Our Meteor


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Our Meteor

A/N: This story will be from third person POV, but focusing on Ash and his feelings the whole way through. This is my first book, so some constructive criticism would be nice.

"I think Bonnie and I will head off to bed now," Clemont yawns. "What will you two do?" He says, addressing Ash and Serena. 

"I heard there is going to be a meteor shower tonight, so I think I will watch that!" Serena says, her honey blonde hair swaying in the wind. Ash is so mesmerised by her beauty, he doesn't notice Clemont calling his name until Serena snaps her fingers in his face. 

"Huh? What?" Ash hurriedly says, trying desperately to cover up his rosy red cheeks.

"I said, what are you going to do?" Clemont says, getting increasingly annoyed from the lack of sleep.

"Oh, uh, I think the meteor shower sounds cool!" Little did anyone know it was just an excuse to get to hang out with Serena. 

"Well then, goodnight!"

"Goodnight Clemont," both Ash and Serena say and blush simultaneously.

Ash grabs Serena's hand and they both run up to a hill, Serena blushing heavily. When they finally arrive, the shower has already started. Neither one of them wanted to say anything, as they knew it would ruin the moment. However, Ash isn't looking at the stars. There was a much more beautiful sight right next to him, her cerulean blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Serena notices Ash staring at her and says, "Ash what are yo—" Serena is cut off by Ash tackling her out of the way of a meteorite that was heading straight for her. They find themselves tumbling down a hill and into a cave. Ash sees Serena is about to hit the wall, so he wraps his arm around her, protecting her from the devastating blow. All he remembers before he falls unconscious is black.


Serena wakes up to find Ash lying on the ground with blood pouring out of a wound in his back. She rushes over to him, with tears pouring out of her eyes. She listens for his heartbeat. Nothing. That one thought came crashing into Serena like a brick.

"No, Ash, please don't leave me..." She sobs, devastated by his death. "P-please, A-Ash, I'll d-do anything! Because I-I love yo—" She starts, only to be cut off by a pair of lips belonging to a certain dark haired boy pushing against hers, causing a jolt of electricity to flow through her mind. He pulls away after what was seconds, but seemed like hours to the both of them.

"I love you too" he whispers.

Serena cries into his chest, but with tears of joy, not sadness this time. 

"There, there, I'm here now," he croons to her gently.

"I was so afraid you had left me on my own here Ash!"

"Don't worry, I would never leave you cutie. D-do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"YES!!!!!" Serena screams, startling Ash.

"Ok then beautiful, we need to get out of here."

"I think I saw a crack over there," she says, pointing to a hole large enough for the both of them to fit through.

"Okay then, let's get out of here" Ash replies.

The new couple carefully made their way out of the cave, only to find themselves on the edge of a cliff. They see a pokemon centre below. 

"Ok, if we can get down there we should be able to reach Clemont, Bonnie, Pikachu and the other pokemon" Ash says. "Just dont slip!" He teased. This caused Serena to get nervous, and, ironically, slip. 

"SERENA!!!!!" Ash screams along with Serena. Without a second thought, he jumped off the cliff. He wrapped his arms around Serena from behind, protecting her from hitting the ground. Serena heard a loud crunch before she blacked out. 


When Serena woke up, she was in a hospital. She suddenly remembered what had happened, but stayed calm until Nurse Joy said she could leave. Serena rushed outside, to be greeted by Clemont, Bonnie and Pikachu, who all had relieved but worried looks on their faces.

"Serena, what happened last night?" Clemont asked. Bonnie and Pikachu looked like they were on the verge of tears, so Serena told them everything that had happened, from the meteorite to Ash jumping off the cliff to save her, even the relationship part, which Bonnie couldn't even fangirl at! Clemont told Serena how Ash was still in surgery. They all sat there in silence, Serena being the most anxious out of them all, even more than Pikachu. Nurse Joy finally came out and asked, "Are you four Ash's friends?"

Everyone answered with a shaky yeah, apart from Pikachu (A/N Obvs) and Serena who asked if he was okay. Nurse Joy replied with, "We regret to inform you-" Serena didn't hear the rest as she ran out of the Pokemon Centre as far away as she could go.

A/N: Italics is thinking.

Ash died because of me. If I hadn't fallen off that cliff, he wouldn't be dead and we would be in a happy relationship. He meant the world to me... "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ASH!!!" She screamed, tears sliding down her cheeks. "I can't live without you..." She whispered, with a knife in her hand...

Clemont, Bonnie and Pikachu, with tears pouring out of their eyes, ran towards the scream that sounded like Serena's. Once they got there, they saw Serena with a knife in her hand, and her Pokemon trying to stop her. She gazed at them, and her old friends.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, barely audible.

"Don't do it Serena!!!!!" Clemont and Bonnie shouted.

"PIKA PI!!!" Pikachu added.

"See you soon Ash..." Serena called out before plunging the knife into her heart. Red blurred her vision. She used the last of her strength to whisper, "I'm sorry..." Before her consciousness faded into oblivion. "And goodbye."

A/N: This is towards one of my friends. But first: 1036 words! That's good for my first one shot, isn't it?

Aria, I bet even you couldn't fangirl at what Bonnie was told.

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