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Chapter 1

 The silent screams of everyone around me, pouring through the aged halls. The sharp clicked heels shattering the ears of many around me. I took a glance around the freshly white washed surfaces and tucked my short brown hair behind my ear, time for it to begin. My mother stood anxiously waiting, watching for any glimpse of my younger brother, the urgent cries of a family being separated up ahead, made me almost want to tear my own hair out at the brutality used towards the mother and children. A tug on my hair and my mother was grabbing me by the arm," Whatever you do, don't let yourself be separated, promise me that you will stay by my side." I could hear the heavy breaths being released from her body, I felt myself listen to her every word. " I will mother I promise, I won't let anything happen to us. Everyone started to hustle in to one line, guards left and right were patrolling each corridor making sure no one escaped. This particular event happened every year, the blood ceremony's, each family would have their blood tested to make sure it didn't match the other family members, and then each member would be separated in to a blood group and be matched to their one true soul mate  it was the brutal actions they carried out, that made my stomach flip and the other thing I hated needles. My head flipped round so fast that I felt my thoughts spin, the cries of my younger brother made my heart jump out of my chest, I desperately tried to regain my posture and went to move as I was pulled back. " There is nothing we can do, don't mess this up its for the sake of our futures." I turned away from my mother, disgust shielded away beneath my features. Each little step I took was mirrored with my ragged breathing. I came to a small door with a woman dressed head to toe in white, measuring and testing the blood samples she had just taken. I moved towards the glass entrance,when a blood curdling scream shot my vision to a mother protecting her younger daughter, a small glance was enough to see her brains being splattered everywhere, the deafening blow and then silence. 


My mother pushed me forward with her to where the woman was sitting. The woman glanced up briefly before handing me a crisp form which created a small droplet of blood on my index finger. Her smooth toned voice was enough for me to recognise society's downfall and the expectations. " Write your name, age, family and date of birth here hon and we will be testing your blood type soon" her polished heels led us to a white room surrounded with a table, chair and desk which held the instrument on. I filled out the form with shaky small handwriting and passsed it along to her, my mother close behind. The woman's clean movements shocked me as she lightly grazed my back to reach the instrument. " Alright  hon, you will feel a tiny prick and we will administer a toxin through your bloodstream,to help the nauseous feeling from going away." My breathing became shallow as she penetrated the needle through my skin, I held in a shaky breath as a tear rolled down my cheek. The woman took the blood and wiped the excess blood around my sore wound, before stretching my already sensitive skin with a plaster. My mother looked at me with a disapproving look in her eyes. " Pull yourself together, I will not be made a fool of myself, do you understand." I looked away, not caring to answer her back. 


We finished the blood trial and sat down on a small bench with the other families. My mother's eyes were darting around expecting something to occur. I sighed,  a long heavy sigh and closed my tired eyes. Another women dressed in white started to call families in, she was plumper and older looking with age written all over her face. I walked through the corridor and came face to face with an unexpected result, my blood was inconclusive. I was in trouble and I wasn't the only one with a pale face, I watched as my mother said a silent goodbye as I was dragged away with brutal force. My screams were becoming fainter and my arm felt like it was being pulled out of its socket. I was placed in a blank room with no light. A sharp prick shut my senses and provoking thoughts down, this was wrong and I wasn't the only one to think it. 

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