Asylum Seekers: Fight for Freedom


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Prologue: Her Story


There was that one choice in my life, which fixed my path. This one choice, over the near millions that I've made over my life. Sometimes, on a clean night, I like to go back to my childhood, and relive my path. In all it's twists and turns. And I wonder, just how different my life, my path, would have- could have been if I had just accepted an offer here, an invitation there. But then- I realise, that this path brought me Lillianna, and Rhosmari. And it's in the darkest of clear nights that I understand, that I love this path. That I've walked it. That I would walk it again, with a smile on my face and a swing in my step.


A subtle break in the silence that surrounded me was the first of many cues that the night- my last one- will soon end.


All too soon, morning awoke, and with it, her hesitance. After all, Lillianna has seen my relapses, the reason I hide from this new place. New strangers. She doesn't want me to hurt any more that what I have already. But it's for her, both Lillianna, and Rhosmari, that I will. I won't- no I can't say it. But I can write it down.


Despite my protests, they want to know. It's horrific, ghastly, and as much as they swear they will still love me afterwards... I can't help but doubt it. It's experience. I'm biased. I can't help wanting them to give up. But they won't.


Delicately twirling the quill in my hand, I sigh. I wish Lillianna was here. I need her support. Now more than ever. But Rhosmari dragged her off, spouting claims that this is my final journey. That I need to take this alone. That I would not write everything, soften it. And I would, no point denying it. So I understand why Rhosmari did what she did.


Steeling myself, I cautiously open the journal- the first of many littering the old desk. Slipping my quill into violet ink, I close my eyes, sigh, and begin to change mere memories into inked words. After this, I will be reborn, these memories washed away. I can start anew.

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Chapter 1: Choices


Perhaps I should start with a description of myself, at 10. Fresh out of every child’s- and adults- darkest nightmare. The Asylum. If you step out; you're 100% fixed! I learned afterwards that it's advertised everywhere. Fixes children, right up to their 18th year. After that- well, it sucks to be you.


See, the Government wants Perfection. To achieve Perfection for everyone. So, to make it fair, they- for free!- fix the Imperfect, so they will fit in. Pretty nice, right? Gay, Lesbian? Just pop your child in for a few weeks, and they'll return right as rain. Trying to rebel? Still under age? Try a year, with monthly reviews... Magic? You're a secret, like the Old Worlds myths of Area 51; Everyone knows that you exist, and are in the Asylum, just not ever openly advertised. Whichever way, you'll be taken, and if you're lucky, placed with a Government settlement family if you are released.. Most children stay with their settlement family, because their old family weren't as good as their new one.


At 10- God, have I gone off at a tangent- I was thin. Small. Terrified. I was pliable, almost putty in my settlement families hands. Being tiny- even at this age- meant my hair was cut short. The Asylum- and the Government- believes that your Imperfect hair should reflect your height. So- tiny body equals short hair. And vice versa. Short, freshly washed, black hair. Which held a stark contrast to the snow colour of my face, and very bright green eyes. Although they weren't sparkling with a sense of new found freedom, but rather dulled, downcast. As they taught me. As they drilled into me.


I'm not superior. I'm fixed. I was Imperfect. Now I'm Perfect. I am still tainted. I am still worthless. But I can pass as Perfect. I still believe myself Imperfect. My traitorous body showed no signs of health that others of my age take for granted. Although, the Doctor said that that will change slowly with my settlement family; that everyone leaves here not unlike myself, but it will sort itself out.


I was let out... I was cured of my freakishness. My Imperfection. I was no longer tabooed. Unwanted becomes wanted.


I was sat in an unfamiliar environment; the dull grey outer walls of the Asylum, waiting in a new, and clean, tank top and trousers. I took a deep breath, tasting the fresh air- much to the amusement of the clean orderly. Female. Keeping in with the old façade of same sex doctors treating (or helping, depending on whom you ask) the 'poor, misguided youths'. Bah, I wish. Probably would have had more luck with Miss Clean and Tidy here.


Glancing up though my lashes at her, I noted how the white lab coat gave way to tied back brown hair. The hairstyle in question, I later found out it was in fact, a simple- although Elli said it was surprisingly messy- bun. Moving my eyes back down, sat smart black shoes, that peeked out beneath softer, grey trousers.


Biting back a giggle- one of my fists, and a bitten lip- at her thinly veiled annoyance at something I- at that point- had no clue about; I continued waiting anxiously for whatever it was I was out there for. I quickly schooled my expression back into my neutral default, not wanting to throw away whatever chance I had reaped. Whatever life was heading my way. The only life I had known was that at my back. Risking a glance behind me, I couldn't repress the shiver that rocketed down my spine.


Daring a quick glance at the freshly dubbed Miss Clean and Tidy, I couldn't help the surge of anger at he smug look. I clenched my jaw, and fixed my gaze firmly on the iron-wrought gate marking the other end of the gravel drive, I hoped to see whatever we were waiting for.


In all honesty, I didn't have to wait longer than a few minutes before the gates were flung open, coming to a controlled stop just wide enough for a single Motor to pass untouched. The sudden movement sent previously undisturbed gravel flying into the air. After the grey cloud had settled, I managed to make out a Motor- well, at the time it was a moving blue thing, but now I know it to be a Motor!


My surprisingly clean teeth bit down lightly on my lip, as Miss Clean and Tidy looked down at me sympathetically. She crouched down to my level as the Motor jerked to a stop.


It'll be hard to adjust, but you can do it.” She murmured, never taking her startling hazel eyes off mine. She sounded like she truthfully cared. Needless to say, the personality change unnerved me. The moment I gave her a small nod, she turned cold, and distant again.




Shaking my head, I turned my attention to the couple that just stepped out of the Motor. Subconsciously, I huddled closer to myself on the cold step; I couldn't help the slight fear of them. The Doctors- I knew, they were mean, fierce, but I knew how to act around them. But this new couple were different... colourful. Scary.


Part of me- the part that craves familiarity- wanted me to run inside, to a safer environment. Well, maybe not safer, per say, but it was familiar. I know it. But I couldn't. And it was with morbid curiosity that I remained where I was positioned on the step, and watched the young Perfect couple halt a few steps away. They seemed like skittish animals; as the woman looked up, before averting her eyes.


The man gingerly stepped forward, and I barely restrained the flinch at him being in the near vicinity to myself.

Uh- hello.” He stated, twiddling with the bottom of his red jacket. He glanced at Miss Clean and Tidy, before clearing his throat noisily, and wiping his hands carelessly on his jeans. “I'm-uh- James, and this is Elli, my-um- partner.”


James' eyes flicked to my almost curled form; then to this 'Elli' who looked like she was debating whether to hug me, or run backwards. I would've personally preferred the latter at that very moment, and for her to have taken this James with her (he just rubbed me the wrong way- okay?). But for her to come to the Asylum, for someone like me. Well, I should be grateful. Lesson 5: Be grateful.


See- there's 7 lessons you have to learn before you are even considered to leave.

1) Selflessness

2) Helpfulness

3) How to be a Modal citizen (Or how to act like a Perfect)

4) Gratefulness

5) Basic schooling, depending on age, and previous experience

6) No questions. None. Nada. Not heard, and preferably not seen.


Now lesson 7 is the tricky one. It's the one that depends solely on what you were in there for. Myself? Well, you know that one. Magic. The taboo. The worse of all entries. The hardest to break. I was different, freaky.. unnatural. So I got sent to the Asylum. To heal. Now I am. Perfectly Perfect. Fixed.


Rosaline?” The soft voice broke belonged to Elli. It was truly strange- to hear someone speak to me so gently. “Rosaline. You- you're.. okay?” Glancing up at her flushed face, watching the cold air billow out of her mouth in a cloud, it took me a while to realise what exactly she wanted- a confirmation. Sighing inwardly, I gave her a small nod. I studied her face, mesmerised, as she smiled; the ones that lit up her whole face. A ghost of a smile etched itself on my own face. It felt right to smile, despite how small. However, the smile quickly gave way to the neutral default, a twinge of sadness passing through when Elli's smile flickered, but was quickly recovered- just not as blinding as before.


Miss Clean and Tidy took a confident step forward, giving a barely noticeable flick of her hand as a beckon for me to follow her like an obedient puppy. I scrambled forward, glad to put more distance between my back, and the concrete walls. The elation of leaving was only slightly muted by the strangers; Elli and James.


Now, you have received our reports, correct?” Miss Clean and Tidy asked. Upon collecting a nod from Elli, who was now within arms length, she continued: “Well, you understand that her change was incredibly quick for someone with her -gah- abilities?” Another nod. “Well she- Rosaline, I mean- is fine. Normal. Advanced, even, for her age. Rosaline has easily surpassed the cognitive abilities that we expect from even an eleven year old, with basic literature, and numeracy. We began on her Historical lessons of the Old World a mere day before she undertook the Leavers programme. You have a very fast, curious, young girl on your hands, Elli, you and your family.” She completed, flashing a smile in my direction. It was almost- looking back on it- like she was a proud parent.


She won't attack us. Right. She's fixed.” James' dismissive voice severed whatever pride I had allowed myself to salvage from Miss Clean and Tidy's statement. However, upon spying Elli's apologetic, and somewhat annoyed look, I quickly took my cue to shine.


Nervously, I quietly cleared my throat, shyly stepping forward to line up with Miss Clean and Tidy. “I'm fine. I won't be dangerous. I swear. I won't do anything wrong.” Pushing down the incentive to move, I tried to instead create patterns out of the gravel.


I brought my eyes up as worn trainers obscured my vision. My eyes connected with the golden colour of Elli's eyes. Those eyes, alongside her soft, happy look, made me instantaneously relax. She slowly held her arms open. Whispering so softly that I, a mere foot away had to strain to hear her, she asked; “C-can I hug you?” I bit my lip, and stepped forward- into her embrace- nodding. I allowed my body to fall, content, against Elli's taller frame (you've got to remember, I was five, and tiny!). I felt her arms tighten possessively around me, bringing me closer into her knelt body, and bowed head.

I will never let you go, I promise” I head Elli mutter into my hair. I nodded again, closely my eyes tightly to hold back tears.


I gave myself this moment of comfort, although if you'd ask before, I would have said I did it for Elli (lesson 1!). I disentangled myself at James' rather pointed cough. Apparently, we had been hugging long enough for James to sign me over into Elli's care, as the representative of my new settlement family.


James smile, and stepped back, closer to the Motor now, rather than to me. Elli's hands fell lifelessly from my shoulders, and took a single step back as well. When I went to follow, Miss Clean and Tidy pulled me towards her; glancing disdainfully at the concrete, before locking my eyes and nodding sharply at me, stepping back onto the steps.


It was here that I realised I was being given a choice. Between the Asylum. Or Elli. And freedom.


Allowing this thought to tide me over, I faintly grinned, and took my final steps toward my freedom. Elli giggled, rocking on the balls of her feet as the tense moment passed and she gingerly ushered me into the back-seat of the Motor, clambering in afterwards. I allowed myself to relax at James' deep singing, way out of tune to the radio. Leaning into Elli's strong frame, hearing the whispers of a better world. I looked back at the Asylum, wanting one last look at my first five years.


Laura. That was Miss Clean and Tidy's name. Doctor Laura Colclough. When she was younger, she wanted to work in the media. She did; as the main link between the public, and the Asylum. Laura Colclough. One of the many people I came in contact with whom I am only just noting.

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Chapter 2: Middle Ground


Between my release and my eleventh birthday, I had learned mostly how the whole Leavers thing worked. Every month, I would get a visit from Doctor Colclough, and one of her trainees. They would perform a routine exam, consisted of a Dentist, Medical, and a private therapist session with Doctor Colclough. In the therapy session, the Doc goes over my lessons briefly, before I would retake a Post-Leavers exam. This exam focused on the Magic, and making sure it was kept controlled. Truthfully, I don't remember much of this part of the exam, but I think it involved something to do with a small crystal. I remember the lessons, but then after the Doc brings out something for the final half- it all goes blank.



My family was very... different- for lack of a better word. Elli, and James to an extent, took pleasure in celebrating every thing. Father ignored me for the most part- except to greet me when I first came here. I was distantly loved by my mother, and treated like a porcelain doll by James. Elli. Oh God, Elli. She loved me. Irrevocably. Unconditionally.


Anyway- Father, according to Elli's pre-bed stories, used to be an open book. But he slowly closed after losing job after job until he was pulled into the Government. He became an Unnamed; the workers in the hush-hush section of the Government. That is where the happiness is sucked out of a person. Mother baked, cooked, and laughed until they started down that route. The poverty. The risk of losing what little they could scrape up. Father's stable job opened her up, but not by much.


James lived in the main city, and because of that, I've never actually seen his house in the years I've lived as Rosaline Banks. Ours, however, was right on the outskirts and then some of Gali: In the Old World, before the attack, Gali was named London, which was apparently surrounded by land. However, the attack caused this River 'Thames' to expand and eventually broke it away to Gali, now living on the very eastern coast. This whole island- Arluen- is the only safe place in the New World, as waste still lingers everywhere else.


According to my Historical Lessons of the Old World; an Old Country launched a 'nuclear weapon' (Explosive device, that is very dangerous and sends out a huge amount of energy.), to stop what they counted as a World War III, but something had gone wrong, and they sent out their whole supply of these things to various points in the Old World, which caused others to react in the same way. In the end, all the Old Countries turned into desolate wastelands. Save Arluen, or Great Britain. This island was the only surviving place. Nevertheless, Arluen had lost a lot of land, so Gali was now not even 5 minutes Motor ride. Scotland, had completely broken away, just above a place called 'Hadrians Wall'.


Arluen was split into 4 different sectors, each focusing on a different aspect of life needed. Nila, to the north, dealt with farms, and generally created stuff needed for the population- including weaponry, and machinery. Celfifca, was the whole midland- including Gali, and held the different Government areas and many of the cities. However, Celfifca also hoisted Marun, where all of the training centres were. Finally, Fon, to the south, was in two parts. Firstly, in the very middle stood the Asylum. That in itself was surrounded by electric fences, barbed wire, and was then patrolled by a small garrison. About ten miles apart from each other stood prisons, and then carefully protected armouries. The actual border between Fon and Celfifca was shown by a huge barbed fence. For Elli and James, and anyone else, to come through to the Asylum, they had to go through extensive checks, which were speeded up due to Elli's (and mine, I suppose) Father being such a highly respected Unnamed.


Our house itself was to the north-east of Gali. Inside Gali itself was all the public schools, which were free to every child who wanted the education. Anyway- our house was about a good half and hour from the main city gate of Gali, with a dark brick driveway, guarded by another smaller brick path. On both sides of this path, and the first 300m each way from the house is lush open fields, and further back a wood, all within our lands. I had never fully gone round the whole perimeter of the house, but the huge intricate fence disappeared into the woods either side, so I presume that it follows right the way round.


Day after day, Elli would pry down my walls, getting me outside, naming different wild flowers, animals, both their Old World and New World names. We had spent most of my time there traversing the woods that surrounded us. Elli said that forests were more densely populated, and that there wasn't any remaining in the New World. James would teach me whatever he could in his free time- Old World History, Advanced Literature, and Advanced Numeracy. He even taught me about Politics in both the Old World, and the New World, and Law. I did find Politics the most interesting, although according to both James, and Elli, it would only be taught in Post-18 Schools.


Elli and James were insistent to celebrate rather random points during the year. I, to begin with, never understood their insistence to celebrate what I considered silly events. Well- the birthday once was rather funny- on my eleventh Elli had gotten up early to make me a small cupcake with a candle on it. Father was away at work. Mother, on the other hand, despite being in Nila for a conference (she used to be a Chef, according to Elli, one of the best, before she was forced into marring Father, although she still attends conferences across Arluen), sent a card, and a recipe for the cupcake Elli made me. She apologised for not being there, and promised a few presents when she returned: I got a journal, leather back, and on each page at the bottom there was a description and picture of a plant. Elli received a recipe book, with space to make her own amendments. It was there, I suppose, I realised that I had come to love my Mother, who was very rarely there, but was a completely different person to the cold woman I had first met.


Anyway, my birthday went off without a hitch, and Elli and I spent most of it outside on the grounds.


The next big event that took place was a confusing, and somewhat scary encounter.


I remember being stood- frozen- in front of one of the Library windows. Then suddenly, I started screaming for Elli.


What?” Elli called, rushing through the old door at my scream. “Rose- calm down- what's wrong?”


The-the- outside. Elli! Look!” I babbled, tripping and fumbling over my words, making harsh gestures outside.


What? Oh-” Elli perked up, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh- Rose, it's snowing! It's your first snowfall with us!”


Snow?” I reflected, my voice soft now that Elli seemed to welcome this 'snow'. “What's that? You've never covered it.”


Elli stared blankly at me for a second, before realisation swept over her face. “Of course! You've never seen snow before. Oops- um, you can't remember if you've seen snow. Anyway, it's um white stuff. Uh- it's kinda like small uh. It's cold. Surely, in all the reading- you've come across it!?”


I shook my head, feeling resentment grow at making Elli obviously uncomfortable, and slight annoyance at my disability to find anything that would make this début of snow less surprising, less off-putting.


Well, I suppose we're just going to have to aren't we?” Elli exclaimed- once again finishing an untold thought out loud. “Come on- get changed into the warmest clothes you've got, and meet me downstairs quick!” She finished excitedly, before rushing off, the echo of her feet sprinting following her departure.


At a more relaxed pace, I followed, completing her orders of warm clothes. Just by the back door, Elli bounced, more clothes held in hand. I could feel her eyes glancing- no that's not quite it- analysing my appearance. Apparently, standing there in a fur-lined coat, thick, woolen trousers, and fur boots wasn't enough to appease Elli, as she promptly pulled me forward to wrap a multi-coloured scarf around my neck, pushing a hat onto my head, and finally a pair of gloves. Only then, did she step back to admire her work. I felt rather silly, but if Elli enjoyed it, I would tolerate it.


Before I realised what she was doing, Elli had thrown open the door, and ran out, yelling for me to follow her. I started to, then jerked to a stop at the doorway. Scanning the grounds, all I could see was white. It covered the ground, and fell, gracefully, in a controlled spiral down from clouds. I gulped. I thought I could handle any situation, but in that moment, with this new thing swirling dangerously, I couldn't do it. But yet, I was still ensnared by this mysterious thing. I felt trapped, caged, a feeling that returned that I recognised that I knew I shouldn't but I did and I would rather I did not recognise it but I could not help it.


A vision, of a young girl, all dirty hair, and small, lying on the floor of a windowless room. She screamed out, her voice raspy, throat sore, begging for anything. Begging for food. Water. Help. Promises of better behaviour. She would not do it again. Promises, promises, promises... Laughter filtered through an unseen door led a following bang, silencing the girl.



More laughter.

A vision blurred.

A time long forgotten.

A blanket covering the mind.


Rose? Rosaline? Hey- c'mon Rose, wakey wake!” My eyes blinked open, a fuzzy blur at the foreground, and plain white ceiling in the back. “Oh thank you!” Elli breathed a sigh of relief, grinning from ear to ear. “You're awake!


I tried to speak, but found my mouth dry, and my tongue fuzzy, so all that escaped was a croak. I found a glass of water placed at my mouth, and with no push, I started to drink. Elli was very careful to not to spill any down my chin.


You OK now Rose?” Elli inquired softly, not wanting to startle me further.

Yes, uh, I think so anyway.” I replied cautiously, taking care to note any injuries I may have received- there wasn't any, don't worry.


What happened then?” She pushed further. I looked up at her, biting my lip. What had happened? I had never seen that girl before, and yet, I think I recognised her; like that dream you had ages ago, and you had forgotten about until you had the dream again, and you felt that vague sense of familiarity.


I shook my head, and lent up, Elli moving backwards to help me rest against a pillow. I took this time now to become more aware of my surroundings. The lavish sofa, ornate desk, and chair coupled with the lightness of the room gave me more than enough clues to realise that I was in the downstairs study- the one that belonged to Elli (and me, she loved to remind me, it was mine too and I didn't need to constantly knock). I toyed with the idea of lying- telling her I had no clue, but that vision had seriously shaken me. I didn't want to burden Elli with such Imperfect rubbish though.


Sighing, I made the mistake of locking eyes with her. Elli's eyes had a way of making me feel completely safe, trusted, and loved. That I could share anything with her. So I did.

It was, a, I don't know.” I stuttered, “I felt trapped, almost, I think, with your snow. No, that isn't right- I felt mesmerised, you know? I saw someone- a little girl. She was dirty, and, I think she was trapped- she was laying in the middle of this room. There was no windows, but I couldn't see a door. She was screaming- Elli, oh god, her screams- and begging, but there was laughter, and bang, and – and then she was silent.”


Elli, without hesitation, pulled me into her arms, gently rocking me, whispering inaudibly into my hair. I whimpered, and allowed myself to fall into her sway, realising for the first time that I had tears trekking down my face.


Shush, shush, sweetheart, it's OK, it's fine. You're fine.” Elli repeated, both for me, and herself. “Just a dream, I promise sweetie. Just a dream.”


After about 10 minutes of this, I wriggled free, but I was still close enough to lean against her if I needed it. “Listen, Rose,” Elli started, using a finger to delicately push my chin up to catch her eyes, “Next time this happens, tell me, alright? I want to know, because I need to make sure you're comfortable. So, I don't care when, or where, just come tell me if this happens again. Please sweetie?”


OK, alright, I will” I replied quietly, nodding my head. Gulping, I gathered my strength, and asked: “Do- do you think we could try this snow again?”


Elli laughed, relief clear on her face. “Course, milady” she jokingly responded, guiding me off the sofa and back into my outdoor clothes.


I followed Elli's giggly frame as we both stopped just inside the door. Elli turned to look at me, and grabbed my gloved hand with hers. With a small nod, she gently pulled me outside, keeping her eyes on me. It was weird. Stepping on this compact fluff. I let go of Elli's hand to crouch, and inspect the snow instead.


We both turned our backs to the house, and Elli crouched down beside me, her getting her amusement from my amazement. Suddenly there was an all too familiar shout, followed quickly by a thud, and Elli falling forward into the snow. I jumped and madly looked around, before recognising James' deep laugh.


I got you good, Elli! Hey Rose!” James shouted, grinning at me. James wanted to nickname me 'Line', but Elli stopped that pretty quickly. However, James still called me that on occasion It turns out James was only cold at the pick-up because he's seen way too many children disappear into that place. He took me aside after a week, and apologised.


James!” Elli shrieked, pushing herself out of the snow. “That's it! You're so immature!” Elli suddenly had a ball of snow into her hand, and to my incredible amusement and intrigue, launched this at James, whom quickly moved out of the way, laughing.

C'mon Elli, you throw pathetically! Hey, Line? C'mere for a sec, would you?” He beckoned, and with a single glance at Elli; who was shaking her head.

Rose, don't you dare leave me!”

Nah- Line, c'mon! I need you!”

Not today, James!” I called, grinning, and picking up on the couples playfulness.

Yes!” Elli exclaimed, before picking up another ball of snow; “Alright, here's what you do- pick up some snow, and kind of cup in, then you need to chuck it at the idiot over there. Got it?”

I think so- pick up snow, cup it, then chuck at James.” I recited eagerly. I was glad I got over my previous distrust of snow, considering how great this thing was- despite it's unnatural coldness. And in about 15 minutes, I had mastered the art of what Elli called a 'snowball fight'.


After an hour, I couldn't feel my fingers, but I could feel pride at the snowman we had built. When Elli saw just how cold I was, despite the layers, she ushered us inside, sending James to start a fire in our study whilst we got changed. Elli had taken my wet clothes and instructed me to find someone warm in my closet, before leaving me to get herself changed.


Walking over to the closet, I pulled out my normal attire: soft socks, tanned trousers, with a dull green tunic placed over a white under shirt. I almost ran downstairs, and into the study, just stopping myself from knocking on the old oak door. Smiling openly, I pushed the door, and almost skipped in. Elli was still upstairs trying to get the snow from her hair, but James was knelt in front of the fireplace. It was a smaller one that what was in the main lounge, but it still gave off more than enough heat when it was lit.


Here, Line, I can feel you hovering at the door. I'm not going to bite, promise.” James had turned around to face me, with two objects in his hands. “Come on in already, will you? Before Elli claims I kept you out there.”


I walked in, making sure to shut the door behind me; “Hey James, how's the school?” James was a teacher at the only secondary school in Gali. It was also the best one in Arluen, and many parents send their children there. Although, many still, like me, are home-schooled- the ones that have Government parents. Elli was home-schooled, and only met James when she went into Marun for a conference on Environmental Issues, and split her coffee all over James, who was there on a teacher intern ship. When they both found each other again in Gali, it just all sparked off.


Fine, slow, but the students all behave, which is the main thing, isn't it? Mind, one of the girls in my Final Year Law class, got a scholarship offer from Arluen Post-18, for Politics and Law; Natalie Evans, she's from Nila, and it's a great thing she got it too, otherwise, she'll be back working the farms, with no help, considering how poor her family is. They barely afforded to send her to Gali.” James grinned proudly, happy to know that despite how early, a girl with that much talent got such a nice offer. “Here, why don't you try setting this up, huh? It's quite easy, Line.”


Setting up the fire is something I had always loved watching, so it came as no surprise to James when I agreed, and raced forward to sit next to the grate.


Alright, so you've got your flint and steel here. If you scrape one against the other it creates this spark- see?” James held out the two objects for me to try, and it did take me a few tries before I got the spark. “Now, you've got to set up the fuel for it to burn, so, some wood chippings here. Now, you place the steel into the pile, and create the spark.” James had kept the flint and steel in my grip, and lent back enough for me create the spark. Which never caught light.

Now- you see the spark won't take? You need something that can be easily burnt- like this cotton ball” James pulled it out of his coat- which was draped as per usual over the floor- and set it down next to the steel. “Try again Line.”


And so I did, and after a few tries it finally caught. James then moved forward to cover the cotton ball carefully with the chippings. “You've gotta be careful here Line, because if I put to many chippings on the flame it'll blow out, but this should work. Now here's the tricky part- you need to blow on the fire to help it grow- so if I just...” James put his head near the small pile and blew on it. I watched intensely as the small fire grew larger, and James put more chippings onto it. After leaning back, he picked up pieces of wood and started putting them next to the fire. “If we leave this now it should all catch alight. Well done, Line!” James opened his arms as an invitation to hug him, which I quickly did.


Well done, Rose!” Elli's voice rang out from where she was positioned in the doorway. It was obvious that she had been there for a while, but hadn't had the heart to break up the moment.


We spent the rest of the afternoon in chatter, with playful banter rocketing between the two 'adults', and plenty of hot drinks to battle the cold that seemed to attempt to seep in through invisible cracks.


In this moment, I thought I had found my high ground, somewhere from where I could fight, and always win. I had started on the lower, with the Asylum, and I thought I was lucky enough to skip the middle. However, after my experience, I do realise that I was wrong, there was somewhere higher I could go.


This, after all, was only my middle ground.

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Chapter 2: Middle Ground

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Chapter 3: Exploration

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Chapter 4: A Homemade Grave

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Chapter 5: A Year in Hell

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Chapter 6: Another Way to Make Money

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