Lost Soul Park


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The Body

 “Yeah, let me just glaze over the fact that that’s a corpse,” Sock acknowledged as he slowly turned to me with his eyes opened wider than the Grand Canyon.

“You know, this situation has an alarming lack of cats,” Scott complained from the other side of the cave when suddenly his torch flickered and went out.

“I freaking told you Scott that you should’ve brought more batteries but no, who listens to the only girl in the group?” 

“Now, now, Sky, don’t get mad at Scott just yet. I brought extras!” I acknowledged proudly as I realised that I was seemingly the only prepared person here.

“Alrighty Mr ‘I’ve-Got-Everything-Under-Control’, what size batteries did you bring?” Sky snorted back at me.

“Well, Sky, I have a four pack of AA’s right here!” I smirked as I cocked my head to the side, trying to show her who’s boss. 

“Callum, you imbecile, we need two C’s!” Sky shouted as she crouched down to the ground and squeezed her forehead in annoyance.

Sock immediately spun on his heel with his eyes opened wide, letting his curly, shoulder length hair, go into his dark hazel eyes. He had his hands pushed out in front of him and seemed to be holding, none other, than a freaking machete. A machete. Apparently it’s normal to magically find a fucking machete in a cave now. Sock was practically afraid of everything. He was majorly afraid of birds, spiders, talking to girls, the dark, clowns, rats, mice, and practically anything else you could think of. Although, don’t abuse the chance that you’re getting to think up his fears though. Just a warning.

“Holy heck dude!” Scott announced. “That’s the biggest looking knife I have ever seen!” He began to walk towards Sock when he tripped over one of his untied laces. His oversized Nirvana t-shirt blew up like an inflatable vest and deflated as he landed face first on the ground.

“Karma’s a bitch, eh Scotty?” Sky whooped as she laughed and gracefully stepped over Scott and took the machete from Sock. She took a few steps towards me and pressed the machete to my chest, piercing it through the skin.

“SKY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” Scott yelled as he leaped up and tried to grab Sky’s waist to pull her away from me. By a whip of her hand Scott flung to the wall. Scott bellowed a wince as his head crashed into the stone. The machete was at least five inches into my chest when I decided it was a great moment for a question, “Was that supposed to hurt me, Sky?” I pulled the machete out of my chest and smiled at Sky, “Try me bitch!” I yelled and did the same to Sky as what she did to Scott. Sky and I are creatures called Minbs. Minbs are wizard like humans except if you want to put us in Star Was terms, the force is strong within us. We feed on normal human food but we drink a liquid we call gasindo which is kind of like some sort of potion I guess. Sky and I always hated each other when we thought the other person was just a human. But now Sky has realised I am more than just human. Sock flung his arms into the air to surrender when I turn to him “Sock, we need to leave, I’ll explain on the way. You can trust me. I won’t hurt you. But we need to get far away from Sky or there will be death!”

“D-d-death? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THERE WILL BE DEATH? THERE ALREADY IS DEATH! I AM STANDING NEXT TO SOME GUYS CORPSE!” Sock stuttered in return. I fly over to Scott who is unconscious and I pull him over my shoulder. “Sock, let's go, now!” I go back to being on foot. “Here,” I say, “I’ll make it so you have an advantage because I have Scott,” I grin.

I walk through the cave to where we had come in, and climb up the stairs, back out to the forest.

“So um, who was that corpse guy?” Sock mumbled, “Did you know him?”

“Uh, that’s the thing, that dead guy was kind of my dad who got killed by Sky because the whole entire Minb race is out to kill me and my family...” 

“Wait a minute, you said you were an orphan?” He argued.

“Yeah, well I’m not and I just told you that because you would’ve wanted to meet my parents otherwise and they’re against humans. Long story short there was a group called the H.M.P.S or Humps, for short. Humps was a group of humans and Minbs who protected each other from their own race. My parents were apart of Humps until the humans started brainwashing Minb kids to kill their own race. That’s where Sky came into the picture. Capiche?” I hope he understands this, I don’t want to have to explain it again to him.

“Wait a minute, can you go over all that again?” Scott asks as he pushes himself off my shoulder. “So you and Sky are like Aliens who are trying to kill each other? Correct?”


“Well to be honest, I just find it kind of cool that Callum can do cool shit!”

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