Adjusting to Life as an International Student in Australia


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Adjusting to Life as an International Student  in Australia

For a host of reasons, Australia is a great destination for international students. Sunny weather, advancing economy, reputable educational institutions—all these make Australia popular with students from all over the world. That is why roughly 300000 students study in different Australian universities. 

But as an international student, you may find it difficult to adjust to the new culture. In this post, we will show you how you can adjust to life in Australia as an international student.

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Make friends

When you move to another country, most likely you will not have many friends. But it should not be a matter of concern because you can make connections in many ways. Start spending time with neighbors, housemates and local social groups before university starts. Social networking sites can also help you find local friends. When university begins, attend events. During the orientation week, make the best of your faculty welcomes. 

Study seriously

Making friends will also help you carry on your studies smoothly. Group studies will help you learn things deeply. When you need to write papers, your friends studying in the same area can help you greatly. There are also websites that can help you in this regard. When it comes to writing research papers, it is important to choose good resources. There is a cool website to visit when you need help and say: write my essay now and help comes immediately. This is certainly more expensive than the free help of friends, but the result is guaranteed. 

Open a bank account

When you are living independently, you must make sure that you spend your money carefully. After opening a bank account, you should set a budget. To open a bank account in Australia, you will need photo identification, proof of enrollment, your tax file number and your Australian address. To know more specifically about the documents required, visit the website of your chosen website. Set a weekly budget. It will help you be careful about how you spend money. 


Overcome language difficulties

The official language of Australia is English, but you may find Australian English quite different. That is why it is a good idea to learn some Aussie idioms and slang. To learn them, you can attend English workshops. 

You will find it more difficult if English is not your first language. In terms of language support, Australian universities are well-serviced. You can improve your English in a lot of ways. 

Try to conform to Australian culture 

People trying to conform to a new culture understand how confronting cultural shock can be. As a newcomer, you may find Australian slang quite puzzling. For example, many Australians use the terms “ta” for thank you and “lingo” for language. Keep in mind that Australians like a firm handshake. You will find it easy to adjust to the norms if you ask the local people about their norms. 

Learn to deal with homesickness

Missing your own country and people is quite natural. When you are in Australia, you will gradually need to deal with these uncomfortable feelings. If you are an international student and you move to Australia with your family, you will find it easier to deal with homesickness. If you join clubs and groups, you can easily alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

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Take care of your health

Poor health will lead to a host of other problems, and you will find it difficult to enjoy life in the new environment. If you are new to Australia, you will need Overseas Student Health Cover to ensure local medical care. If you have any health issue, this health package will help you with your expenses. But prevention is always better than cure, and you should try to keep your health in check. 


Get familiar with the new grades 

In terms of marking, you will find some changes in Australian universities. Like in most other countries, letters are used to indicate grades, but you may need some time to get used to the new grades because you will find the meanings and percentages quite different. For example, D stands for distinction and HD for high distinction. 

Explore the locality

There are lots of amazing places to visit in Australia, and you should at least visit your locality. The more you explore your surroundings, the less stressed you would feel. After all, traveling is a part of education. 

Read up on safety, services, and rules  

Australia is a friendly and safe country. But if you live in a big city like Sydney, you will have to deal with lots of people and lots of traffic. Main cities provide pedestrian safety tips, and you should read and follow them. It is also a good idea to know what to do in the event of an emergency. Make sure you are prepared for any unlikely situation. 

Learn about the options of work and study

You can have a student visa that will allow you to work in Australia, but you should also make sure that it will not affect your study. In most cases, when the classes are in full swing, you can work up to 40 hours in 15 days. During breaks, you are allowed to work more. $17.70 per hour is the minimum wage in Australia. 

For many, adjusting to a new environment is a challenge. Hopefully, the tips above will help you adjust to your new life. 

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