How to Start Writing Your Own Book?


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Being able to sit down and write your own complete book is something many people find themselves dreaming about. Most of them have one thing in common - their voices to be heard and their stories to be read. It’s definitely an exciting thought having people read what you have to say and learning from it.

But, the process of writing a completed book is a long one that is filled with many obstacles. The actual writing might be the easiest part as there are several overlooked factors that have a huge impact on writing a finished book.

Can Everyone Write a Book of Their Own?

The short and simple answer to this question is yes. Everyone has stories to tell and experiences to share. However, writing a professional book takes more than just that. This shouldn’t discourage you as there are many ways you can get help for creating the perfect book and maybe even a bestseller.

Maybe all you have done until now is write essays and that’s great. Not every major author started out with all of the knowledge of how to write the perfect book.  You are certainly on the right path to writing one that has the potential to be read by many.

There are also a few guidelines that you can follow to make your process a whole lot easier. One of those, if you don’t want to worry about formatting, is to follow the MLA Style Paper format and learn a few tips about it as countless books have practiced using it. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel in this case and all you need to do is follow the guidelines that other successful authors have laid out before you.

Book Writing Guidelines

Most people conclude even before starting that they are simply not cut out to be writing books even though they have a perfect idea and know exactly what to say -  they just don’t know how to say it. Maybe you’ve had similar jobs in the past like having to write essays for money but writing a complete book is a bit different. This is where the real struggle begins but you should always keep the following ideas in mind.


Discipline might be 90% of the whole process as a book will never write itself. You simply need to start, that’s all it takes as the beginning is one of the hardest steps. Even if you don’t know how to start, just sit down and do it. Trust me, the ideas will slowly start formulating, and after a while of hitting “backspace”, you will start seeing some decent results.

Set Deadlines and Daily Word Count Goal

This is a fascinating way of making sure you start progressing and it has helped many authors become productive. Once you set your preferred daily word count goal, try your best to reach it. Also, don’t set something that is unreal. It can be low but at least it’s better than nothing.

Don’t Fear Criticism, Learn From It

What this means is that you should constantly ask for feedback with the intention of learning from it in the early stages of your book. Since you are new to this, hearing what a normal person has to say about your work is the perfect kind of feedback you need if you wish to improve. Analyzing examples of “write my essay” types of services is also another great way to learn and improve.

Finally Deciding to Finish

Besides starting the book, the other hard part about it is finishing. You might say that it’s never good enough or that it needs more work. One thing to convince you to finish is knowing the fact that you can use your first book as a learning experience. Release it and see what others have to say. After that, your next one is definitely going to be a lot better, and so on.


You should never hesitate to seek help in this line of work. There are always new secrets to learn when it comes to writing books and essays and using writing essay for money services is also a great way to get professional help and examples of the proper way to do the job. Constantly learning from professionals is the number one way to learn and improve.  

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