Haunted Piano


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Am I Imagining Things?

 My dad bought this old wooden piano from a dodgy looking guy in the underpass. He says he wants to start learning, and he did get it for a good price. It's sat in our house next to the fire place in the living room, I Swear there's something very odd about that antique piano.

That same night I just couldn't get to sleep, rummaging about, twisting and turning. It was now 5am, I had stayed up all night just on my phone. I heard the piano playing a sort of olden day tune, it sounded way better than my dad could play but I still thought nothing of it as I was very sleepy. 

I was woken up suddenly by the annoying sound of my phone alarm at 7am when my dad came in to tell me to get ready for school. I hate school! I crawled out of my bed and went into my walk in wardrobe to get changed. What should I wear? I thought. I pulled out some denim skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a red cosy jumper. I quickly did my makeup so that I didn't look like a drowning fish.

At school, in History I couldn't stop thinking about that stupid piano in my living room. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I fell asleep. I heard my teacher shout my name, I jumped out of my skin as I looked around and realised that I had fallen alseep in class! 

At 3pm when I walked back home from school I reached for my door handle to my house but for some reason I couldn't grab the knob to get in. It was like a magnet trying to join with another magnet backwards! After about 2 minutes the door had just opened by its self. That was weird, I thought. After panicking for a while I had put into my mind that I was tired and only had about 2 hours sleep last night.

On my way up to my bedroom I stopped and felt my head turn quickly to face the piano. Suddenly it started playing by itself again! I ran for the couch to get a cushion to cover my ears with and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I just thought I was imagining things as I didn't get enough sleep last night. I flopped onto my bed and before I knew it I was knocked out.

Do You Think I Was Just Tired Or Is The Piano Really Haunted

Note from Author: Thank You so much for reading my first ever story published on Tablo, I hope you decide to keep up with my daily stories I write. My dream is to become an author one day who actually publishes real books. ♡ ♡ 

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