Me and My Musings


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Section one: Motherhood

    Doing it wrong 

How good is he at talking?

When did he start walking? 

Does he eat his vegetables?

Where does he eat it? Sofa or   table?

Oh dear keep an eye on his tantrums!

Be a bit harsher, he'll survive a slapped bum

Do you take him to enough playgroups?

Does he get out or is he couped up?

Do you give him too much freedom? 

Do you stop him learning more?

Are you making sure your a good mum 

and completing all your chores?

Can you fit in a job alongside 

pots to wash and clothes to clean? 

Maintaining a happy smile;

never turning mean

After all your not the only one

There are millions of mums in the world! 

Why do you find it so hard sometimes, 

Honestly just get a grip girl!

It's one of those things they say,

You'll always be warn out

Your a mum and this is what it's like 

What are you moaning about? 

I'm not moaning at all, 

I'm proud to be a mum 

Just not keen on 

how pressured it's become 

It feels as though we 

don't we support each other these days? 

We seem to only pick fault and question one another's ways

It's all advice from Drs, health visitors or it's online 

How about we look at our children and we'd discover they're just fine! 

Please don't make this harder 

by judging me too harshly 

I'm simply trying to be the best    mummy I can be 

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