Imagination Development


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9 Ways to Enhance Children`s Imagination

I start to write when I was sixteen. It was a long time before I began to write professionally at the best essay writing service. It was really hard and sometimes I was like «Oh my God! I don`t have imagination at all». I often fell into depression and start thinking about new career. And know I want to share with you my experience.


The desire of all parents is to see in their children reflected positive skills, such as imagination. A child who develops a good imagination will be a person who will have personal resources to find good solutions to their problems; that in addition, will know how to manage them to create alternatives of action before the achievement of objectives; and that you will find healthy ways to relate to the world and others.

There are many ways to enhance the imagination of our children. These are the 10 easiest to carry out. They are especially suitable for children under 10 years old. Take note!

1. Boredom is good. Let them get bored!

Parents have a tendency to program each activity that the child performs. Taking into account that children need a very structured schedule, this tendency can be good, up to certain limits. We must offer them the opportunity to get bored, so that they themselves can choose what activities they want to do.

It is recommended that this occur at the daily time established for the game. In this way, we will be promoting the creation of alternatives to situations that occur in our day to day. If we see that the child does not get out of boredom, we can offer him a not too extensive number of alternatives, always letting him choose one of them.

2. Read stories and invent alternative endings

The stories are magnificent resources to nourish the imagination of the little ones. It not only relaxes and entertains them; In addition, the child creates in his mind a unique representation of the characters and the scenario where the plot takes place. For this mental creation to be more powerful, the story must contain many details and few drawings.

One way to favor even more its imaginary representation is not to teach the drawing at the beginning of each page, but at the end. Thus the representation will be free and genuine. To further enhance the imagination, we can invent alternative endings. This tends to please them a lot, although it is a capacity limited by age.

3. Encourage her to write stories

If you do not know how to write yet, you can make a little story with drawings. The goal is not the task of making a story, but the invention of the story, the characters, the plot. In addition, the theme of the story can give us ideas about its values and personality.

4.The toys are fine, but the basic objects are also

Currently there are toys that aim to enhance the imagination of children, although they are still defined objects associated with specific tasks of interaction with them. They are still useful, but there are other objects that can help to further the imagination.

It's about those basic objects that we find in any corner and that can be easily converted into toys. A box, a cardboard tube, a piece of paper ... Offer them these kinds of objects and see how easily they use them. The alternatives are many; When they get tired of giving them that particular use, we can help them give them another.

5. Limit the use of television

The image offers already established patterns. The imagination will develop much more if it is the child himself who creates his own representations.

6. Always leave paint material available

From very small, children capture all their emotions in the drawing. A simple doodle can let us know emotional states of the child. But not only that; they play with colors and shapes as they master the fine psychomotor skills.

They discover new forms, new colors, they try to draw what catches their attention. Free drawings are a source of inexhaustible imagination that we must promote. For this, it is recommended that the child always have folios and colors available. Any time is good to develop the imagination!

7. Play the game "What would you do if ..."

It is a game that will serve to fine-tune our imagination, and to which we can also play anywhere. It consists of posing hypothetical situations and creating alternative solutions. For example: "What would you do if you found a lost puppy in the street?"

8. Give her time to think and imagine

Sometimes we demand a very quick response to our questions. Let them have enough time to think about them, especially if those answers can have consequences.

9. Take advantage of the daily game to ask

There is nothing better than sharing playful moments to further enhance your imagination. In this way, if we play, for example, the dolls, we can ask them questions like "What happens to the doll, who is laughing? What are you feeding her? "

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