Portrait magic


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How to shoot portraits

To make a good portrait you need two things: some technical skills (about 20% of success), creative flight of fantasies (the remaining 80% of success). With the second, I can’t help you, but I’m happy to help with the first.    

Remember, photographing a portrait is very simple. This is done in three steps:   

 - choose the camera mode A.   

 - open the diaphragm to the end, i.e. set the minimum value of "f /" (this will ensure the blurriness of the background)    

- we photograph, we look at the screen, if the photo is too dark or light, we adjust the exposure.      

In my opinion there is nothing difficult. But there are a couple more tricks to make your portrait even more successful. First, it is a portrait lens. You may check some options here -  https://www.bestadvisers.co.uk/portrait-lenses

Lovers just mast hev. Beginners recommend to wait with the purchase of a portrait painter to complete confidence in the further passion for photography. You need a portrait lens for one simple reason - it is the most high-aperture lens, its aperture is in the range from f / 1.2 to f / 2.8, for example, I use 50mm f / 1.4, but I will tell you honestly that you do not need such aperture, t. to. at f / 1.4 aperture, the focal plane is so small that you cannot control it properly and you will have everything out of focus, so you can safely take the cheaper 50mm f / 1.8.    

There is still one very important point, the depth of field also depends on the size of the matrix, that is, you can not make a good professional portrait on an ordinary soap box.    For this you will need a SLR camera.    

Light, light, light! It builds not only portraiture, but the whole picture as art. You need to know that the right light is the key to a great portrait shot. Here I can give the following tips:    

- Try to take pictures during the day, on the street or in a room well lit with daylight.  

- Avoid too bright direct daylight (summertime is usually). 

- If you are photographing during the day against the sun, do not forget to turn on the flash, even if it is built-in. 

Remember, flash is a good way to remove shadows from your face when you are photographing in bright daylight.

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