our little secret.' Guy said with a chuckle as he looked up at the ceiling.

'Gomen.' said Avia again.

'It's okay.' said Feli with a soft smile. 'It would have been obvious anyway, seeing us sleep together.'

Avia came closer and sat down next to them. 'You've really fallen in love with each other?'

'I'd say I haven't just fallen, but crashed badly.' said Guy and chuckled.

'And you don't mind they're not human?'

He shook his head. 'All I see are two beautiful girls I want to be close to.'

She nodded a little and smiled softly.

'So how are you feeling this morning?'

'Much better.'

'Anything special you eat for breakfast? I'll be going down to the shops next.'

She shook her head. 'I eat mostly bread.'

'Well, the baker has really good bread, so be ready for a treat.'

She smiled. 'Thanks.'

When he went downstairs with Cani later Avia helped Feli setting the low table in the room.

'I can see why you fell for him. He really is nice.'

Feli looked a little dreamy at the table. 'Yeah.'


Downstairs Guy waited for Cani to come down the last few steps. 'Ready?'

She nodded but fiddled with her fingers.

He couldn't help but think she looked innocent and cute. 'Something on your mind?'

She nodded again.

'So? What is it?'

She held out her hand to him.

It took a moment before it hit him. 'You want to hold hands?'

Another nod.

He smiled and took her hand in his and went down the street to the baker. On the way they met his aunt who smiled brightly as soon as she saw them.

'So I was right after all.' she said when they were close.

'About what?' Guy asked.

She gestured at Cani's and his hands.

'Ah.' he said.

Cani leaned against him, smiling softly. 'Only since last evening. We hadn't really thought about it until then. We've never fallen in love before with any guy.'

One corner of Auntie's mouth went up higher. 'We?'

'Ehm, yeah.' Guy said, looking a little away. 'Feli too.'

'You really took both of them as girlfriends?'

'Yeah.' he said blushing.

She grinned. 'Well, I'm not surprised with the way you looked at both of them.'

He looked at his aunt. 'You're not mad?'

She smiled. 'Why would I? You're old enough to know what you're getting into, and as long as you're all happy together that's all that matters.'

'Thanks.' he said, feeling better.

'Just remember, you're not too old to get a good earful if I ever hear you make either of them cry.'

Guy looked at Cani. 'Well, looks like I'll be on a leash from now on.'

She grinned at him. 'I guess if we go walking like that I'll be the envy of all canines in the neighbourhood.'

'Oh, you'd enjoy that, wouldn't you?' he chuckled. 'But for now, we're just going to the bakery so hop along.'

She giggled, waving his auntie goodbye and he looked up at the sky. 'What did I get myself into?'

She squeezed his hand. 'Are you regretting it already? Want to end it?'

'Yes. And definitely no.'

'You're weird.' she said laughing.

'Yes again.'


At the bakery the baker's daughters pulled Cani aside as soon as they saw her and Guy coming in.

'Girl talk.' the baker told Guy, watching the girls whisper.

'Yeah, I'd better get used to it from now on.' Guy said, leaning against the edge of the counter.

'So you really went for it, eh?'

Guy nodded. 'Never thought something like this would happen. Neither did they.'

The baker stared at him for a moment. 'Don't tell me.'

Guy nodded.

'You're kidding.'

Guy shook his head.

'And they're okay with it?'

Guy gave another nod.

The baker shook his head. 'Man, I hope you can handle them, not to mention the mother-in-laws.'

Guy looked wide eyed at the baker. 'Shit, hadn't thought of that.'

The next moment the girls looked funny at Guy and their father while they were laughing hard. 'Must be guy talk.' one of them said flatly.

'I'd like a collection of different buns. We've got a guest who knows bread, so we've got to present our best to her.' Guy said.

The baker paused as he collected different buns from the shelves. 'Her? One more?'

'Yeah, but not what you think.' he added quickly. 'She's not supposed to be here at all.'

'I see. Be careful then.' the baker said as he handed Guy the paper bag with buns.

'Yeah.' Guy said and looked at Cani who watched the pastries shown by the girls. Her tail was wagging. 'Right, I think we'll need some of that as well.'


When they got back home Guy put the bread on the table and went to the kitchen. Avia nudged Cani's arm. 'Can I as you something?'


'Why, or how did you fall for him?' she asked, then looked down. 'If it's too personal, forget I asked. Just curious.'

Cani looked at her. 'How?' She looked away for a few moments. 'I honestly have no idea. At first I thought he was a bad guy, but then I found out he was really nice, and cared for us.' She looked back at Avia. 'When he saved me.., us, I knew I only wanted to stay by his side.'

Avia nodded. 'Thanks.'

'Let's eat.' Feli said as she and Guy brought the last items for breakfast.


'So? How's our choice of bread?' asked Guy after Avia ate a few buns.

'Tasty.' she said and smiled.

The baker will be delighted to hear that.'

She nodded. 'Give him my thanks.'

They merrily finished breakfast, then Feli sat down next to Avia while Cani and Guy did the dishes. 'You want to talk about it?' she asked.

Avia looked a little surprised at her. 'What do you mean?'

'I've seen the way you glanced at Guy several times. You want to say something but don't know how to? Or dare to?'

Avia sighed and nodded a little.

'Maybe I can help?'

Avia stroked her wings in thought.

'It's just, I don't know if I should follow our traditions here, or if it's inappropriate.'

Feli thought for a while about it.

'I can't really give you an answer. Humans are very adaptable and have many different customs, so my guess is it'll be fine if you want to follow tradition.'

Avia smiled a little at Feli and nodded.

'So, is there something you want to do?'

'It's more like, something I should do for what has been given to me.'

At that moment Guy and Cani returned with drinks and sat back down at the table.

'So, how are you now after your first night and breakfast here?' he asked.

'I'm good, thanks.'

'Glad to hear it.' he said and took the project schedule. 'So what are we on for today?'

Avia crawled around the table and bowed to him to the surprise of the others.

'Ehm, what are you doing?' he asked, unsure about what was going on.

'In our society there is a strict tradition. If one saves another's life it will belong to them.'

'So.., you..?'

'You saved my life yesterday, twice even, so I give myself to you to do with as you please.'

Guy backed off in surprise. 'Wait, what? You can't just give yourself away!'

Avia looked up at him. 'Would you not be satisfied with me?'

He cleared his throat. 'Look, I understand you're grateful, but you don't have to repay with yourself. I'm just happy that you're alive and well.' he said and gave her a gentle smile.

Avia sat up. 'Then what about Feli and Cani? You took them after you saved them.'

He looked at the other girls. 'That wasn't because I helped them.'

Cani laid her hand on Avia's. 'We're very grateful for what he did, and it made a difference, but we chose to be closer to him, not because of any tradition or custom.'

'I'd feel guilty if that was the case.' he said. 'So forget about tradition and just do what you want to do.'

Avia smiled and nodded. 'You really are as good as they said.'

He blushed. 'Hey, they haven't seen my bad side yet. I'm not perfect.'

'I'm not worried.' Cani said and grinned. 'I'll just bite if it comes to that.'

Guy playfully leaned away from her. 'Anyway, you can stay until you figured out what you want to do next.' he said. 'In the meantime you can join us on our cultural discovery program if you want to.'

'Thank you.' Avia said and hugged him.

'Hey, no hugging without me!' Cani said and pounced them.

Feli sighed and shook her head. 'It's becoming a zoo here, even if I say so myself.'


This day they visited a wildlife preservation and got a lot of attention at the petting zoo from kids who thought they were part of it.

Guy was talking on the phone to miss Tesha. 'Yeah, I had the same idea. As long as the public knows about her they won't try to grab her just like that again.'

'Will you be okay with another guest at the house?' she asked.

He smiled softly at the image of the three together. 'Yeah. They're getting along fine so no problem there.'

'All right, speak to you soon.' miss Tesha said and hung up.

Guy put the phone back into his pocket and picked up a few cans of juice.

'I thought you might want a break from all this attention.' he said as he offered the cans to the girls while they were playing around with the kids.

They gratefully took them while the parents thanked them for letting their kids play with them.

'I'm not sure if I took you to an attraction, or if I took an attraction to here.'

Cani leaned against him. 'You're not getting jealous of some kids now, are you?'

He grinned. 'Maybe.'

'We can always play at home.' she said and nuzzled his cheek.

'Cani!' Feli said in shock. 'Behave.'

Cani sniggered. 'Admit it. You want to do that too.'

Feli looked away. 'That's for private moments.' she said but took his shirt in her hand.

'Well, it's almost time to go anyway. Let's pick up something to eat on the way home.' Guy said.


Back at home they ate, made themselves comfortable with a movie, then got ready for the night.

When Feli and Cani laid down the futons they saw Avia looking at them while holding her own.

'Avia?' Feli asked.

She looked up a little startled. 'Yes?'

'You want to sleep with us tonight?'

She looked down. 'I don't mean to..'

Feli smiled. 'It's okay, sleeping together is part of our nature too.'

She looked up again. 'He won't mind?'

'Guy?' Cani asked. 'He may be nice, but he's man enough not to mind one more girl next to him.'

'Will he..? Does he make you do..?' she asked holding the futon tight and pulling her wings closer.

Cani giggled. 'Of course not. He's not like that. Otherwise we wouldn't stay here.'

Avia relaxed a little.

'But Feli and I have dibs on him, so you'll have to sleep next to one of us. Or find an alternative spot.'

She shook her head quickly. 'I'll sleep next to you if you don't mind.'

Cani shook her head and took Avia's futon to lay it next to theirs.

'Ready?' asked Guy when he came back from the kitchen. 'Then I'll turn off the light.'

They crawled under the futon and Feli snuggled up extra close to Guy. He touched her nose with his and she kissed him. After a while she pulled back and Cani turned his head so she could kiss him. Then Feli pulled him back and kissed him again and so they switched several times until Feli saw Avia watching them intently.

'Sorry,' she said 'I guess we got caught in the moment and forgot to behave ourselves.'

Avia shook her head. 'No, I'm sorry for intruding. It's just that..' she said, then pulled her futon in front of her beak.

'What is it?' Cani asked.

Avia shook her head again.

Cani grinned a little. 'I can see you're dying of curiosity, so just ask. We won't bite.'

'It's..' she said and looked a little away. 'Does that feel good? I mean, we don't do something like that in our world.'

'You mean kissing?' Guy asked.

She nodded quickly.

He pondered for a minute. 'I could imagine that, having beaks might make it hard.'

Cani pulled closer to Avia. 'Our muzzles aren't ideal, but it feels very good with him. Of course, I don't want to kiss anyone else but him either.'

He blushed a little. 'Thanks. Of course I love kissing you too. I don't care about Feli and Cani being human or not, kissing them is great.'

Avia nodded again, then Cani looked at Guy. 'So, do you want to try it?' she asked and looked back at Avia.

She looked at Cani with big eyes. 'Try it?'

Cani smiled and nodded.

Avia glanced quickly at Guy who blushed again.

Cani turned to Guy. 'You wouldn't mind giving her a demonstration? After all, you already gave her CPR.'

Guy looked away. 'Well, that was kinda different.'

Cani looked back at Avia. 'So?'

Avia hid her face mostly behind the futon but nodded slightly.

'Guy?' Cani asked.

'Well, if you want to try, I'm flattered to help out.' he said with an embarrassed smile.

Cani sat up and moved back. 'When you're ready..'

Guy pulled the futon gently away from Avia. 'We'll just start with light nuzzling. Then you can choose how to continue.'

Avia nodded lightly and Guy stroked her beak with his nose as he caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and followed his movements. He caressed her beak with his lips and she opened it a little. He lightly touched her tongue with his until she got used to it and opened her beak further, moving out her own tongue more. Eventually he placed his lips along her open beak and caressed her tongue with his. Her breathing got heavier and she pulled harder at him until she could no longer keep up and pulled back.

'Wow.' said Cani. 'That's some first kiss.'

Avia hid behind her hands. 'Sorry.'

Guy smiled. 'Don't be, that was really something.'

'Yeah,' Feli said and gestured with her eyes at his crotch. 'just look at what happened.'

'You can't blame a guy for that when he gets to kiss three incredibly cute girls.'

'Do we,' Avia said as she started to feel warmer. 'do that too now?'

'I'm first this time!' Feli said and put her hand on his crotch. 'Cani already was first at kissing and holding hands so now it's my turn.'

Guy looked at her and she realised what she just said. 'I mean..'

'Oh?' Cani smiled deviously. 'You already want to do it now?'

'That's not what I meant!' She said to Cani.

Cani raised her eyebrows. 'Then you don't want to do it with him?'

Feli frowned. 'Of course I want to do it with him!'

Cani grinned. 'Well then, since you're already warming him up, go ahead.'

Feli didn't understand what she meant, then realised that she had a firm grip on his crotch.

'I'm sorry!' she said, pulling her hand away.

Guy sniggered. 'That's okay. It's my pleasure.' He turned to Cani. 'Don't tease everyone, it's a big step to take with one you love.'

She nodded. 'Yeah, true.'

'I'm really happy with the attention, but I don't think I could hold back once you girls really want to get this intimate.'

Cani looked away for a moment. 'You really mean that?'

He smiled at her. 'Just to be sure.'

She stroked his chest. 'I guess I'll prepare myself next time.'

He laid back and let out a sigh. 'You girls really do take a lot out of a man, but then again I say you're really worth it.'

'Sorry.' Cani said and kissed him.

'It's okay, I guess it's easier for men to go bonkers when they get attention from cute girls.' he said with a smile.

'So,' Feli said and looked at Avia. 'you want in?'

She cocked her head. 'In?'

'To be part of his harem.'

She glanced at him, then away. 'Would that be okay with you, seeing how close you are to him?'

'Of course.' Cani said. 'It would be more fun.'

'More mates is a sign of a good partner in our society.' Feli said.

Avia kept silent for a moment, then nodded quickly.

'Wow,' Guy said. 'I feel so happy I want to hug you all tightly and never ever let go.'

Feli snuggled up closer. 'If it was up to me that would happen.'

'Same here.' Cani said and pulled Avia on top of him. 'You're caught in this trap and will never get out, how's that?' she asked her.

Avia looked at them, then relaxed and laid down her head on his chest. 'I like that.'

Guy kissed Feli and Cani, then laid back his head. 'If I die now I can say I had the best life ever.'

Feli stroked his shoulder. 'I think it'll get even better in the near future.'

'Whatever it may hold, I love you girls so much.' he whispered and smiled as they sank into a deep sleep.

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04 - Caught in a Web of Furries

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05 - Making a Better Trap

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06 - A Big School Debut

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07 - Letters to Home

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08 - Visitors in the Night

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09 - Guy to the Rescue, with Some Help

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10 - Politics in Different Ways

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11 - Guy and the Seven Furries

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12 - Run, Guys, Run!

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14 - First Contact

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13 - Home Sweet New Home

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