A Vampire's Love


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A Vampire's Love

 This is a story of a girl who lived several years ago, she saw death everywhere she was a killer.

But since that present day she met him...

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Chapter One.

 I am who you need to fear, I am who should everyone fear, I am a vampire a killer.

My name is Savana Vladmir I've been living several years ago I never change except for my age. 

I live alone... all of my vampire kind died....

But anyways this is my life living with the humans...


"Savana, hey!"

I snap out of my own thoughts remembering that Trisha was talking to me. "Ah, sorry Trish I spaced out again"

Trish looked at me with a worried look.

"You don't have to worry about me Trish:) I'm fine"

I said.

"As if I'll be okay!" I said inside my thoughts.

After that night I went back home alone....again...

I look up to see the bright moon hovering over me.

When all of a sudden my urge of thirst is coming again. 

I covered my mouth feeling my fangs coming out.

"Oh no..."

"Shit" I fell down on the ground.

"I need blood....blood"

I muttered and muttered until...

"Miss are you okay???"

A man knelt down and put his hand over my shoulder...my mind was blank I couldn't think of anything my eyes glow red.

I grab him and sink my fangs at his neck tasting the sweetest blood I could ever taste.

I could hear him shouting for help but I didn't care I sink down deeper. Once I was done I stood up and the man fell down with no life at all.

I pant and pant looking up the sky which is now red.

"I want more"I said with a insane voice.

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