7 Ways to Make Workers More Satisfied With Their Wages


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Chapter 1

How do you measure employee satisfaction? As an employer or a manager, you must know that happy workers are productive and dependable. Their outlooks naturally reflect the moral of the company. 

Happy employees are important in vital areas of business such as customer service and sales. That’s because they are in contact with the public most of the time.

In this article, we are going to talk about how to make workers more satisfied with their wages.

As an employer, you don’t have to increase the salary to make them satisfied. You can make your workers happy even with what you are paying them by making small and low-cost changes. Allow them some freedom to control their working environment, schedules or work habits and you will see how your company will soar.

With that in mind, here is how to make workers more contented with their wages shared by Nerdywriters, an dissertation service and essay reviewer firm.

Mind The Health of Your Workers

Healthy workers make a healthy company.

A 2017 study report by the American Psychological shows that work accounts for 61% of stress among the workers in America. co-worker tension, difficult bosses, and work overload are said to be the top causes of stress in the U.S.

According to an essay writing service health survey, hypertension, substance abuse, and other stress-related illnesses cost corporations boatloads of money to treat.

Stubborn stress can lead to other health-related problems such as increased risks of heart diseases, weight gain, etc.

Bosses should mind the health of their workers by promoting good health.

A good step towards promoting workers’ health is to educate them on how to stay healthy. Allow them to attend seminars and learn how to overcome stress and how to be productive without compromising on their health. 

Once workers are taught how to stay healthy yet still be productive, they can become a valuable asset to the company they work with.

Workers should be encouraged to prepare their own food by their employers by making sure there is a kitchen stocked with the necessary equipment and tools for cooking and preserving food.

Employers can go the extra mile to offer discounts on workers’ gym memberships. This will encourage workers to exercise more and stay healthy.

Make it Easy for Workers to Travel to Work

A professional writing services writing service provider has established that many workers suffer commuting stress. When they have to struggle to commute to work, they end up being powerless, stressed, and unreliable. 

To keep workers happy, employers should find ways to minimize commuting stress. A good rule of thumb is to allow workers to report to work and leave at the time when there is no too much traffic.

Also, workers who can’t cut the struggle of heavy traffic should not be castigated for arriving late as this will make them feel less cared for.

Another option to relieve workers off of commuting stress is to allow them to work at the places they feel comfortable in. After all, if the work can be done remotely, there is no need for workers to face heavy traffic commuting to work.

Let Workers Know What’s Happening in the Company

Once workers are updated regularly on what’s happening in the company they work for, they feel part and parcel of it. This is where transparency and honesty come in.

Employers should be open. In case the company has conducted a survey, workers should be updated on the success the company has achieved. Employers should also communicate areas that need improvement as well as measures they have put in place to achieve desired results.

Being transparent and acknowledging the effort of workers goes a long way.

Nurture a Positive Work Environment

According to Easy Essays, an essay service provider, employers don’t need to do big changes to keep workers happy. “Today, we are happy to announce that the IT department has been crowned the best performing in our company”, “Every Friday, the company will provide a group lunch to all workers”, or “We have decided to change the titles of the best performers from today”. 

On the face, these things look little but they mean a lot to workers. Besides, how much does it cost the company to acknowledge the IT department for performing well? What’s the cost of changing the title of a particular worker for his or her effort in the company?

Once the workers are happy, they become productive, and the company grows. It’s that simple.

Another way to promote a positive work environment is to facilitate their growth by sponsoring them to learn a new skill or offering them business trips.

Allow Workers to Mingle and Talk to Each Other

When workers connect, they share ideas, and ultimately, they become happy. Allow workers to interact with others and this can help even the introverts to know how to interconnect with others in their workplace. 

Employers should arrange so workers can have time with each other, either during off-peak hours.

During holidays and birthdays, employers can allow all workers to come together for an office celebration. After all, a company does not need to spend too much on these celebrations. Employers can just facilitate the celebration while workers can decide what to bring for their co-worker’s birthdays. Employers can also designate comfortable eating areas so that workers can come together during lunchtime.

Workers should have the freedom to socialize and connect with others even when not working. For instance, the company can come up with volunteer programs where workers can connect and develop relationships outside of the office.

Surprise Workers

Who doesn’t like surprises? Surprises make us happy. You just don’t expect anything and boom, your spouse pops in with a surprise. How does it feel? It feels great, right?

In the same way, employers should surprise workers at the workplace. An employer can pop in an office and “today we are going to take lunch at... (mention a place they didn’t expect”.

A small treat can boost workers’ happiness. Employers should occasionally find ways to surprise workers. This way, workers will feel appreciated for what they do for the company. 

Employers can consider offering office giveaways. An employer can plan a competition and the best worker is awarded a prize. It doesn’t have to be a big prize but it can motive workers tremendously knowing that there is someone high there who acknowledges their effort.

Make Things Brief

Employers should make meetings shorter and efficient. This way, workers’ time is not wasted. Remember that they have tight deadlines to meet and wasting their time doing lengthy meetings can make them stressful and powerless.

Final Thoughts

While we all need money, it’s not the only motivator. Employers can keep their workers motivate by doing the smallest things that make them happier:

- Make them enjoy coming to work

- Mind their health at the workplace 

- Update them on the company’s progress, 

- Promote a positive work environment, 

- Allow them to mingle with each other, 

- Give them time to accomplish their tasks by shortening meetings, 

- Surprise them

These are the seven easy ways to make workers more satisfied even without increasing their wages.

Be that boss or employer, who employees want to work with. Strive to improve happiness in the workplace. As little as the efforts you put in my look, they can lead to a better company.


Sharon is a real expert in studying and essay writer who provides custom writing and assignment help in Superior Papers writing service and professional writer service
She is also a very successful blogger and content marketing specialist who wants to share his knowledge and tips for skills improving. 

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