Violets Are Purple


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Chapter two (first day back)


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Chapter one ( The 101 of violets life)

 Four brothers 'Aidon, Harris, Josh and Mickey' all older than me, four sisters 'Amelia, Maggie, Sorca and Lily' making me the middle child ! Hi I'm Violet and 15, mornings can be tough because my brothers Hogg all the bathrooms and my sisters are using up all my mum and dads attention while I'm stuck trying to get ready, other than that and dinner - with all eleven of us - my life is pretty good I have a nice room which I share with my sister lily who is also 15, well actually we are twins, but I'm a whole three minutes older ! I love school and the best part is that now I'm in high school I don't have to share a social life with my twin. I have my own group of friends Including my best friend Ethan.  

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