A World on Fire


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 The room was quiet. Tracks of mud lead from the door to the chair. Besides the chair, the only thing in the room was a desk, computer, and filing cabinet. Sitting at the desk, was a man. He was roughly five and a half feet tall. All his facial features were covered by a gas mask. He wore a trench coat and beneath it there was a Kevlar vest. Bandages ran up and down his arms, his legs covered by cargo pants.

He pressed a button on his computer, and the intercom rang to life. “All land forces prep for combat, air squads one and two prepare for a full day of sorties. All remaining air squads prepare for a code three. K1, and D3, head down to my office. I have a special mission for you. Striketeam 1 and 2 you will be escorts for all non-military personal during the evacuation. All other ground forces are to hold the enemies advance until the retreat signal is given. After that, fall back and rendezvous with your COs. Never forget those who’ve fallen, and keep fighting for those who haven’t.”

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 Zack laid on the mountainside and let the sun warm his face. The weather was nice this time of year, it was rather warm, but not hot. Zack commonly came to his secluded retreat. There a small, flat opening about five feet wide on the mountainside. Immediately beneath it was a naturally-heated pool of water, no bigger than three feet tall and wide. During winter months, the pool could be used like a hot tub, but during the current summer months it served no purpose. 

Zack was grateful to have found the secluded spot. He remembered all the times when he considered telling someone of it, and as a shadow passed over him, remembering the one time he did. As the figure laid itself out next to him, he opened one storm-grey eye as his only greeting to the girl now laying beside him. Her fierce blue eyes peeking out from behind white locks of hair. “You aren’t supposed to be here.” She said to him calmly, but sternly.

Zack yawned, taking his time before responding, “yea... but that’s not gunna stop me.” “Zack you should this more seriously. Your not giving any effort, not that that’s surprising, but you do need to try more.” She said flatly. “...I’m not asking you to do everything your fathers asking, but just try a little more, will you?” Zack grunted “m’kay, just cause you asked Charlotte. I’ll start trying a little more... tomorrow.” Zack said, getting a grin from himself and a light punch from her. “Why don’t you lie down and take a break with me for a while Blueberry? I know your mothers been giving you some trouble too.” Charlotte rolled her eyes, “I would, but I’ve gotta get back before long and make a cake for someones birthday or something... see you.” Zack grunted his goodbye and drifted back into slumber


Zack awoke, smelling smoke before he saw it. He quickly ran around the side of the mountain until his village was once again in view. He chocked back a sob, maybe it was better than it looked? If not... 

He ran down the mountain faster than he had ever ran in his life. His legs burned as he approached the village. The gate that was supposed to keep them safe was charred black, and swung open on broken hinges when he pushed it. Zack fell to his knees. Almost the entire village, had been dragged into the open and executed. A single bullet hole through the heads of friends and family alike. 

It was alright, right? Zack hadn’t seen any dead children, so maybe whoever did this showed some mercy. Yes, it had to be that, Charlotte was fine, she was fine, Charlotte was fine... she had to be. “Charlotte...” Zack muttered, noticing blood in the door of the town hall. “Charlotte!” Zack said again louder. “Char-“ Zack lost the contents of his stomach as he opened the door. Twelve ropes hung from the ceiling, and all the children of the village hung there with them, each beaten worse than the last.

Charlotte was not among the dead. She wasn’t there. But what Zack did see, scared him to the core. A flag had been spray painted onto the wall. A foreign flag. It had begun. The world had been set on fire. The west had invaded his east. One of the two remaining kingdoms on this planet had invaded the other. Zack’s kingdom stood no chance. He stared at the flag and vowed vengeance against those who did this. 

Among others, Charlotte was not among those hanging, meaning she was out there, somewhere. And he was gunna find her. Bits of metal were drawn off the ground and towards Zack as he lost control of his magical ability. But he didn’t care. One thing was on his mind, and one thing alone. It was tomorrow, and he was gunna take it very seriously.

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 Mike was... an interesting character. “Ooh! Another penny!” He said as he reached down to grab another coin off the ground. Mikes magical ability increased his luck tenfold, if not more. And if he ever had any naturally occurring good luck, then his luck became almost ungodly. But even Mike, the luckiest man ever, faced challenges. Maybe Mike wasn’t so lucky, after all his entire family had just been murdered due to being subhuman, or as they called them ‘inhuman.’ 

Mike wasn’t sure if it was out of fear, hate, or some other emotion. And, thanks to his luck, he learned who was responsible. And he was gunna do something about it.

Mike had learned that the western nation of Althea, had invaded his home nation of Elthea. Between the two, only Elthea would allow subhumans. Mikes history class taught him that after a bloody world war, the two nations were established, and they slowly absorbed other smaller nations until they were all that was left. After the outbreak of subhumans, Althea rejected them and they all fled to Elthea. 

Over time, the subhuman population grew, and so did the hate harbored by those on the other side of the border. After a small spike in crime, Althea began building up its military, while on the other hand, Elthea saw no use for a larger military and severly cut military spending. Elthea officials saw no reason to have a military when it ruled half the world, and was close allies with the nation who ruled the other half. 

The war started for seemingly no reason, and ended almost immediately after. Since the Elthean capital, Discus, was near the border, it had fallen within two days of the invasion. An unconditional surrender was given. This proved disastrous to subhumans, now legally regarded as inhumans.

The Elthean government received one warning, two weeks before the invasion. The man responsible for the warning is now the most wanted man in the entire nation. His name is the last thing the Altheans have to fear, and his symbol, a red gas mask on a black background, is now synonymous with resistance. Known as ICE-3, he lead the rebellion, the last hope for subhumans everywhere. Joining his rebellion was the only reason Mike was showing his face in town, risking being seen and recognized.

A unmarked van pulled up down the road, and out popped two men dressed in BDUs, fully armed. “Wow... just my luck.” Thought Mike, as he walked towards the members of the rebellion he so desperately wanted to join. 

Mike walked right up to the men, prompting one to turn and point his gun at him, and said “Yo, im a subhuman, I want in on the rebellion.” 

The two men looked at each other, one said “what’s your ability? Mines lie detection, so I’ll know if you lie.” 

“My ability is luck. And if that’s true then know the only thing that I want more than joining your alliance, is revenge for my fallen family.” 

After exchanging glances, one of the guys nodded, and gestured to the back of the van. Mike took one look around the town he grew up in. If he stepped in the van, he probably would never see it again. Mike sighed, and pulled himself into the van. “So... what's first?”

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