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Child Probiotic Review

Are Probiotics Good For Your Children Health? 


Why you give Probiotic your child?

It is a good idea for most adults to take a probiotic on a daily basis. However, did you know that it is an even better idea to introduce a probiotic into your child’s life? When you give your child a supplement like this, you are not only helping to improve their digestion but a variety of other health benefits. Research and You has more supplement reviews and great tips for keeping your kids happy and healthy.

What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics For Kids?

Promotes a Healthy Microbiome

When you give your children probiotics you are helping to balance the delicate balance of microflora in their digestive systems. Having a healthy microbiome means the rest of your child’s body will be able to function at an optimum level.

Balances the Immune Function

The majority of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. Therefore, if your child’s digestive health is not optimal, it is highly unlikely that they will have a healthy immune system.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

When you give your child a probiotic supplement on a regular basis you can be sure that their body will become more efficient at absorbing the vital nutrients that they consume through their diet. This is really great as it gives you peace of mind that your child is getting everything that they need.

Helps to build a healthy brain

Recent research has found that the use of probiotics has been linked with a significant improvement in conditions like anxiety, depression, autism, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Reduces Allergies and Eczema

If your child suffers from a severe case of allergies or eczema, it may be a good idea to give them a good quality probiotic supplement on a daily basis. The experts believe that children who consume probiotics on a regular basis show a significant improvement in the number of allergic symptoms and eczema which they experience.

Good Influences on Metabolism and Weight

Currently, the world is experiencing an epidemic of children who are overweight and obese. When your child has a healthy gut, they will be less likely to experience problems related to their weight.

Reduces Vaccine Side Effects

There has been a significant amount of research which seems to indicate that children who take probiotics are far less likely to display symptoms associated with side effects from being vaccinated.

Are Probiotics Safe For Kids?

The simple answer to this question is yes, probiotics are very safe for children to take. This is due to the fact that most probiotics are made from natural sources. As long as your child is healthy it is safe to give it to them. However, if you are at all concerned you can consult your child’s doctor before giving them any supplements.

Supplement Or Diet?

This is a common question. In our opinion, the best source of any nutrients come from your diet. For children, it is even better to include probiotics into their diet because it can be rather difficult to give your child a supplement that is in the form of a tablet or capsule. Another good reason to meet your requirements through food instead of a supplement is that most of the vital bacteria die during the manufacturing process. Additionally, you are not guaranteed to receive the required amount of the good bacteria in the product you receive.

Dietary Sources Of Probiotics

Certain foods naturally contain probiotics. However, there are a wide variety of foods that naturally contain healthy bacteria that will improve your child’s microbiome. Here are a few foods that are naturally rich in healthy bacteria:

  • Yogurt
  • Cultured Cottage Cheese
  • Sauerkraut
  • Cultured Cream
  • Buttermilk
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Raw unpasteurized milk
  • Cultured Butter

What Are The Best Types Of Probiotics For My Child?

When you are looking for a good probiotic for your child it can seem overwhelming due to a large amount of healthy bacteria strains that are available. When you look for a probiotic for your child you should look for Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli bacteria strains. These strains occur naturally in the body and thus are the safest for babies and small children. Additionally, when looking for a probiotic for your child it is always better to choose more than one strain of good bacteria. Besides you may read How To Improve Your Child’s Social Behavior 

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What is the Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt?

What is the first thing you think about when you listen to "Greek yogurt": healthier maybe, with less fat and a tasty flavor? If you are interested in knowing more about this special food and the differences with other yogurts, we recommend you to continue reading.

Why is it Different from Natural Yogurt?

If you have already tried Greek yogurt, you will have noticed that its texture is much thicker and creamier than other yogurts. This is because the whey is eliminated so that a liquid part and a more solid part with less sugar, fewer carbohydrates, and more proteins are obtained. This process can take a few hours and is very easy to do; you can even do it in your own home. These yogurts are characterized by a slightly acid flavor and a white or butter color.



1. High proteins content

In these yogurts, it is possible to consume three times more protein, in the same amount, as in a regular yogurt. This means that if you are in constant physical activity and your goal is to increase the dose of protein in your meals, this yogurt could replace the previous one helping muscle development, increase metabolic rate and something very interesting is that it has a satiating effect which would help reduce some calories and feel satisfied longer.


2. A food lower in carbohydrates


As we said before, in the preparation of Greek yogurt, the whey is eliminated from the milk, precisely the part where the natural sugar of the same lactose is found, therefore, it turns it into a low carb product. This is beneficial for people who are looking for low-lactose foods either by their own choice or due to digestion problems, but it should be noted that, like all commercial products, there are some Greek yogurts that contain artificial sugars and flavors, which is no longer a natural yogurt product.


3. It helps to your digestive system


Like all yogurts, Greek yogurt contains healthy bacteria known as probiotics that are beneficial for the intestinal flora. These probiotics change the balance of the intestinal bacteria themselves providing a better balance and resulting in better digestion, increases the immune system and helps the prevention of many diseases, including obesity. To know if yogurt contains probiotics, you should find on the label that says "contains live and active cultures."


4. It provides vitamin B12


Like many dairy products, Greek yogurt is a rich food in vitamin B12, an essential nutrient and advisable for pregnant women because it helps the good development of the baby such as the production of red blood cells, good performance, and development of the nervous system and the brain. That this product is more consistent in terms of texture continues to maintain this typical nutrient in yogurts.


5. It is low in lactose


We mentioned it before, but it is important to highlight it because patients with lactose intolerance always have problems finding food. This sugar is unable to be metabolized in the body of some people causing unwanted digestive problems such as abdominal swelling, pain, and vomiting. While this yogurt is not 100% zero lactose, its content is much lower compared to natural yogurts and those that can consume a small amount of lactose, this may be a better option.

Are all Greek Yogurts the Same?

Clearly, not all Greek yogurts are the same, many brands and companies choose to give them their personal touches such as flavors, aromas, and colors. This means that some of these yogurts contain additional ingredients which change their natural nutritional value, which means that we are dealing with a product with a high sugar content. For example, some brands tend to shorten the process of separation of the whey by adding cornstarch so that the product will turn thicker and with a better texture or even, add gelatin, an animal product which is no longer 100% vegetarian.

The best advice we can give you is to read the label of the product before buying it, there you can see if it is vegetarian or not, you can check the content and amount of lactose, the amount of protein and carbohydrates or saturated fats. For example, Greek yogurt made with whole milk contains fatter than Greek yogurt made with low-fat or fat-free milk. You can read here my another article Top 11 Probiotic Yogurt Benefits And Nutrition Facts

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Does Protein Powder Make you Gain Muscle?

Does Protein Powder Make you Gain Muscle?


Powdered proteins are expected to be a $ 7.5 billion industry in 2020. The popularity of these products is due to several reasons: vegetarians may feel that their diets are deficient, athletes may want to add muscle faster, and still, others may be looking for a fast food that is not full of fat. In this post you will discover the good and the bad news about consuming protein powder and if it helps to gain muscle.


Protein is an important component for muscles, hair, skin, and nails. These powders are a mix of sources such as milk, soy or plants. They are usually mixed with water or other beverages, or they can be added to foods to increase protein content. The protein needs of athletes can be up to twice those of the person with an average lifestyle, due to the energy they expend and the process of decomposition, repair and muscle development. Many vegans also use protein powders instead of animal-based sources such as meat, dairy or eggs.


The recommended daily amount of protein is approximately 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, which translates to 54 grams for a 68-kilogram person. However, experts believe that these approaches are somewhat conservative. As we age, muscle mass is lost and it is important to consume an adequate amount of protein to preserve muscle mass, even if you are not an athlete. They recommend that the average adult get 20% to 25% of their calories from the protein: 100 to 125 grams for a person on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Protein needs vary by person. Older adults or those recovering from surgery or illness may need more.


Without Protein, is There No Muscle Development?


Can there be muscle development without protein? The answer is yes, but with nuances. And is that protein plays a decisive role when it comes to increasing muscle mass. The basic requirement for gaining muscle mass is, of course, strength training. However, the intake of enough protein can optimize training. Protein needs increase with the intensity of training and must be adjusted accordingly. Protein intake is essential to increase muscle mass since the musculature is largely composed of proteins.


Proteins for Your Muscle Mass


According to the German Nutrition Association (DGE), 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight are recommended. However, this is a guideline value for people who do not practice sports. As we said before, those who train regularly should adjust their protein intake accordingly. Especially those who want to gain muscle mass should consume abundant protein foods. If the goal is to increase muscle mass, professionals recommend a daily intake of 1.3 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram; this is applicable to men and women.


But, what is the best time to take as much protein as fast as possible? In the beginning, it is considered that during the muscular development phase a continued intake of protein is beneficial. This can be divided, for example, into 5-6 daily meals. In this way, the muscles receive a sufficient supply of protein 24 hours a day. Now, people who train several hours a day and several days a week, can not completely cover their protein needs through diet. Then they resort to protein products as a supplement in case of greater needs. The idea is not to replace a meal with fish, for example, you should eat it as a snack after your exercise.


Is it Possible to Increase Muscle Mass with Protein Powder?


The answer is yes. Especially the post-workout powder can be useful to increase muscle mass. At the end of training, proteins can be consumed during the "anabolic window", that is, until 2 hours after training, although there is no precise data. Scientists still do not know exactly how long it is "open". What is clear is that the intake of protein immediately after training until 60 minutes after the end of training has an especially positive effect to increase muscle mass.

In training, the body consumes a lot of energy. During intense workouts, muscle proteins can be synthesized for energy. This is the case especially when intense anaerobic-type efforts are made. At this time you begin to consume the structural substance of the muscles and protein powders can help the body to develop new proteins.


Aspects in Favor of Protein Powder


Comfort is the best motive for protein powders, especially for athletes or those looking to supplement their daily diet. Even athletes who have some of the highest protein needs can satisfy them through food. It's like Do you want to eat a yogurt with nuts after running a half marathon or do you prefer the protein supplement?.

Also, if you only have a few proteins and you just do not feel like a chicken breast for dinner because you're tired, mixing the protein powder with oatmeal or baked foods is a good option as long as you do not replace the food every day.

Protein is a powerful nutrient, which can help you avoid overeating and preserve your muscles to keep your metabolism running at peak levels. Powders may offer a small metabolic advantage if they are low in calories. Most powders contain whey, soy or casein, high-quality proteins that contain the nine essential amino acids that the body can not produce on its own.

Aspects Against Powdered Proteins

Too much protein, this would be, from 35% of daily calories to more, can cause health problems such as nausea, cramps, fatigue, headaches, and swelling. Some experts have confirmed that excess protein can overextend your kidneys. This can cause problems for people with existing kidney complications. It can also increase the excretion of calcium, which causes bone weakening. Dehydration is also a risk for those who consume a lot of protein.

Depending on the brand’s product, it can contain added sugars oil, probiotics or amino acids. Sugars and oils can mean more calories, which can lead to weight gain. However, labels may indicate unverified benefits or be difficult to interpret. Some protein powders have solid rice syrup solids. It involves 20 grams of sugar: that's 5 teaspoons of sugar. Clearly, they do not contain only protein.

Some protein powders may contain ingredients not included in the label, such as stimulants or even steroids. Usually, consumers are not very selective about what products they use. It is more marketing than a true careful look at the labels and the understanding of the product.

Some plants can absorb heavy metals from the soil that are then transmitted in protein powder if they are not checked well. The other things that are added are often difficult to measure, and they can be simply ineffective, just a waste of money, but there could be things that can be dangerous if the product is not known.


Do Protein Shakes Fatten?


Any macronutrient provides energy, therefore, what makes "fatten" is the amount ingested. Active people who exercise need carbohydrates since it is their main source of energy before exercise. Hydrolyzed powders of carbohydrates and proteins have a composition mainly designed to promote recovery. Ingesting nutrients that are easy to assimilate after exercise replenishes energy reserves, favors rapid recovery in the short term and allows the next session to be resumed from a much more favorable situation.

The protein powders, in the medium and long term, improve the performance and we will manage to burn more calories, getting to consume part of the reserved fat stored. Therefore, contrary to what is thought, consuming carbohydrates after exercise favors a loss of fat weight while improving performance. If we do not eat these carbohydrates we will not have energy, our performance will decrease and we will enter an alarm phase in which our body will defend itself by lowering the metabolic rate and beginning to save fat.

In fact, to give you an idea, if your training lasts more than an hour and combines aerobic sessions with muscle work, it suits you to take carbohydrate shakes with protein to avoid losing muscle mass that costs so much to gain. If you want to use a supplement to promote your recovery after exercise, it is necessary that your carbohydrate percentage be higher than your protein percentage.


Of course, you must not consume these protein shakes in excess. For the liver and kidneys it is an effort to break down and absorb an extra dose of proteins and carbohydrates, so taking them in moderation is the best option. An overdose of protein shakes will not make you gain muscle faster. The excess protein will be stored as fat or excreted by the kidneys.


At the End


Remember, protein shakes are not a replacement for the 5 meals you must do per day, they are an extra meal, so it is recommended to make between 5 and 7 meals when training to gain muscle mass. If you have doubts, we advise you to consult with a nutrition specialist to guide you. In addition, always read the product’s labels before consuming it to understand better what are you eating.






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