Take Three Girls


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Have we missed anyone?. . .

  1. Bec Houghton
  2. Sav Mueller
  3. Jessie Ong
  4. Calypso Steadman
  5. Helen Pringle
  6. Antonia Tucci
  7. Meg Riley
  8. Issy Spillane
  9. Georgia Lucas
  10. Maddie Vincent


hungryjacko: srsly only chicks could be this stupid

Feminightmare: Hey, guess what, you idiot – eating disorders are not gender specific. Publishing this list is creepy, slanderous, dangerous

hungryjacko: don’t get yr panties in a not

Feminightmare: Let’s see what state your panties are in when you dickheads get busted for publishing shit like this

b@rnieboy: fat sluts are hotter any day. skinny chix got no titz

sufferingsuffragette: Dear PSST, nobody cares about your tragic lists except other losers like you. PrivateSchoolSecretsTrackr is run by PatheticSadSexlessTools

Feminightmare: Anyone who needs help with eating disorders, call the Eating Disorders Helpline 1300 550 236 for confidential support and information. Real people know this is a serious condition and not a joke; we’re there for you. 

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Dear Year 10 Parents,

I am delighted to advise you that your daughter will participate in the St Hilda’s Wellness Program during Term 3.

Dr Peter Malik will be taking the classes. Peter is known to many of you as our Year 12 Psychology teacher. He is also the author of the forthcoming book, Growing Up in the Digital Age: A Guide for Teenagers.

The Wellness Program covers topics such as identity, self-image and personal growth, respect for self and others, productive communication, working as a community, bullying, friendship and making good choices.

We urge you to continue these important conversations at home. To facilitate this, the course plan, including topics, dates and desired outcomes, is attached to this email.

We all see, with grave concern, the extent to which a seemingly non-stop stream of age-inappropriate material assails this generation in the digital era. Hardly a week goes by without another report in the mainstream media about the prevalence of online bullying and its frequently tragic consequences.

It is one of our most profound responsibilities to equip our girls with the resilience and personal integrity to cope with whatever comes their way in these challenging times. 

Please advise year level coordinator Heather Yelland if any of the topics is likely to prompt the need for extra support or counselling for your daughter.

The Wellness Program is a co-curricular activity and, as such, does not take any allocated time from core curriculum subjects.

Further communications will follow regarding our two key social activities this term: the Winter Fair and the Year 10 Formal.


Yours sincerely, 


Maura Gaffney 


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Wellness - Monday 11 July Dr Peter Malik

Week 1: Identity

Who am I?


I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

Walt Whitman, ‘Song of Myself’ 


Points for discussion/reflection

Each of us is an individual as well as a member of various groups – family, community, school, friendship. Our identity is developed through a combination of our personality, our beliefs and values, our cultural background, our opportunities and privilege, our experiences and actions, our defining moments.

  • Are you happy with your identity?

  • Do others see you as you see yourself?

  • To what extent do you reveal yourself to your peers?

  • Are you happy with the way others see you?

  • How might your value system inform your judgement of others?


Task 1

Write your first Wellness journal entry. Respond to one of the questions, to the provocation, or to any aspect of our class discussion. You may choose to keep journal entries private. Alternatively, I am available if you’d like to share or discuss your thoughts on any of our topics.


Task 2

Next week we will be revisiting a junior school favourite: show-and-tell. Bring to class an item that tells your classmates something about you. 


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Clem's Wellness Journal

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Kate's Wellness Journal

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Ady's Wellness Journal

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The Authors

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