Staten Island Workers Injury Compensation Lawyer


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Workers Compensation Laws in New York

Workers compensation laws involve the insurance that offers cash benefits and/ or health care for New York workers who become ill or are injured directly because of their job. According to the laws, the employers are required to pay for this insurance without the employee contributing a single penny.

The Workers’ Compensation Board stipulates that any medical care or weekly cash benefits that the employee receives is paid by the insurance carrier of the employer. The Board processes all worker injury claims and if necessary, the Board can step in to ensure that the worker receives cash benefits and health care, and also determines the amount that the employee is meant to receive.

In New York, the amount and/or care that you receive is not determined by the at-fault party. That is, it doesn’t increase if it was solely your employer’s fault nor does it decrease if it was as a result of your carelessness. A worker can only lose his/her compensation rights if the injury was as a result of intoxication from drugs or alcohol, or if it came from an intent to injure yourself or another person Staten Island Workers Injury Compensation Lawyer.

The waiting period for you to file a worker compensation claim is five days, and the worker has 30 days to give the employer a notice of the illness or injury.

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