The World Of The Mysterious Children


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The box under the floor board

Have you wondered. About the brain I have always herd that we as humans only use 10%of our brains, you may be wondering why am even speaking about this well let me start of by saying my name is Azriah,alone with my brothers Tyrell, we are home alone most of the time so me and my brother are the only ones at home. "Hey Azriah mom's on the phone" I got up from the and took the phone "hello" I said "what are you doing did you eat anything." Replied mom.

"Yep I did eat" mom always ask me that question, she says I need to gain weight, even when I did not eat because I was not hungry I always  tell her I ate something, lying is the only option in life  sometimes in life. "Okay if you say so" mom said "I need to go I will speak to you when I get home." "Goodbye" I said I was relieved when I got mom off my back.

"Well look at that Azriah the good girl lied" Tyrell laughed "whatever" I moaned I did not have time to care what Tyrell had to say. I went back to sit down Tyrell's phone rang again, " is it mom I shrieked "no I don't know." Tyrell answered "yo" hello I knew your grandmother and your grandfather, I was very good friends with them, and they died protecting something in that house they died in that house, you need to find it the box you may be in danger." The phone line cut off. 

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