Where The Sky Hangs


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There's something about the rain. It must be the low, dark clouds which paint the sky. It must be the thunderous yet soothing pitter-patter of the rain drops. Maybe, it's the familiar chill in the air that nips your skin.

The rain brings back tons of memories, both good and bad. At one perspective, it seems to purify; to cleanse. It seems to wash away the grime and dirt happening in your life, even just for a moment. It's as if the elements, which want to be in harmony so badly, get you and are like "Hey you're gonna be okay." The rain gives you the chance to reflect, to wonder, to imagine.

At times, though, the rain makes me feel messed up. It reminds me of lost hope. Confusion. It washes away the fresh coat of paint and brings out the old, true form hidden within; the broken promises; the words unsaid. It brings this numbing loneliness. It makes all the regret and all the bottled-up feelings resurface. But you know what hurts the most?

The rain reminds me of you.


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