Technical development in the field of education


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Chapter 1

Since the turn of the 21st century, technical development has been at the store-front of our society, and education is no exception, as we’ve seen many transformations in this field over the years. Especially now, during a global pandemic, it is crucial to understand and embrace technical development in this sector.

Some of the first advancements we have seen in this area are online services that help out with school work like essay writing services such as StudyMoose. Services like these can really help out a lot when it comes to deadlines or writer’s block. If you’re still unsure about something like this, maybe some StudyMoose reviews can assist you in making your decision. There are detailed discussions about every aspect of the service and you get to decide if everything meets your needs. 

While this is only one technical development to make the field of education a lot more convenient and high quality in the future, there are plenty of others that contribute a lot as well. Some of them are the following. 

Online Learning and Online Schools

2020 has been a devastating year for the world, but one good thing that came out of it was the further development of online learning. After the pandemic, it is expected for online schools to become even more prevalent. Making education more accessible globally, should be an important objective for governments around the world, and there is no better way to achieve that than investing in the further development of online schools and online degree offerings.

Apart from accessibility, online schools also require a much smaller investment to run, which can enable schools to lower their prices significantly, and thus lowering the amount of student debt. With online schools, you can take advantage of the essay writing services I mentioned to give you some extra help in achieving your goals. You can use the StudyMoose essay reviews to see what works and what doesn’t, get inspiration, and become better at writing essays. 

Customized Learning

Everyone has different methodologies that they prefer when it comes to learning. But, with the traditional approach in education, this was not possible. Thanks to modern technical development, through various gadgets and interfaces, everyone can now fully customize their learning experience to fit their preferences, needs, and availability.

For now, customized learning is mostly done individually, but hopefully, this technical development will be implemented on a massive scale in institutions throughout the world in the near future.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a technology that is already heavily utilized in schools all over. Cloud offers so many good capabilities and significantly improves the experience for both teachers and students as it enables for easy file sharing, storage of data, communication, and access to papers and coursework. 

There are some security concerns when it comes to cloud computing, and this is an area that we need to improve the most going into the future.

Virtual Learning

Virtual learning is a technical development that is already heavily used in a few sectors and in some, it has even completely replaced traditional learning methods. For example, pilots begin their training by first going through extensive training in command of virtual airplanes, way before they ever get into a real one. This obviously makes the entire process a lot safer, more efficient, as well as more effective.

The main benefits of virtual learning are that it is usually much less expensive, it provides a safe and secure environment to improve your skills, and you can do anything, from anywhere. Although already very developed, this technology will only get better in the future, and it’s really exciting to see how.


Analytics has been a staple in the business world for a few decades now, helping businesses to bring the right decisions to improve profits. There is no reason why analytics can’t be applied to learning, too. With learning analytics, teachers will be able to better understand their students and help them in finding out ways to improve engagement and output. Learning analytics development goes hand in hand with the development of online schools, as they enable data to be easily stored and analyzed.

As online schools become more prevalent, and more data is available, we will gain some very valuable insight regarding learning methods, best practices, and things that we need to work on.

These and many more technical developments will be crucial in the advancement of education in the world. This advancement is of high importance, as improved education means for improvement in the economy, society, and every aspect of life.

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