

Tablo reader up chevron


 I brake harshly, as my car screeched to a halt in the school car park. I jumped out and locked the car. Turning around, my breath was swept away from me, when I saw him. Dressed all in black he lounged against the fence, puffing on his cigarette his eye caught mine. I felt a surging steam of electricity flow through my arm, and my arm was suddenly alive with goosebumps. He winked at me, snubbed his cigarette on the fence post and sauntered over to me. My stomach plummeted, as I flicked my long, dead-straight jet-black hair over my shoulder. Wait, is he like me? I was told that I would soon be destined to meet someone, someone like me, is this him? The prophecy stated that i would meet another, like me, with the opposite gender, then we will fall in love. But, he would be the other type, and their would be a huge controversy in the vampire community and the conduits would be alerted. Thinking to myself, i thought that even if i did fall so deeply in love with the other type, i always convinced myself that we would run away together, that it would be our destiny. 

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The Journey Forward

 Tentitively, i stepped forward, my black velvet high-heel clicked loudly on the tarmac beneath me, but i felt as if i was gliding through the air towards him, my blood pulsing and pumping so rapidly, I felt a if  it my arteries and veins would burst from the pressure. He neared me, becoming ever closer, closer and closer.

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