Introducing Three New Sinn Goes Din Pilot's Replica Watches


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Introducing Three New Sinn Goes Din Pilot's Replica Watches

For a long time, you could hit a dial with a set of sword hands and call it a pilot's replica watch. Then came the TESTAF certification, and that changed everything. The TESTAF standard was first introduced in 2012 and was developed by Dr. Frank Janser from the Flight Laboratory of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Aachen University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the German replica watch brand Sinn High-Quality Swiss Fake Watch. TESTAF defined and standardized what it means to be a pilot's replica watches on a technical level, encompassing everything from the general functionality and readability of a replica watch to perform under extreme conditions. Sinn was, of course, one of the first to market several TESTAF-certified models over the past three years. Stowa followed soon after.

In mid-2013, Sinn - with the participation of others in the German watch and aviation industry for replica - began to work on a pilot standard via DIN. For those who don't know, DIN, the German Institute for Standardization, is the same organization responsible for the DIN 8306 standard used to certify professional diving Swiss replica watches. The result of this project was the DIN 8330 pilot replica watch standard, largely based on the TESTAF certification. The difference? Even stricter guidelines regarding a replica watch's ability to withstand vibration, readability during the day and at night, and resistance to fluids common in aviation (think fuel and lubricants).

Sinn, the ultimate Swiss replica watch brand that it is, unveiled three new DIN-certified replica watches: 103 Ti IFR, 103 Ti UTC IFR, and 857 UTC VFR. (Stowa released its own DIN-certified pilot replica watch at Basel 2016.) Replica Rolex GMT-Master the best price watches.

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