The Lake


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The Lake

This is a dream I had, not long after my father left this world, he was an orphan and till this day I cannot let go, I miss you...

Once a long time ago, there was an angel walking along the edge of the Heaven, he was not concentrating where he was going and fell into the abyss.

When he awoke he realized he had fallen on earth, he tried to stand up and could not, tried to fly and could not. He realized he had fallen on top of a shrub of thorns and his wings were badly tangled.

He cried and cried for help and no one came, he was so sad because he knew that no one would come, he was in the middle of nowhere. The angel continued crying, and many days passed and he found himself to be under water, he cried so much that his tears had accumulated and turned into a lake, the most beautiful lake you had ever seen. Many years passed and there was no rain on earth, everything was dried and lifeless.

People knew of the existence of the lake, they all came from far to the lake and collect water for their families. Some moved closer to it. Whoever drank from it became healthy and happy.

One day a little orphan heard people speak about this wonderful place and he wanted to be happy and most of all, what he wanted most was to be loved; he was all alone in this world and felt so lonely.

He decided to make his way to the lake. It took the little orphan a long time to arrive to the lake, once he was there; he drank from the lake and felt so happy and healthy.

One day he decided to take a walk around the lake, he was watching a group of children and felt left out how he would loved to know how to swim, so he could join in and play in the water with all the other children, he came to a rock where he sat and put his feet in the water and watch all the children play and enjoy the day in the lake.

As he watched, he suddenly saw a white cloud underneath the water and tried to understand what it was, first he thought it was a fish, but then he heard a cry and then he could see that the cloud was a boy.

The little orphan cried to the children in the water, told them “there is someone asking for help under you”, the children looked but could see nothing, and they scream “no one is here, you are imagining things”, but the little orphan could see and hear the little boy crying for help, he became so worried and frantic that without a thought all he could do is jump.

The little orphan jumped into the water and he sunk all the way to the bottom of the lake, what he saw next gave him a big fright, he saw an angel trapped on a shrub of thorns and he was crying for help. The little orphan freed the angel, he could not hold his breath any longer and slowly drowned, the angel was free and he was so happy.

The angel embraced the little orphan with his torn wings and took him up to the edge of the lake and kissed the little orphan on his forehead and said “You have saved my life and now you will live and you will live for a long, long time, you will know what it is to love and you will know what it is to be loved, thank you little orphan”.

The angel took flight to the sky and he was so overjoyed he was laughing and screaming I am free, I am home. The clouds began to gather and they became black and rain started to fall. Time went by and the earth began to be green again and filled with trees and life. One day the little orphan came back to the lake, he was not a little boy anymore, he was an old man he was very fragile and he knew that his time was coming and wanted to come to the lake for the last time, say goodbye to the place where he found happiness for the first time.

The old man took a dinghy to the place where he had once seen an angel. He witness the most amazing thing he ever seen, there in the centre of the lake was growing the most beautiful rose bush, blooming all different color roses, radiant colors, the aroma coming from it was wonderful .

He reached for a rose and touched one of the petals and said “I wish I could see the angel so I could tell him that my life has been so happy, I have been loved by the most beautiful person, my companion my wife, she is in heaven waiting for me, I am still loved by my children, my grandchildren, my great grand children, if I could see you angel I would say thank you for all my blessings”

The petal the old man was holding became the angels hand, the angel said “There is no need to thank me little orphan, you acted unselfish and jumped into the lake and saved me from the shrub of thorns, because you have a good soul, you were given another chance and yes you did find love and you will live forever and be loved in the hearts of all your descendants’. Come little orphan give me your hand and as the little orphan held the angels hand he felt his body take the last breath.

The angel took him and embraced him with his large and most beautiful soft wings and said “Come today you will be in paradise”



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