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Anxiety/ The truth

 Although everyone gets anxiety in daily life and it can be a good thing to make you strive and work harder, when it becomes a problem and part of someone’s every day life to the point they can’t function the way they used to it comes an Anxiety Disorder. 

Anxiety is a disorder/ mental illness that make people worry and they worry about everything even if it’s a small thing that is not even relevant or worth worrying about to someone with anxiety disorder it’s a massive thing and trying to get people to understand at times is so frustrating.

You unintentionally make yourself sad and depressed and you make matters worse and turn everything into a big problem even if it wasn’t a big problem before it is now. You don’t think of it like this when your feeling really anxious.

People think your moody or being rude or weird but you get so irritated and stressed with your anxiety and people not understanding you that you just feel crazy and it turns into frustration at times which can be even more scary. 

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about!!

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How to manage your anxiety

 Stay calm and focused 

There are a lot of ways to manage and live with your anxiety without it being a big burden to you. Here are a few examples that have helped me and many others with anxiety disorder and could help you too.

CBT/ Cognative Behavioural Therapy-  a therapy that teaches you how to manage your anxiety and fears and face your insecurities so you can start to live a normal life again, it helps you think about your behaviours and actions and what you need to change , also what you avoid and what you should start doing more of to help your anxiety. 

Mindfulness and Meditation- practising mindfulness is a wonderful thing to calm your anxiety and make you feel more content and at peace with your body and your surroundings, I have a separate book on mindfulness that would be helpful to read if you haven’t already. 

Medication- There are laods is anti depressants used to treat/ manage anxiety and depression and help keep your mood calm and stable so you can manage your day better however you can’t just rely on the medication as it’s not magic and takes time to work, it also needs all the other methods blended in to balance it out and make it more effective but medication is the starting point to managing your anxiety disorder if you need it however a lot of people get on and manage to control and live with their anxiety without medication, everyone is different!

I hope some of these tips and services were useful to you and I recommend you have a go at them as they will help you feel calm and more settled so you can get through each day with a little more ease.

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GAD- Generalised Anxiety Disorder

 This is the most common type of anxiety disorder and afffects so many young people and adults more than most illnesses. 

You worry about everything and anything little and large and you worry about a lot of things at once, your brain works on overdrive.

It can have physical affects too, such as dizziness, headaches, Irritable bowel, sickness and dioreah. 

It can make it hard to do every day activities and things you used to enjoy seem like such a chore, you avoid doing things because your scared it will trigger your anxiety, however doing these things no matter how scary will reduce the anxiety eventually and help you gain more forfilment.

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Know when you’ve had enough

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Surround yourself With Positivity

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Keep Calm and Carry Om

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