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In The Moment

 Being mindfull is something so important and so peaceful but its not practised any where near enough as it should be, in this chapter youll start to connect with your surroundings and the present moment and start to relax and distresss. Enjoy!

In the Moment

Stand or sit still and look around you or in front of you, softly gaze at your surroundings and admire how beautiful everything is. If your outside, look at the trees and listen to the sound of them, connect with the feeling of the wind on your body, is it heavy or light, is it cold outside or wam or muggy? Does the air smell fresh? Are there any bays or hills or grass patches? Is there a lake or a river? Are cars going past or is it a quiet area?  Pay attention to your surroundings and how you feel at this present time, pay attention to your body and breathe in that air. Notice how relaxed you are! You can carry on with your day in a calm and relaxed manner!

If your indoors at home, a shop, center, work, sit or stand and observe whats around you, what sounds cab you hear? How do you feel at this current time? What can you smell? What can you see around you? What do you sense? Is it calm and steady or is everything moving too fast? Look at the people going about their day, observe what you can hear, sounds, does the room feel roomy and spacious or are you in a small enviroment, whats it like hot or cold? How does your body feel? Now youve taken the time to observe the present moment and your surroundings, you go about your day in a carm, less judgemental way.

Enjoy Your Day and dont forget to repeat this daily.

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 This chapter is all abour breathing and paying attention to your breathe and your body in this moment. Enjoy


Find a cumfortable spot, sit upright and get yourseld comfy and relaxed. Now youre ready to start.

Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out start to close your eyes. Keep focus on the breathing. 

Pay attention to each breath, are you breaths heavy? 

How does it feel? 

Feel your exhale go into yout core and your body lower as you breathe out, this is called the Exhale.

Now as you breathe in through your nose. Think about how it feels, feel your breath and your body moving up as you breathe in, The pressure is beinf held in with your inhale and released with your exhale.

Let your mind wonder every now and then, its normal, but keep bringing your focus back to your breathe and your body and recognise how your body feela at this moment. 

When your ready start to open your eyes. 

Pause for a moment and think about how you feel now, are you calmer, less stressed, ready to face the day? Do you feel less tense and more relaxed and focused? 

Now you can enjoy your day.

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Positive Thinking

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