When He Is Is Summoned


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 You know, when you walk around your middle school? High school? Or even collage? You sometimes see these group of people, cults. Praying to the dark lord, Cthulhu, or doing witchcraft. Well, let me tell you something, there's one thing thing they all have in common. They all have the circle with a star in the middle.  Wanna know what that star represents... Satan. Some of you who are reading this may think okay now we know this is fiction, right... haha WRONG. Because Satan's greatest trick of all, was making himself invisible, meaning people don't believe that he existed. That he's just an folk tell legend. And those who believe that he doesn't exist, are the second people he is going for, the first people he goes for are the ones that are doing witchcraft, ritual, and worshipping for God knows how much dark gods out there. But, the last people Satan would go for are the ones whom accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. Now for all the cults there in this world there is an after life where they spend an eternity in. And where they can never escape. That's a place where Christian's call hell. The people in cults call it paradise, but what Christian's call eternal torture. But the lake of fire is worse. There you'd see Satan. But, enough about this let's get to my story. What happened to me pushed me into becoming a full Christian. I was in  collage. Me and my friends Angel, Harper, Heaven, Destiny, Fate, Cross, Joseph, Joshua, Isaiah, and John were in the house. Our campus had houses to live in instead of dorms. You had to share with a lot of people, fortunately these people I've know since pre-k. The boys lived on the left side of the house and the girls lived on the right. Each bedroom had a bathroom so there was no argument on the bathroom sharing. Everyone in the house was fully dedicated to Jesus. I was not fully dedicated dedicated because all the religions are getting me confused. But, I would pray to god at least 3 times a day. And our house has become a war room. My friends were at war with Satan. They would make a circle and ask Jesus to protect them. I would join in sometimes, but one night changed it all. Me and my classmate Kate were walking home at 9 p.m. She said for me to got to her house because we had to work on our Math, English, History, and Science project that was a big part of our grade and if we got even a B+ on even one of the projects we would have to start the semester all over again even if the other 3 are A+'s. The worst part was the teachers gave us the  project on the same day and there all due in 2 days. I couldn't ask my friends for help because Kate wouldn't let me, I thought that she thought I was going to ditch her. But when we got to her house it was pitch black. The next thing I knew was someone knocked me out cold. When I woke up my mouth, hands, and feet were taped. I was taped on a ritual circle. When I look around the room there were about 14 people around me. They all took off there masks and I saw that they were all my classmates including Kate. They all formed perfect circle around me  and Jack said," Oh great lord Satan is this the one you wanted, the one who possesses power greater than yours. And must sacrifice her to you to take the great power she possesses". After he said that all the candles  in the room lit up. They looked at me and stepped back. Jack said we sacrifice Angela at midnight. Jack said," Angela why didn't you tell us you had great power in you". I said," let me go, the only power I poses is Jesus's love for me". They all took another step back and jack said, " Jesus put our lord in a dark world and turned him hideous that now he wears a mask opon his face." I said," Well, yeah because he turned 2/3 of God's angels against him and thought that he was better and more powerful than the almighty, yet he and his angels combined weren't able to defeat him, I wonder why". After I said that everyone in the room except Jack took big steps back till they reached the wall. Jack yelled," WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION OUR DARK LORD". I said," I am a girl would believes in god with all her heart and will let him do what he wants with you people in this cult". He looked into my eyes with anger and left the room. Everyone else followed him out the door. Fortunately for me I know how to get out of tape and must be wondering why I didn't get out in the first place. Well, first off there were 14 of them and only one of me. Second off if I did manage to get out of the duck tape first they might have had something stronger to tie me up in. Anyway, when I got out I went to a window and saw that I was 3 floors high. I was like no, and when I turned around they were all behind me. Jack said,"get her". Without hesitation they started to walk very slowly to me. I was panicking and when I get scared or start panicking, I singing amazing grace because it would remind me of my mom before she died. I start singing it aloud. To my surprise they stepped back and I stepped forward. I kept singing until I walked my way to the door and started running to the  front door of the house and hearing footsteps come after me. I ran out the front door, ran to my house, banged on the door. It didn't open I leaned on the door and saw them 10 steps away from me. Before they took another step towards me, I fell backwards in my house and see the girls hug me and the guys shutting the door after my. They asked what happened to me. I told them everything. When I finished the girls stayed with me and the boys went outside to beat them up for what they did to me. Five minutes late the guys said that they were gone and the only thing left of them was a letter. Fate read it aloud. It said


                  Dear Angelica, 

                      We won't stop going after you until we sacrifice you to the dark lord for your power. We are letting you come to us 3 days if you don't come to us then we will take Jurassic steps. We vote we will note stop coming after you until the day we die. Also, you guys being together won't help because we will find you with or without you friends. It's your choice.

I choose no and called 911. When they came we told them the story. They went and arrested all of  them. My teachers excused me for my projects and gave me an A+. Anyway now me and my friends never separate no matter what. After that day we all make sure we had the same classes no matter what the cost.

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