Phantom Gate - Assasins - The Black Pearl


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Chapter 1 - Gabriel

   As night falls, the land would seem to be gentle and quiet again. With only the noise of the cold wind and some odd crackle sounds small animals made while wondering through the dark forest. Through the darkness, weak glimpse of light shined through an small building made out of nothing but stones, and planks of wood. An old man was sitting on a wooden chair. He had long gray hair, and a long gray beard. With also an thick bear skin jacket. Although the old man seemed well over his fifties, his eyes were still as bright as the stars in the clear night sky. In front of him, sat a young boy. With short golden hair and a pair of unusual silver eyes. He worn nothing but a thin wool sweater and a pair of cloth shorts. 

Suddenly, "Gabriel, for the last time I am not going to sent you to that darn place where people learn how to kill someone!" The old man spoke with frustration. But pa, I-I always wanted to be an warrior! Its was always my- Dreams right? "The old man cut Gabriel off before he could finish." You foolish kid! You know nothing of the outside world!" Warrior? You would never want to be a warrior again after you step into that dark-ugly land! "I'm not a kid anymore!" (Gabriel replied) To me you are! And it will stay that way till the the day I take my last breath! (By that point, the old man's face began to turn red, and he started to take heavier breaths here and there.) "Thats it! I will never sent you to one of those useless warrior colleges!" Bu- "I said thats it!" (The old man paused, then walked in to a dark,small room in the house.) 

"The yough boy Sighed, then also walked into an small room in the building ." Yes, his name is Gabriel. "Gabriel Arnhall" the son of the black smith of Rockshire, one of many towns in the city "Titan Foot"

Which is again one of eight cities of the "province of Sunmerset" Gabriel had always wanted to be an warrior. But his father, Glatbatin Arnhall has always disagreed on senting Gabriel to one of the warrior colleges. For one, all the colleges are located outside of Titan Foot. But for another, which is the main reason. Glatbatin Arnhall had always hated warriors, Why for Glatbatin never told Gabriel. "But the reason must be unpleasant." Gabriel always thought to himself.

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Chapter 2 - Rockshire

  Sunlight shines brightly on Gabriels face, "its eight in the morning Gabriel!" As Gabriel woke up rubbing his eyes, "Pa, I'm getting up..." "Get your good for nothing body of that bed already!" (Glatbatin seemed to be yelling louder.) "I'm here already!" Gabriel replies as he swiftly run out of the building. 

The town was nothing close to being new, the houses were dirty and would seem like they had never been cleaned for ages. The shops were worst, it had holes all over it's cloth- made tent, "how do they even sell things in rainy days?" (Gabriel sometimes thought to himself.) As usual the only "clean" structure in Rockshire is the house of the town owner. Not even the wealthy farm owners lived in a "clean" house."Perhaps, the town owner was much wealthier than the farm owners." (Gabriel would think when ever he sees the house.)There's also an open area infront of the town gate. It's for the traders or travelers that exchanges goods. Every year or so, travelers would come to Rockshire for farm goods. For exchange, they'll could give coins or other materials for the goods. "Stop the day dreaming Gabriel! Get me that bucket with those damaged iron daggers!" "Yes pa..." Gabriel replies, as he lift the wooden bucket full of damaged iron daggers. 

Suddenly, Gabriel noticed something strange. He slowly dropped the bucket, then took something out. It was an oddly dark dagger. It had no other color other than black. "This dagger..." Gabriel thought to him self as he grabbed on to the also black handle of the strange dagger. "Wha-whats this?" In the middle of the dagger lays an small dark pearl. "The pearl doesn't reflect light under the sun at all." Gabriel thought. The dagger was good as new, but the tip of the dagger was bent. 

"What a waste..." (Gabriel thought once more.) "Gabriel! Wheres the bucket!" The shouting knocked Gabriel out of his thoughts. "Yes pa, I'm coming!" (Gabriel paused, then put the dagger in his pocket.) "What took you so long?" Glatbatin asked with anger. "It was-" (Gabriel paused) "what would he do if I tell him the truth? Would he let me keep the dagger?" "huh?" Glatbatin said. "It was what?" He asked again. "It was because I, I- dropped the bucket so I had to pick the daggers up...) "Perhaps it's better if I just not tell him, Who knows what he'll do." (Gabriel thought to him self.) "Well if thats the case, you better hurry up already!" Glatbatin yelled. "I still got forging to do!" "Yes pa!" Gabriel said as he hurried and handed the bucket to Glatbatin.

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Chapter 3 - an odd dagger


The day goes fast, and soon night falls upon Rockshire. There again Gabriel laying down on his hard cow-fur bed, (holding the black dagger.) "I truly wonder who forged this dagger?" Gabriel thought to him self. "It certainly won't be my pa who forged it,

Although he is the only black smith in Rockshire..." "No, it's not him. This dagger is way too detailed and smooth to be made by an black smith in a small town like Rockshire. "But, who made this dagger than?" (He thought as he took an closer look of the strange dagger.) "Now having a closer look, I had never seen an type of metal like this..." (The body of the dagger seemed to been made ot of some type of mixture between steel, and an type of unknown black stone. And the handle seems to be just normal wood.)  “But the pearl...” Gabriel thought. “What is that made of?” Gabriel sworn to the Divines that he had never seen any pearl as black as the one on the dagger.)


“Perhaps, I’ll  truly never know who forged it.” Gabriel had a last thought before falling into deep sleep. Though the sleep did not last long.  Gabriel was awakened by strange “ringing” noises. “Ah, pa is that you?” Gabriel asked nervously. Nothing answered, Gabriel waited a few more moments before deciding to get back to sleep again. After all he still have an whole day of work waiting for him tomorrow. But just as he landed his head on the hard Pillow “You mortal” an loud echoing voice appeared in Gabriel’s head. 

Gabriel was about to scream, but he held it in. “Who-who are you?” Gabriel asked shivering. “Who am I?” (The voice replied.) “I am not “who” mortal, I am an Divine.”  “An divine?” (Gabriel asked nervously.) “Yes an Devine” (The voice replies again.) “than, what are you the divine of?” Gabriel asked once more. “Well you are surely a kid full of questions.” The voice spoke with laughter.

“I am the Divine of violence and darkness, but some like to call me as the Divine of assassins.” “Why are you called the Divine of  assassins, and why are you talking to me?” (Although Gabriel was extremely frightened by that point, the questions still came out of his mouth.) 

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