What is a perfect speech and how to achieve it?


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Have you ever listened to a speaker who was just mesmerizing? As the words flowed out they captivated the audience, and seemed to be in complete control of the discourse. Perhaps it was your favorite professor, or an inspirational politician. The bottom line is achieving the perfect speech isn’t developed overnight. Even someone born with natural charisma, where speeches seem to come easy, have to work at it. Check out these do’s and don’ts of delivering a speech and you’ll be well on your way to leading the next revolution.


Confidence Sells


Whether you’re speaking to persuade or to inform, the audience will be deeper moved from a confident speaker. If you find yourself in a never ending sea of maybe, could be, should be, this signals to the audience that you really don’t know. Therefore, why should your words be important if you’re surrendering your authority to them? Speak on issues with ownership and people will be more inclined to follow your lead.


An Ounce of Speech Preparation is Worth a Pound of Impact


Following up with confidence, you must be well prepared to be an authority on your topic. For persuasive topics, be sure to understand counter arguments. Why does the opposition feel the way they do? What are their goals? With this understanding you can deliver a speech that offers the solution to the audience. This is why many successful politicians use a speech writing service. Professionals will fully vet a topic and fill any gaps. You can be sure to charm the crowds with facts and word choice.


Keep the Attention of the Audience


The best speakers know how to work the crowd. Focus on your audience and look for signs of boredom and analyze their energy levels. A skilled speaker will be able to keep the energy level up, even if the topic is Fiscal Policy of the Marshall Islands or Differences in Education Between Australia and the US. A good strategy is to keep some “plan B material” to break up any monotony in your performance. This could be something that involves the audience with a show of hands, or a rhetorical question. Once you’ve increased their energy level you can continue on with your plan.


Looks Matter


Sure, appearance should not matter, but unfortunately it does. And it happens on a subconscious level, so be sure to dress for the occasion and use positive body language. This doesn’t mean to go all out, if you over do it, you’ll come off as a bit crass and that you lack confidence. But you also don’t want to show up to a business meeting like you’re going to the beach or the club. The best strategy is to think of who you’re speaking for.




While many speakers have a natural talent for wooing an audience, even those who are stage shy can learn to give a great speech. With a little practice, anyone can be a great speaker. So long as you focus on your audience, come prepared, and look the part, you are sure to be successful.

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