Quotes For You To Understand.


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Quotes to help you in life.

 Never have two faces because people will only remember you by one face.

So rather than having two face just have one because having a good and a bad face just makes people remember the bad one.

Copying someone doesn't tell anyone your personality.

Don't copy anyone. Be yourself. Make others copy you. Tell everyone who you are not what someone else is.

Haters are gonna hate, never gonna like.

When someone starts to hate you, they can never like you. Believe me.

If you spread rumours about someone, tomorrow someone will spread rumours about you.

Don't spread rumours because remember "what goes around comes around."

Leave one alone when they are angry.

Don't ask someone how they are when they are angry because they will end up taking all the anger on you.

Money can buy you lots of glamarous and amazing staff but can money buy you happiness?

Money can buy you lots of staff but trust me when you need to be happy, money won't help.

True friends will talk to you when they are upset with you rather than talking to somebody else.

If a friend does talk to someone else about a quarrel between you two then she is not a friend, she will be the same as back-chatters.

No one can keep a secret, not even you.

Believe it or not but it's true. No one can actually keep a secret because when you have a secret, you just feel like telling someone.

You can survive without food because water will be there to help you survive.

So what if you don't have food? At least you have water.

Giving a helping hand won't kill you, in fact it will come to you in the future.

If you help someone today, believe me in any way someone will help you tomorrow.

Sitting in the light helps you imagine, sitting in the dark helps you think.

If you sit in the light, the light will make you imagine lots of things but if you sit in the dark, it will help you think as all you can see is darkness.

Talk to yourself when no one listens because your heart will.

If no one is listening talk to yourself by whispering or whatever you wish because then you will feel that you have talked to soneone for hours.

Thinking from your brain gives you the answer, following your heart helps you choose.

If you ask your brain a question, it will answer it logically. If you ask your heart something it will tell you what you want to do.

If you find someone annoying, ignore them, they will go away themselves.

If someone is being really irritated, ignore them as they will get irritated themselves which will make them leave you.

If your nice to a bad person and bad to a nice person, the bad person will betray you and the nice person will help you.

Isn't this true? When you are nice to a bad person, somehow they will hurt your feelings as they are bad and when you are bad to the nice person, somehow they will help you when you need it.

Don't just dream, make them come true.

Dreaming is great but it is spectacular when they come true.

Let people back-chat about you, because that means you are really important in their life.

Haha, isn't it funny to see your haters wasting their time when they can do something like you.

Being happy is the medicine that can shut your haters.

Believe me, your haters think you are really upset and they try to make you more upset in every way, but if you stay happy they will shut up as they will know that you have no interest in whatever they say.

Don't try to fix a small mistake, you might aswell end up making it a big mistake.

Don't try your best to fix that small mistake you make because believe it or not, you will make the mistake from small to big and you will end up giving up.

When the time comes, it won't come again.

Time doesn't give you second chances so use it wisely.



Thank you so much to all of you who read this. I hope you get a lot of tips from this. I will add more quotes when I think of some so keep your eyes peeled. Please like and follow me! I will really appreciate it!











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