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Underwear stunt by internet-based party

Six people stripped lingerie manufacturer to their underwear outside Western Australia's parliament to draw attention to a party which admits it has no policies.

Vying to win seats wholesale bikinis in the Senate, Senator On-Line bills itself as Australia's only internet-based democratic political party.

It wants everyone on the electoral roll who has underwear manufacturer access to the internet to vote on every bill put to parliament, and have its senators vote in accordance with a clear majority view.

In Perth, Wholesale Plus Size Lingerie six supporters got down to their underwear on Monday, bearing strategically placed placards, to draw attention to the party.

"We want people to know that this is a very serious party, you'll be able to change the way politics runs forever basically," WA candidate Daniel Mayer said.

"We are completely neutral, one day we might vote for Liberal, one day vote Liberal or Greens, it's up to the people who direct us how to vote.

"We're not saying every party should be acting like this but if a few seats are held by the people, where they can basically sway the balance of power that's what's significantly going to change politics forever."

The under 30s or "the net generation" would understand the significance of Senator On-Line immediately, Mr Mayer said.

"As you know politicians tend to change their minds significantly, reverse their policies, don't keep their promises and this is the first time where people will be empowered to actually take measures into their own hands by coming online, telling us how to vote on each and every bill," he said.

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